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2010 PRT News

PRT Transition: Embedded PRT Baghdad North To Close, Become Forward Office For PRT-Baghdad

Baghdad l July 27, 2010

Taje Farewell

Taje Farewell

On July 26, 2010, embedded PRT (ePRT) Baghdad North held a farewell ceremony to mark its closure as a Provincial Reconstruction Team. The ePRT leaves behind a strong legacy of work and cooperation with the Iraqi people and their local government to help stabilize and spur development in Taji, Tarmiyah and Istiqlal.


Karen Malzahn, ePRT Baghdad North’s last team leader, emphasized that this relationship will continue, even after the ePRT closes. “We are very proud of the work we did as ePRT North, and move into our next phase of work with the people of this area confident that the engagement with the United States will continue,” she said.  That new phase includes keeping a forward office of PRT-Baghdad in Taji.


Monday’s closure ceremony ended a bittersweet transition for Malzahn and her team.  As the closing date approached, they have visited with many of their Iraqi partners, to thank them for their hard work on so many successful ePRT projects.  On the day of the ceremony, they observed training for widows and visited a medical clinic supported by the ePRT, before returning to the ePRT for the closing ceremony.  Team members received certificates of appreciation signed by Ambassador Christopher Hill.  


The director of the US Embassy’s Office of Provincial Affairs, Ms. Alcy Frelick, explained the decision to close the ePRT, “is part of an ongoing and carefully planned transition”, based on improved conditions in the province, and shaped by the U.S. government’s commitment to establishing a long-term relationship with the Iraqi people through the U.S. Embassy in Baghdad.  As Malzahn remarked, “our goal was always to work ourselves out of a job.”


Embedded PRT’s were created in 2007, as U.S. forces moved into Baghdad to help the Iraqi government restore order during the worst period of violence and unrest.  The ePRTs partnered with the military units responsible for different sections of Baghdad province to help reinforce security gains with development.  Provincial Reconstruction Teams consist of civilians with expertise in economic development, governance, health and the rule of law.  At one time, nine ePRTs and PRT-Baghdad operated in the province. On September 1, 2010, only PRT-Baghdad will remain.


Going forward, PRT-Baghdad will continue to focus on the sections of Baghdad covered by ePRT Baghdad North.  “We will build upon ePRT Baghdad North’s success in public health, education and in working with area farmers -- because agriculture is so important to residents of Baghdad’s rural Qadhas.  We are also helping to forge stronger connections between local and provincial level political leaders.  We expect these efforts will pay off in the months ahead in the form of increased economic opportunity, improved security and better essential service delivery,” said acting PRT-Baghdad Team Leader Henry Bisharat.