United States Department of Veterans Affairs

Jonathan M. Wainwright Memorial VA Medical Center

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Construction Begins at the Walla Walla VA Campus
Frontend loader moving onto Walla Walla VA campus
Construction equipment moves onto the Walla Walla VA campus.

It’s finally happening – activity is ramping up around the Walla Walla VA campus. Construction trailers have moved in and fencing has gone up, all in preparation for the construction of the new Residential Rehabilitation Unit and new Outpatient Clinic buildings.

Since the ceremonial Groundbreaking Ceremony on April 19th, there has been some minor excavations at different locations on campus to look for potential artifacts from an earlier Fort era. Old maps showed long gone buildings with foundations that were left behind. Some archeological digs could be seen around the campus so these foundations could be exposed and the dirt sifted to see if there was anything of significance. Some items unearthed include early Fort era artifacts including broken bottles, ceramics, and nails.

And, if you have been on campus recently, you would see that two construction trailers have been moved onsite – one for each of the building projects, and fencing has been already be put up around the area for the new Residential Rehabilitation Unit. Some construction equipment has moved in as well. Part of the preparations includes planning for utilities, and the digging will soon begin at long last.

Rumors are abound that the parking lot behind Building 86 will be taken over by construction crews, and parking for employees and Veterans/patients will move to a different part of the campus. This should happen by the second week in August. There will be a shuttle service in place to transport the Veterans/patients from the parking areas to the area of their appointments. Be looking for signage that will direct visitors and Veterans where to park and how to access the shuttles.

The new 22,000 sf 36-bed Residential Rehabilitation Unit is slated to be completed by March of 2012, and the new two-story 67,000 sf Outpatient Clinic should be completed in March of 2013, barring any delays. The contract for the third project, the Specialty Clinic Building, to be built in the vacant area near the Chapel, is being sent out to bid and it will take approximately one year for design planning and subsequent construction.

This is a great accomplishment for the Walla Walla VA, which became part of the U.S. Veterans Bureau in 1921 and was slated to be closed at one point. The tide turned in 2004, however, when the Bush administration withdrew plans to contract for inpatient care and move outpatient care off campus. Long range plans were then put together to ensure for long-term care and the Walla Walla community and others rallied to the Walla Walla VA’s defense in support of keeping the facility open. 

As our military works to preserve our way of life, it is the VA’s utmost task to preserve the Veteran’s way of life each and every day thereafter. And the Walla Walla VA strives to providing that quality care – closer to the Veteran’s home.

Remember the Walla Walla VA has a Facebook (www.facebook.com/vawallawalla) and Twitter (www.twitter.com/vawallawalla) page. Come see us here too! To view recent construction pictures posted on the Walla Walla VA's Facebook page, click on this link:

WWVAMC Construction Pictures