Blog Improvement Checklist

Blogs require an investment in time and resources. Get the most out of that investment by ensuring your blog is useful to your readers . . . and effective for your agency. There are many other really good blogs out there—what makes yours special?

1. It’s not about you, it’s about your readers

a. If your blog is boring, no one will read it
b. Posts should not be “about your agency”—instead, write about things your agency does that may affect your readers

2. Accept and respond quickly to comments

a. A blog that doesn’t accept comments is just . . . a web page
b. Listen to what people say and turn feedback into action
c. Post your policy for moderating comments, so your writers and readers can see how comments will be handled on your blog

 3. Post often and keep content current to develop a loyal following

a. Deliver a steady stream of interesting, relevant information
b. Regularly review to make sure content is accurate, links work, etc.

4. Support your writers

a. Writing a blog, and keeping it fresh, is hard work!
b. Keep your writers inspired by sharing:

i. ideas for new content
ii. stats about blog performance
iii. relevant conversations or events happening elsewhere that they may have missed

5. Help people find your blog

a. Use Twitter, Facebook and other tools to market your blog
b. Write search-friendly content

i. Use words your target audience uses
ii. Write descriptive titles for your posts

c. Get to know the blogosphere

i. Read and post comments on related blogs

A good blog takes commitment and hard work—but the investment is worth it. Blogs help you build a community of loyal followers who will give you instant feedback, and a wealth of ideas to improve your programs and services.


Content Lead: Lisa Nelson
Page Reviewed/Updated: August 6, 2011

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