A student attending NOAA Science Camp identifies algae from a water sample, trying to determine whether they are a harmful algal type. (NOAA)

Education: For Students and Teachers

Explore an ocean's-worth of information related to our efforts to protect and restore the nation's waters from pollution. You'll find experiments and activities for elementary school students and life-long learners alike.

We hope the information here helps inspire you and others to further investigate and preserve our incredible marine resources.

Go ahead and dive in!

This game teaches a realistic version of the complex water cycle and how the water cycle influences the transport of pollutants.

Try this slick and simple experiment for elementary school students in class or at home to see how oil behaves with water.

Try this simple exercise for elementary school students to demonstrate what happens when oil spills and becomes mixed with the ocean.

Take a look at the way oil affects bird feathers, and try different cleanup methods to find out which works best.

In 1990, NOAA scientists began a long-term study of "Mearns Rock," a large boulder that was oiled but not cleaned during the Exxon Valdez oil spill, to examine how marine life recovers from oil spills. They have been photographing the boulder each year since.

This exercise demonstrates how different oils can act with particular types of beaches.

Get the big picture of what happens when oil spills: how much oil gets spilled, what can cause a spill, who cleans it up, and how do they do it?

Oil spills into rivers, bays, and the ocean are caused by accidents involving tankers, barges, pipelines, refineries, and storage facilities.

When oil spills into the ocean, it's especially likely to harm animals and plants near the water surface and along the shore.

Learn more in this education resource for students and teachers.

In the United States, depending on where the oil spill occurs, either the U.S. Coast Guard or the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency takes charge of the spill response.

Browse these other online resources aimed at students and teachers interested in ocean, coastal, and pollution issues.

World Ocean Day is a global celebration honoring the ocean that gives us so much and links us across the globe.

Hear a timeless message for young scientists from NOAA environmental scientist Dr. Amy Merten as she describes the unexpected path bringing her to study environmental problems from the Gulf of Mexico to the Arctic Circle.