United States Department of Veterans Affairs

VA Pittsburgh Healthcare System

Healthy Women's Center

Women Veteran Health Care banner. text: You served, you deserve the best care anywhere.




Contact Us

Healthy Women's Program: 412-780-6653.

Our Staff

Waiting area of the Healthy Women's Veterans  Clinic.The VA Pittsburgh Womens Health Center is a Center of Excellence 

Delivering specialized care and readjustment counseling to women Veterans is one of the VA’s top priorities.

The VA Pittsburgh Women Veterans Program seeks to promote the health, welfare and dignity of female Veterans and their families by ensuring equal access to timely, sensitive and quality health care.

The Healthy Women’s Center serves as a one-stop shop, meeting Veterans' complete health care needs.

The entryway of he Women's Health ClinicToday, women comprise approximately: 

• 14.5% of all active duty military
• 18% of all National Guard and Reserves
• 6% of VA health care users

Since 2000, the number of female Veterans using VA health care has more than doubled, from nearly 160,000 (FY00)  to more than 337,000 (FY11).  This growth has outpaced that of the male Veteran population.

The reading area of the Womens' health clinic.Among women Veterans returning from the current conflicts, Operation Enduring Freedom, Operation Iraqi Freedom and Operation New Dawn (OEF/OIF/OND):

• 79.6% are age 40 or below
• 51.5% are 30 or younger

55.5% of female OEF/OIF/OND Veterans have received VA health care. Of this group, 89.2% have used VA health care services more than once; 53% have used VA health care 11 or more times.

Average age of VA users in FY09 was: 
• Female Veteran = 48
• Male Veteran = 63

A collectin of images of women in uniform. 

Additional Resources

Community Care

Women Veterans can also get excellent health care at one
of our Community Based Outpatient Care Centers located in:

The Message

She wore these link to video about women Veteran helath care.  

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