
Welcome to the Senate Finance Committee newsroom where you'll find the latest news from Chairman Baucus (D-Mont.) and Ranking Member Hatch (R-Utah). Visitors will note that press releases are organized by Chairman and Ranking Member, as opposed to individual Senator. 

Members of the media wishing to contact Chairman Baucus' or Ranking Member Hatch's communications staff regarding Finance Committee matters should call 202-224-4515.  

Latest News from Chairman Baucus More News from the Chairman »

02/13/13 Baucus Statement on the Nomination of Jack Lew to be Treasury Secretary
02/12/13 Baucus Comments on the State of the Union Address
02/12/13 Baucus Welcomes Bob Casey to Finance Committee
02/12/13 Baucus, Hatch Outline Priorities for Potential U.S.-EU Trade Agreement
02/11/13 Baucus Calls on Russia to Drop Unscientific Ban on American Beef, Pork Exports

Latest News from Ranking Member Hatch More News from the Ranking Member »

02/13/13 Hatch Statement at Senate Finance Committee Confirmation Hearing Considering Jacob Lew for Treasury Secretary
02/12/13 Hatch Statement on President Obama’s State of the Union Address
02/12/13 GOP to Grill Lew on Tenure at Citi
02/12/13 Baucus, Hatch Outline Priorities for Potential U.S.-EU Trade Agreement
02/11/13 GOP senators to grill Treasury Dept. nominee Jack Lew on his time at Citigroup

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