Military Consultants
Georgie Alfano, Ret. Army
Rebecca Ludwick, Ret. Army
Technical Assisant
Kathy Podolsky

Professionals Assisting Military Families and Friends (PAMFF) is a non profit 501(c)3 organization dedicated to providing individualized, compassionate counseling, outreach, and referral services to the military community to cope with the stress of deploying, transitioning and maintaining healthy relationships in Manatee and Sarasota Counties in Florida.

Our Vision: Professionals Assisting Military Families and Friends will provide individualized and compassionate services to every military family with a loved one who is on active duty or a veteran, so they can create their lives with optimism, hope, and strength of heart.

Susan Ackerman 
Rita Barry
Johni Fairley
Natalie Kaufmann Ernestine Taylor Penny Thomas
Rita Wolfson


Call to Donate


Joyce Rubin - Pres.
Sheila Weiser - V. Pres.
Linda Welch - Sec.
Sarah Tate - Treas.