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Smoke Alarms

Install. Inspect. Protect. Smoke Alarms Save Lives


If your smoke alarm was installed more than 10 years ago, it needs to be replaced.

Every year in the United States, about 3,500 people die in home fires.
Most of these deaths occurred in homes that didn’t have a working smoke alarm.

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The Install. Inspect. Protect. Campaign is part of the U.S. Fire Administration’s effort to reduce fire deaths and injuries across the nation by urging residents to install smoke alarms in their homes and inspect and maintain them on a regular basis. Working smoke alarms and sprinklers save lives.

A working smoke alarm can help you and your family escape a deadly home fire. It can also help save the lives of firefighters who would otherwise have to risk their lives by searching a burning home for residents. A working smoke alarm continuously scans the air for smoke, 24 hours a day, seven days a week. It never sleeps.

The USFA is encouraging you to practice fire safety and do your part to get out, before firefighters have to come in.

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