New America Media

, , Dec 27, 2012

The gun has an indelible presence in America’s popular consciousness. The myth-making entertainment industry has embellished and magnified the gun’s prominent role in the narrative of the nation’s founding and rapid expansion across the continent over Indian lands and trackless... More »

, , Oct 30, 2012

 Although record numbers of California high school students are graduating, meeting CSU and UC admission standards, and preparing to pursue advanced degrees or workforce training, state funding for California’s public colleges and universities is eroding dramatically, along with the promise... More »

, , Aug 14, 2012

FREMONT, Calif. – Manat Kaur is in many ways a typical 14-year-old, indistinguishable from others her age in her usual outfit of sneakers, jeans and T-shirt. But when asked, the soon-to-be high school freshman makes it a point never to... More »

, , Aug 14, 2012

FREMONT, Calif. – Manat Kaur is in many ways a typical 14-year-old, indistinguishable from others her age in her usual outfit of sneakers, jeans and T-shirt. But when asked, the soon-to-be high school freshman makes it a point never to... More »

, , Jun 20, 2012

After ten years of congressional stonewalling on the Dream Act, the President acted -- and for many of the undocumented students affected, Obama's executive order is akin to a modern-day version of the Emancipation Proclamation.Of course, just like anything else... More »

, , Apr 19, 2012

In the effort to combat human trafficking, mobile technology is becoming an essential tool. That’s why in late 2011, Kavitha Sreeharsha and colleague Kelly Heinrich left their positions with the Civil Rights Division of the US Department of Justice to... More »

, , Dec 20, 2011

The Iraq War may well never be over since its objective of regime change continues to dictate U.S. foreign policy and spawn endless conflicts. Nine years after the second intervention against Baghdad, it is abundantly clear that Saddam Hussein’s prophetic... More »

, , Jan 04, 2013

Editor's Note: Al Jazeera has reportedly purchased Current TV, the left-leaning television network owned by Al Gore, for $500 million. The move promises to expand the Qatar-based network's programming to an American audience. NAM contributor Uchenna Ekwo writes that Al... More »

, , Jan 03, 2013

Above: Mista Wasis addresses the crowd at the Idle No More rally on Parliament Hill in Ottawa on December 21. Photo by Nadya KwandibensNAM EDITOR'S NOTE: Extensive and ongoing coverage of the Idle No More movement can be viewed in... More »

, , Dec 23, 2012

CHICAGO -- A fragile sense of security often robs Zuhair Sulaiman of the luxury of a good night’s sleep. “The fear is embedded inside,” he said in Arabic at a meeting at Arab American Family Services in Bridgeview, Ill., just... More »

, , Dec 02, 2012

Editor's Note: This report on Latino longevity and the Hispanic Paradox is part of the Hispanic Link News Service Health Project which is underwritten by The California Endowment, with administrative support from The ASPIRA Association.Being born Latino adds years... More »

, , Dec 01, 2012

Pictured above: Mexico's new President, Enrique Peña NietoEditor's Note: Today's inauguration of Mexico's new President, Enrique Peña Nieto, has Mexicans wondering how the new government will confront the crisis of narcoviolence. In the last weeks of the administration of outgoing President Felipe... More »

, , Nov 29, 2012

U.S. President Barack Obama is expected to nominate a new Secretary of State later this week, as Hillary Clinton intends to step down after the Presidential Inauguration in January. Clinton was a prolific traveler during her four years as Secretary... More »

, , Nov 27, 2012

 Do messages attributed to three Mexican underworld organizations portend war or peace? Retrieved by Mexican soldiers, three so-called narco-banners displayed last week in the southern state of Guerrero and purportedly signed by three groups-the Gulf cartel, La Familia Michoacana and the Knights Templar-announced not... More »

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Birds of Paradise Lost

Andrew Lam , Red Hen Press,

After Newtown, Teachers Are the New Heroes

Andrew Lam , New America Media,

The Post-Colonial Presidency: Our Man Obama

Andrew Lam, New America Media,

Crossing Over in Style: Gangnam Style

Andrew Lam, New America Media,

Two Passports and my Traveling Life

Andrew Lam, New America Media,

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Andrew Lam at the Commonwealth Club

Speech/Reading, Jun 14, 2011