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Videos About Jobs

  • Archeologists - Meet Joy Beasley and Kate Birmingham, Archeologists from the National Park Service. They talk about the tools the use and what they uncovered at the Best Farm.
  • Architect - Meet Tony Alonso, Regional Chief Architect of the General Services Administration. He talks about green buildings and saving energy.
  • Book Conservator - Meet Yasmeen Khan, Rare Book Conservator at the Library of Congress.
  • Kids.gov's YouTube Channel - Check out these great videos and watch local events and meet people with cool jobs.
  • Peace Corps - Meet Patricia Wand, Laura Kutner and Elizabeth Spellman, former Peace Corps Volunteers. Learn about Peace Corps' history and projects they worked on.
  • Scientists @ the Smithsonian - Watch and read about these scientists at the Smithsonian. What kind of scientist would you like to be?
  • Slide Shows - World Wise Schools - Listen to Peace Corps Volunteers talk about their experience and express their opinions through their own photographs and in their own voices.
  • Treasurer of the United States - Meet Rosie Rios, Treasurer of the U.S. Her signature is actually on dollar bills!
  • Videos - Coverdell World Wise Schools - Vivid videos of daily life in Peace Corps countries from Kyrgyzstan and Sri Lanka to the Dominican Republic and Paraguay.
  • White House Chef - Meet Cris Comerford, Executive Chef at the White House. She cooks for the First Family and organizes formal events.
  • Working at the National Aquarium - Meet Jay and CJ from the National Aquarium in Washington DC. They talk about their jobs and Oleaner, an albino alligator.

Kids.gov is the U.S. government's official web portal for kids