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Food Assistance and Nutrition Research Program, Fiscal 1999, Competitive Grants and Cooperative Agreements Program: Description and Application Process

by Economic Research Service

Administrative Publication No. (AP-004) 22 pp, February 1999

ERS's Food Assistance and Nutrition Research Program accepted proposals for grants and cooperative agreements for fiscal 1999. The five priority research areas were (1) The Food Stamp Program as a Safety Net, (2) Better Serving the Working Poor, (3) WIC Program Research, (4) Child Nutrition Issues, and (5) Outcome-Based Performance Measures. This publication describes the research areas and application requirements. Funding for competitive awards in fiscal 1999 was between $2 million and $4 million. The deadline for proposal submission was June 3, 1999.

Keywords: Nutrition assistance programs, child nutrition programs, nutrition, economic safety net, working poor, obesity, performance measures, Food Stamp Program, WIC, low-income people, Competitive Grants and Cooperative Agreements Program, FANRP

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Last updated: Wednesday, December 19, 2012

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