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  • Mexico City Welcomes the World (Photo by U.S. Embassy Mexico City)
    Mexico City Welcomes the World

    From November 16th through the 20th, Mexico City will once again be in the international spotlight in the discussions about Climate Change.  

  • The US and Mexico Leverage Resources to Fight the Impact of the Gulf Oil Spill (Photo by U.S. Embassy Mexico City - ESTH)
    The US and Mexico Leverage Resources to Fight the Impact of the Gulf Oil Spill:

    The Secretariat of Environment and Natural Resources (SEMARNAT) is working closely with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS), the National Park Service (NPS), and the National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) in the event that spillage from the Gulf of Mexico Oil Disaster washes up on coasts later in the year.  

  • Embassy Hosts Pandemic Flu Working Group(Photo by U.S. Embassy Mexico City - ESTH)
    Embassy Hosts Pandemic Flu Working Group

    Approximately one year ago, the emergence of the H1N1 pandemic influenza changed the landscape of North American public health cooperation, response and prevention.  

  • Virginia Tech Professor Visits Mexico(Photo by U.S. Embassy Mexico City - ESTH)
    Virginia Tech Professor Visits Mexico

    Dr. Diana Farkas, Professor of Materials Science and engineering at Virginia Tech, visited Mexico City during the last week of April as part of the Jefferson Science Fellows program. 

  • Ambassador Speaks on Climate Change(Photo by U.S. Embassy Mexico City - ESTH)
    Ambassador Speaks on Climate Change

    Ambassador Carlos Pascual delivered a speech about climate change opportunities and challenges in North America on April 28 at the Technológico de Monterrey's Mexico City campus. 

  • NAS Announces New Members, Associates(Photo by U.S. Embassy Mexico City - ESTH)
    NAS Announces New Members, Associates

    On April 27, the National Academy of Sciences announced the election of 72 new members and 18 foreign associates in recognition of their distinguished and continuing achievements in original research. 

  • Major Economies Forum

    Mexico’s Secretary of the Environment and Natural Resources Juan Angel Elvira Quesada attended the Major Economies Forum on April 18-19 in Washington, DC. 

  • Embassy Sets Earth Day Activities(Photo by U.S. Embassy Mexico City - ESTH)
    Embassy Sets Earth Day Activities

    U.S. Embassy Mexico will commemorate the 40th anniversary of Earth Day on April 22 with a full roster of events both inside and outside the Embassy.  

  • U.S. Consulate Monterrey Joins Local Earth Day Cleanup(Photo by U.S. Embassy Mexico City - ESTH)
    U.S. Consulate Monterrey Joins Local Earth Day Cleanup

    On Saturday April 17, in celebration of Earth Day, the U.S. Consulate Monterrey joined forces with La Huasteca park officials to sponsor a cleanup of a large area of La Huasteca park. 

  • U.S. Consulate Matamoros Promotes Clean Energy(Photo by U.S. Embassy Mexico City - ESTH)
    U.S. Consulate Matamoros Promotes Clean Energy

    The U.S. Consulate in Matamoros partnered with news network Televisa to promote environmental protection and the use of clean energy during the "Televisa Super XHAB 10K Race" on April 18 in downtown Matamoros. 

  • Border Agency Fire Council Meets in Tijuana(Photo by U.S. Embassy Mexico City - ESTH)
    Border Agency Fire Council Meets in Tijuana

    At the April 10 quarterly meeting in Tijuana of the Border Agency Fire Council, a subset of the Border Liaison Mechanism in the Californias, CALFIRE chief Pete Scully highlighted the need to bring the BAFC back to its original 1994 mission to enhance cross-border cooperation on fighting and preventing fires. 

  • U.S., Mexico, and Canada Agree on Nuclear Technology(Photo by U.S. Embassy Mexico City - ESTH)
    U.S., Mexico, and Canada Agree on Nuclear Technology

    At the Nuclear Security Summit in Washington, D.C., Mexico, the United States, and Canada reached agreement to work together to convert the fuel in Mexico's research reactor. 

  • U.S.-Mexico Collaboration on H1N1 Flu(Photo by U.S. Embassy Mexico City - ESTH)
    U.S.-Mexico Collaboration on H1N1 Flu

    The National Institutes of Health and Mexico's Ministry of Health have begun collaborating on H1N1 influenza research at four hospitals in Mexico City. 

  • Fighting Child Obesity (Photo by U.S. Embassy Mexico City - ESTH)
    Fighting Child Obesity

    Mexico's Chamber of Deputies approved reforms designed to combat child obesity to the General Law of Health. 

  • World TB Day(Photo by U.S. Embassy Mexico City - ESTH)
    World TB Day

    The cornerstone of Mexico's World TB Day observance was the release of final results from the National Survey on Drug Resistant Tuberculosis, carried out with technical and financial support from USAID and PAHO. 

  • Global Pulse 2010(Photo by U.S. Embassy Mexico City - ESTH)
    Global Pulse 2010

    From March 29-31, the U.S. Government hosted Global Pulse 2010, a collaborative online event that brought together socially-engaged individuals and organizations from around the world to discuss science, technology, human development and entrepreneurship.  

  • World Meteorology Day in Merida(Photo by U.S. Embassy Mexico City - ESTH)
    World Meteorology Day in Merida

    The celebration of World Meterology Day in Merida included the arrival of a U.S. Air Force Hurricane Hunter aircraft at the Merida airport.  

  • Tijuana Trash Cleanup(Photo by U.S. Embassy Mexico City - ESTH)
    Tijuana Trash Cleanup

    On March 19th, Tijuanenses Collected 45 tons of trash from local beaches and canyons in the 19th annual "Salvemos La Playa." 

  • Baja Wind Park (Photo by U.S. Embassy Mexico City - ESTH)
    Baja Wind Park

    Inaugurated by Mexican President Felipe Calderon in March of 2010, a 5 MW wind power park located in the gusty Rumorosa region of Baja California may soon provide renewable energy to California consumers. 

  • A New System of Urban Transport(Photo by U.S. Embassy Mexico City - ESTH)
    A New System of Urban Transport

    Mexico City has enjoyed the sudden appearance of over 80 bicycle rental stands, one about every 300 meters throughout the central Reforma and Condesa neighborhoods. 

  • Mexico City Climate Change Forum(Photo by U.S. Embassy Mexico City)
    Mexico City Climate Change Forum

    Secretary of Environment Martha Delgado Peralta officiated at a Climate Change Forum organized by the International Affairs Committee of Mexico City’s local congress. 

  • U.N. Declares 2010 the Year of Biodiversity (Photo by U.S. Embassy Mexico City - ESTH)
    U.N. Declares 2010 the Year of Biodiversity

    Biodiversity as a concept is both simple and challenging: it is the variety of life on Earth.