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Two GDF Cadets Receive Scholarships to Prestigious U.S. Military Academies

May 18, 2012

Georgetown, Guyana – The Guyana Defence Force (GDF) celebrated a special accomplishment in the U.S. Embassy Auditorium today. Two members of the GDF have received full scholarships to attend two of the most prestigious academies in America.

Errol Van Lang will be a Cadet at the United States Military Academy in West Point and Czedra Frank will be a Midshipman at the United States Naval Academy in Annapolis. These academies only accept 60 international students each year and have had a number of distinguished graduates, including three Heads of State, two Nobel Peace awardees, Ambassadors, Generals, 116 Rhodes Scholars, and 147 recipients of the Congressional Medal of Honor. Both Van Lang and Frank will be studying engineering while they are in school.

The family members proudly watched on as their sons were honored by United States Ambassador, D. Brent Hardt. The GDF’s Colonel Bruce Lovell addressed the the cadets, noting that once their education is completed, they must return and continue their service in Guyana.

These were not the first Guyanese officers to be sent to the United States for personal and professional development – and they will not be the last. The ceremony ended with the remarks of the young cadets and future students. Both Frank and Van Lang made the promise to return to Guyana with what they have learned at their respective academies and serve their country.