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Political Section

The Political Section is responsible for advising the Ambassador on overall political relations between the United States and the Republic of Turkey.  Political officers work closely with the Turkish Government, the Parliament and political parties to expand and enhance this strong bilateral relationship.   They focus on areas of mutual interest such as transnational issues, including Trafficking in Persons and Counterterrorism.   The section also keeps the U.S. Government informed about various political and social developments in Turkey, as well as Turkish foreign policy, and any potential impact on U.S.-Turkey relations.

Political officers tend to concentrate on either external or internal relations.  In addition, one officer focuses on regional counterterrorism issues as her exclusive responsibility.  Officers who cover external relations usually focus on a particular geographic region or a multilateral organization such as the E.U. or the OSCE.  These portfolios are fluid: for example, one officer has just taken on issues related to Turkey’s temporary membership in the United Nations Security Council.  Members of the section frequently travel throughout Turkey to gain a better understanding of the country’s unusual diversity, to advance close ties and to promote mutual understanding.

The Section is headed by the Counselor for Political Affairs, and includes eight other political officers, many of whom are fluent in Turkish, two senior Turkish political specialists, and an office manager.