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U.S. Ambassador Richard E. Hoagland

Comments to the Mass Media of Kazakhstan Following his Presentation of Credentials to President Nursultan Nazarbayev

October 8, 2008 

It was a great honor for me to present today to President Nursultan Nazarbayev my credentials as United States Ambassador to the Republic of Kazakhstan.

My goal is to build an ever stronger and more productive relationship of respect and trust between the United States and Kazakhstan, based on objective reality and in the best interests of each country.

Kazakhstan is a world-class strategic partner in every way, especially in ensuring the non-proliferation of weapons of mass destruction. 

Thanks to Kazakhstan’s visionary economic and financial reforms, it has attracted large-scale direct foreign investment that has reduced poverty and created an ever-expanding middle class.  I am proud that the United States has played a role in that achievement, especially with $11 billion investment so far in the gas and oil sector, with much more to come.

In 2010, Kazakhstan will assume the rotating presidency of the OSCE, thus further confirming its international leadership.  The United States was proud to support Kazakhstan’s bid to take on this important responsibility.  In preparation for this historic role, the government of Kazakhstan has begun the task of revising its election, political party, and mass media laws that will eventually allow ever more citizens to participate in the governance of their own nation.  This will also play an important role in Kazakhstan achieving its policy of “The Path to Europe.”

I firmly believe the U.S.-Kazakhstan relationship must always be based on objective reality, not ideology.   We need mutually and thoroughly to understand the historical, cultural, and political realities in both our countries – and we must mutually respect these realities.  When we agree, we will easily prosper together.  When we disagree – and friends can disagree and still remain friends – we will work to understand each other’s reality with dignity and respect and without recrimination.

In short, my goal as U.S. Ambassador will be to ensure that the already strong U.S.-Kazakhstan partnership continues to grow and prosper in the coming years. 

Thank you.