Public Affairs Office

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Serve as the chief advisor to the commander/command, WBAMC, on public affairs issues/concerns which includes command information, media relations, community relations, and social media to active and retired service members, families and other beneficiaries who receive health care at WBAMC.


  • Acts as the command spokesperson and primary releasing authority for news media for information concerning command programs, policies, activities, issues, staff and patients. This entails preparing and issuing press releases and other information materials, responding to media queries, conducting news conferences and briefings, facilitating round table discussions and coordinating/ facilitating interviews.
  • Accompanies and/or coordinates media escorts for WBAMC and satellite clinics/activities.
  • After input from WBAMC departments and divisions, compiles fiscal year historical report. Per OTSG/MEDCOM Policy Memo 12-023, dated 14 March 2012, IAW AR 360-1, multiple references cited in Appendix A, 25 May 11, most official and unofficial materials written or produced by OTSG/MEDCOM staff requires public affairs clearance before being released in the public domain whether through general publications, speeches, web-based products, oral briefings, professional medical journals, or other public channels
  • Facilitates the Hometown News Release Program.
  • Serves as liaison for community activities.

Public Affairs Contacts

The William Beaumont Army Medical Center Public Affairs Office answers queries from staff, media representatives and beneficiaries concerning various command and health issues and concerns. All queries will be investigated and answered within the framework of security, accuracy, propriety and policy.

TriWest is the center for information and material for TRICARE.

Date Modified: February 1, 2013