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Outreach and Partnerships

Embassy Speakers - Visits to the Embassy

If you are part of a group or school class and would like to visit the Embassy and hear about how an Embassy functions, please contact the IRC.

Primary or Secondary teachers and students

If you are a student or a teacher and you would like more information about inviting an Embassy Speaker to visit your school and speak about American culture or society, among other topics, please contact the IRC.

Do you have a good idea for an event, cultural program or project?

The Public Affairs Section welcomes written unsolicited proposals for events, cultural programs or projects. All proposals received by the embassy will be considered based on availability of and participants.

Meet US – Embassy Staff in Dialogue with Young Portuguese about Life in the U.S.A.

What is the American Dream?
What do Americans think about Portugal?
How does the U.S. election system work?
What does a typical school day in the U.S. look like?

These are some typical questions that young Portuguese have about the United States. The Meet US program is designed to help clarify the picture by bringing U.S. Embassy/Consulate staff – together with school students in Portugal to engage them in a dialogue about everyday life in the United States. The goal is to answer questions and engage in discussions with Portuguese youth about the U.S.

We offer this program free of cost to the schools and other institutions.

How to Request Guest Speaker for a School Visit

Interested schools should contact the IRC to request a visit by a guest speaker. Please provide the following information:

  • Name, address and information about the school (type of school, special profiles, etc.)
  • the name and telephone number/email of a contact person at the school
  • desired date (requests should be made well in advance; please give alternate dates)
  • the grade of the class
  • number of participating students
  • desired language (English or Portuguese)
  • suggested or likely discussion topic
