Papahānaumokuākea Marine National Monument:
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These are photographs of Papahānaumokuākea Marine National Monument available to download. All photographs require credit for the photographer and/or agency as noted. Some photographs are in the public domain and others are available for media use only. Please direct questions regarding usage to:

Tagging and tracking of large apex predators such as sharks and jacks help Monument managers to understand the requirements to protect these wide ranging animals.

Tagging and tracking of large apex predators such as sharks and jacks help Monument managers to understand the requirements to protect these wide ranging animals.

Photo: Andy Collins/NOAA Download Image
Copyright: Public domain
Use: Public domain

A large school of Galapagos sharks at Maro Reef. A large school of manō (Galapagos sharks) at Maro Reef.

Photo: James Watt Download Image
Copyright: SeaPics
Use: Available for media only

Endangered Hawaiian monk seal at Gardner Pinnacles'Ilioholoikauaua (Endangered Hawaiian monk seal) at Gardner Pinnacles.

Photo: James Watt Download Image
Copyright: SeaPics
Use: Available for media only

The Monument is one of the last places in Hawaii where threatened Hawaiian sea turtles can nest due to predation by introduced cats, dogs, rats and pigs in the main Hawaiian Islands.

The Monument is one of the last places in Hawaii where threatened honu (Hawaiian sea turtle) can nest due to predation by introduced cats, dogs, rats and pigs in the main Hawaiian Islands.

Photo: James Watt Download Image
Copyright: SeaPics
Use: Available for media only

Polynesian voyaging canoe Hokule'a during its 2004 voyage to the NWHI. These voyages using non-instrument, traditional navigation continue today.Polynesian voyaging canoe Hokule'a during its 2004 voyage to the NWHI. These voyages using non-instrument, traditional navigation continue today.

Photo: Na'alehu Anthony Download Image
Copyright: Na'alehu Anthony
Use: Available for media only

Aerial image of Laysan Island highlighting the hypersaline lake.Aerial image of Laysan Island highlighting the hypersaline lake.

Photo: Andy Collins/NOAA Download Image
Copyright: Public domain
Use: Public domain

A great diversity of fish can be found at Pearl and Hermes Atoll.A great diversity of fish can be found at Pearl and Hermes Atoll.

Photo: Louiz Rocha Download Image
Copyright: Public domain
Use: Public domain

Removing fishing nets from the Monument. Tons of derelict nets enter the Monument each year.Removing fishing nets from the Monument. Tons of derelict nets enter the Monument each year.

Photo: Jacob Asher/NOAA Download Image
Copyright: Public domain
Use: Public domain

Aerial image of Maro Reef.Aerial image of Maro Reef.

Photo: Andy Collins/NOAA Download Image
Copyright: Public domain
Use: Public domain

The island of Mokumanamana has the highest concentration of cultural sites in Hawaii with 34 document heiau, or sacred sites, most of similar design and whose purpose is yet to be determined.The island of Mokumanamana has the highest concentration of cultural sites in Hawaii with 34 document heiau, or sacred sites, most of similar design and whose purpose is yet to be determined.

Photo: Andy Collins/NOAA Download Image
Copyright: Public domain
Use: Public domain

Hawaiian monk seal and ulua at Kure Atoll.'Ilioholoikauau (Hawaiian monk seal) and ulua at Kure Atoll.

Photo: James Watt Download Image
Copyright: SeaPics
Use: Available for media only

Aerial image of Kure Atoll, the last emergent feature in the Hawaiian Archipelago.Aerial image of Kure Atoll, the last emergent land feature in the Hawaiian Archipelago.

Photo: RJ Shallenberger/USFWS
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Copyright: SeaPics
Use: Available for media only

Omilu (bluefin trevally) in the shallows at Maro Reef.Omilu (bluefin trevally) in the shallows at Maro Reef.

Photo: James Watt Download Image
Copyright: SeaPics
Use: Available for media only

Spinner Dolphins rest in the lagoons of the Monument during the day and go outside the lagoon to hunt at night.Nai'a (Spinner Dolphins) rest in the lagoons of the Monument during the day and go outside the lagoon to hunt at night.

Photo: James Watt Download Image
Copyright: SeaPics
Use: Available for media only

White Terns are common on Midway Atoll and frequently hover over visitor's heads. White Terns are common on Midway Atoll and frequently hover over visitor's heads.

Photo: James Watt Download Image
Copyright: SeaPics
Use: Available for media only