Information Architecture

What It Is

Information architecture (IA) is the organizational foundation of your website. It's the practice of organizing, labeling, and classifying information, and creating effective navigational structures.

Why It’s Important

Providing appropriate navigation and organizing the information and services in ways that are efficient and effective helps your customers complete their tasks successfully. This saves your customers and your web team time and money.

Specific Requirements

OMB Policies for Federal Public Websites require agencies to (#1A) "to disseminate information to the public in a timely, equitable, efficient and appropriate manner" and (#2A) "maximize the quality, objectivity, utility, and integrity of information and services provided to the public." By following good information architecture practices, you'll build websites that ensure your customers can find what they're looking for.

How to Implement


Content Lead: Jonathan Rubin
Page Reviewed/Updated: July 11, 2012

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