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February 2013 | Olive Branch Post by Viola Gienger
“Trustable” presidential elections will be the linchpin for Afghanistan’s transition in the next two years, according to Fawzia Koofi, a member of Parliament and chairman of women’s affairs in the chamber. She told a USIP audience that Afghans feel burned by the lingering questions about the legitimacy of the last presidential elections in 2009.
February 2013 | News Feature by Thomas Omestad

South Sudan may be the world’s newest country, but its five-decade struggle for freedom, peace, and independence from Sudan won wide international support and led to formal statehood on July 9, 2011. Though long-term hopes for a successful democracy remain high and the young government in Juba enjoys significant U.S. and international support, South Sudan’s initial period as a nation-state has included some troubling signs of heavy-handed, undemocratic actions.

February 2013 | Olive Branch Post by Robert Perito

In Pakistan’s struggle against violent extremism, Pakistan police officers have sacrificed their lives to save the lives of those around them. Heroic acts by the police have occurred in Peshawar, Quetta and Karachi, the cities impacted most by the spread of terrorism from the tribal areas bordering Afghanistan. In Pakistan’s cities, police are responsible for confronting the threat from extremists groups.

(Courtesy, Bill Fitz-Patrick, USIP)
February 2013 | News Feature by Viola Gienger

Speaking at a major conference held at USIP, former Sierra Leone policymaker and diplomat Zainab Hawa Bangura appealed for greater political will, public determination, and improved technical capacity to prevent and prosecute the “vile crime.” The effects of continued impunity devastate survivors and weaken a society’s ability to recover from war.

Countries: Mali, Sierra Leone | Issue Areas: Gender and Peacebuilding
February 2013 | News Feature by USIP Staff

The U.S. Institute of Peace (USIP) and the Reserve Officers Association held a joint program on Capitol Hill on February 12 to explore new education and training approaches to help U.S. troops better prepare for complex missions in fragile and conflict states.

Countries: Afghanistan, Iran | Issue Areas: Training