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Speeches and Transcripts by Ambassador Kim

Ambassador Sung Kim
USFK Hosted Veteran’s Day Ceremony
Sunday, November 11, 2012

General Dempsey, General Thurman, GEN Kwon, Lieutenant General Joo, Mr. Darrin Combs (Commander, Dept. of Pacific Areas, VFW), Mr. Gary Beck (Commander, District 3-Korea, VFW),
Service members and distinguished guests: 
I am privileged to be with you today to honor our veterans.  The U.S.-ROK alliance that we enjoy today is a tribute to all of you and the extraordinary bravery and sacrifice of our veterans. 

I would first like to welcome General Dempsey to Korea and thank him for making the long trip to spend Veteran’s Day with us here in Seoul.  Your presence means a great deal to all of us.  I would also like to thank General Thurman for inviting me to speak today and to the Veterans of Foreign Wars District III for hosting today’s ceremony.  Let me also thank General Thurman for being such a great partner and friend in managing our very important alliance with Korea.   

This is a very special day for all of us.  My generation owes those before us, the veterans and civilians who sacrificed so much to give us the opportunity and freedom to choose our path.  Veterans such as Mr. Kurt Dressler, a veteran of the Korean War; Major retired Ben Delahunty, the Korean War and Vietnam War, Major General retired Ryu, Joon Hyung, a veteran of the Korean war who served in the ROK-US Combined Field Army as Deputy Commander in the mid 1980s.  And all of you who have served and continue to serve in our Armed Forces.  Thank you for honoring us with your presence today, for your service, and for your sacrifice.   

To the Korean military men and women who are here today, I also want to recognize you for your dedication and commitment.  The U.S.-ROK alliance that we enjoy today is a reflection of your extraordinary bravery and service. 

What began as a military alliance has evolved into a mature partnership that now extends well beyond the Peninsula.  The Republic of Korea embraces its role as one of the world’s leading nations with the capacity and responsibility to help resolve global problems.  Our service members stand together in the far flung corners of the world.  [Korea has over 1,200 troops overseas.  It has commanded multi-national counter-piracy missions in the Gulf of Aden and has deployed a Provincial Reconstruction Team to Afghanistan.]

We also have deep and mutually beneficial economic ties with the ROK, which are growing stronger through the KORUS Free Trade Agreement. 

Our growing people to people ties with South Korea complement and support our security and economic partnerships.  What stands out about the bond between Americans and Koreans is the degree to which the ties have been formed by the people themselves, with little or no governmental intervention.  That, of course, includes the friendship between Korean and U.S. service members who have for six decades worked together tirelessly to guarantee the future security and stability in Asia. 

Built on selfless service and commitment of American and Korean veterans, the special strategic partnership between our two countries is a relationship that has prospered for 60 years and one that is destined to serve us well for another 60 years and beyond.  None of this would have been possible without the courage and sacrifice of our veterans.  On this special day and every day, we thank and honor our veterans for their invaluable and lasting contributions.  Thank you.