
Alternative Power & Energy Conversion

Emissions & Emission Controls

Engine Combustion & Efficiency


Fuels Technology

Vehicle Research


Alternative Power & Energy Conversion

Z. Gao, The Impact of TXV Heating on the Performance of Air-Source Heat Pumps in Heating Mode, submitted to Energy Conversion and Management (Journal).

Emissions & Emission Controls

T.J. Toops, N.A. Ottinger, C. Liang, J.A. Pihl, A. Payzant, “Impact of lattice substitution in Ba-based NOx storage reduction catalysts on sulfation, desulfation and NOx reduction performance”, Catalysis Today 160:1 (2011) 131.

T.J. Toops, M.P. Brady, P.F. Tortorelli, J.A. Pihl, F. Estevez, D. Connors, F. Garzon, T. Rockward, D. Gervasio, W. Mylan and S.H. Kosaraju, “Pre-Oxidized and Nitrided Stainless Steel Alloy Foil for Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell Bipolar Plates: Part 2- Single-Cell Fuel Cell Evaluation of Stamped Plates”, Journal of Power Sources 195:17 (2010) 5619.

T.J. Toops, K. Nguyen, A.L. Foster, B.G. Bunting, N.A. Ottinger, J.A. Pihl, E.W. Hagaman, J. Jiao, “Deactivation of Accelerated Engine-Aged and Field-Aged Fe-Zeolite SCR Catalysis Today 151 (2010) 257.

Y. Ji, T.J. Toops, J.A. Pihl, M. Crocker, “NOx storage and reduction in model lean NOx trap catalysts studied by in situ DRIFTS”, Applied Catalysis B 91:1-2 (2009) 329.

N. Ottinger, K. Nguyen, B.G. Bunting, T.J. Toops, J. Howe, “Effects of Rapid High Temperature Cyclic Aging on a Fully-Formulated Lean NOx Trap Catalyst”, SAE 2009-01-0634.

J.A. Zandhuis, C.E.A. Finney, T.J. Toops, W.P. Partridge, C.S. Daw, T. Fox, “Nondestructive X-ray Inspection of Thermal Damage, Soot and Ash Distributions in Diesel Particulate Filters”, SAE 2009-01-0289.

S. Eaton, K. Nguyen, B.G. Bunting, T.J. Toops, “The Role of Phosphorus and Soot on the Deactivation of Diesel Oxidation Catalysts”, SAE 2009-01-0628.

A. Youngquist, K. Nguyen, B.G. Bunting, T.J. Toops, “Development of an Accelerated Ash Loading Protocol for Diesel Particulate Filters”, SAE 2008-01-2496.

Y. Ji, T.J. Toops, M. Crocker, “Effect of Ceria on the Sulfation and Desulfation Characteristics of a Model Lean NOx Trap Catalyst”, Catalysis Letters 127:1 (2009) 55.

Jim Parks, Bill Partridge, and Vitaly Prikhodko, “An Optical Backscatter Sensor for Particulate Matter Measurement”, SAE Technical Paper Series 2009-01-0687 (2009).

Jim Parks, Vitaly Prikhodko, Mike Kass, and Shean Huff, “Synergies of PCCI-Type Combustion and Lean NOx Trap Catalysis for Diesel Engines”, SAE Technical Paper Series 2008-01-2493 (2008).

J. M. E. Storey, S. A. Lewis, J. E. Parks, J. P. Syzbist, T. L. Barone, and V. Y. Prikhodko, “Mobile Source Air Toxics (MSATs) from High Efficiency Clean Combustion: Catalytic Exhaust Treatment Effects”, SAE Technical Paper Series 2008-01-2431 (2008).

M. D. Kass, N. Domingo, J. M. E. Storey, and S. A. Lewis, “ Influence of High Fuel Rail Pressure and Urea Selective Catalytic Reduction on PM Formation in an Off-highway Heavy-duty Diesel Engine” SAE Int. J. Fuels Lubr. 1(1): 1560-1570, 2009.

Adam D. Youngquist, Ke Nguyen, Bruce G. Bunting and Todd J. Toops, Development of an Accelerated Ash Loading Protocol for Diesel Particulate Filters, SAE paper 2008-01-2496.

Vitaly Y. Prikhodko, Ke Nguyen, Jae-Soon Choi, and C. Stuart Daw, “Axial length effects on lean NOx trap performance”, Applied Catalysis B: Environmental (2009), doi:10.1016/j.apcatb.2009.07.030

William P. Partridge, and Jae-Soon Choi, “NH3 formation and utilization in regeneration of Pt/Ba/Al2O3 NOx storage-reduction catalyst with H2”, Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 91 (2009) 144-151.

Engine Combustion & Efficiency

Z. Gao, R.M. Wagner, C.S. Sluder, C.S. Daw, J.B. Green Jr, A Simplified Phenomenological Model for Diesel Combustion, submitted to International Journal of Engine Research (Journal).

Z. Gao, J.C. Conklin, C.S. Daw, and V.K. Chakravarthy, A Proposed Methodology for Estimating Transient Engine-out Temperature and Emissions from Steady-State Maps, submitted to International Journal of Engine Research (Journal).

Laura A. Kranendonk, James E. Parks II, Vitaly Prikhodko, and William Partridge, “High Speed H2O Concentration Measurements Using Absorption Spectroscopy to Monitor Exhaust Gas”, SAE Technical Paper Series 2009-01-0239 (2009).

A. K. Sen, G. Litak, K. D. Edwards, C. E. A. Finney, C. S. Daw, and R. M. Wagner, “Analysis of Heat Release Dynamics in an Internal Combustion Engine Using Multifractals and Wavelets Applied Energy”, accepted for publication Applied Energy.

K. Cho, M. Han, C. S. Sluder, R. M. Wagner, G. K. Lilik, “Experimental investigation of the effects of fuel characteristics on high efficiency clean combustion in a light-duty diesel engine”, SAE Paper Number 2009-01-2669 (San Antonio, TX USA; November 2009).

J. A. Massey, S. J. Eaton, R. M. Wagner, J. A. Drallmeier, “Influence of the Combustion Energy Release on Surface Accelerations of an HCCI Engine”, SAE Paper Number 2009-01-2741 (San Antonio, TX; November 2009).

C. S. Daw, K. D. Edwards, C. E. Finney, R. M. Wagner, “A simple model for exploring the cyclic dynamics of spark-assisted HCCI”, 6th U.S. National Combustion Meeting of The Combustion Institute (Ann Arbor, MI USA; May 2009).

J. A. Massey, S. J. Eaton, R. M. Wagner, J. A. Drallmeier, “Contribution of combustion energy release to surface accelerations of an HCCI engine”, 6th U.S. National Combustion Meeting of The Combustion Institute (Ann Arbor, MI USA; May 2009).

M. Han, K. Cho, C. S. Sluder, R. M. Wagner, “Soybean and coconut biodiesel fuel effects on combustion characteristics in a light-duty diesel engine”, SAE 2008-01-2501 (Detroit, MI USA; April 2008).

C. S. Daw, K. D. Edwards, R. M. Wagner, J. B. Green Jr., W. Glewen, “Modeling cyclic variability in spark assisted HCCI”, Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power, Vol. 130, pp. 052801-1 to 6 (2008).

W. Glewen, R. M. Wagner, K. D. Edwards, C. S. Daw, “Analysis of cyclic variability in spark-assisted HCCI combustion using a double Wiebe function”, 32nd International Symposium on Combustion (McGill University, Montréal, Canada; August 2008)

K. D. Edwards, R. M. Wagner, R. L. Graves, “Identification of potential efficiency opportunities in internal combustion engines using a detailed thermodynamic analysis of engine simulation results”, SAE Paper 2008-01-0293 (Detroit, MI USA; April 2008).

K. Cho, M. Han, R. M. Wagner, C. S. Sluder, “Mixed-source EGR for enabling high efficiency clean combustion modes in light-duty diesel engines”, SAE Paper 2008-01-0645  (Detroit, MI USA; April 2008).

W. Glewen, R. M. Wagner, K. D. Edwards, C. S. Daw, “Analysis of cyclic variability in spark-assisted HCCI combustion using a double Wiebe function”, Proceedings of the 2008 Technical Meeting of the Central States Section of The Combustion Institute (April 2008; Tuscaloosa, AL).

Fuels Technology

Landfill Siloxane Gas Sensing Using Differentiating, Responsive Phase Coated Microcantilever Arrays, Zhou Long, John Storey, Samuel Lewis, and Michael J. Sepaniak, Analytical Chemistry 2009, 81, 2575–2580

M. D. Kass, S. A. Lewis, Sr., M. M. Swartz, S. P. Huff, D-W. Lee, R. M. Wagner, and J. M. E. Storey, “Utilizing Water Emulsification to Reduce NOx and Particulate Emissions Associated with Biodiesel” Transactions of the ASABE. 52(1): 5-13.@2009

Bruce G. Bunting, Scott Eaton, Chitralkumar V. Naik, Karthik V. Puduppakkam, Chen-Pang Chou, and Ellen Meeks, A Comparison of HCCI Ignition Characteristics of Gasoline Fuels Using a Single-Zone Kinetic Model with a Five Component Surrogate Fuel , SAE paper 2008-01-2399.

Bruce G. Bunting, Scott J. Eaton, John Storey, Craig Fairbridge, Ken Mitchell, Robert W. Crawford, Tom Gallant, Jim Franz, AND Mikhail Alnaijar, The Chemistry, Properties, and HCCI Combustion Behavior of Refinery Streams Derived from Canadian Oil Sands Crude, SAE paper 2008-01-2406.

Bruce G. Bunting, Scott J. Eaton, Robert W. Crawford, Yi Xu, Les R. Wolf, Shankar Kumar, Don Stanton, and Howard Fang, Performance of Biodiesel Blends of Different FAME Distributions in HCCI Combustion, SAE paper 2009-01-1342.

Karthik V. Puduppakkam, Long Liang, Chitralkumar V. Naik, Ellen Meeks, and Bruce G. Bunting, Combustion and Emissions Modeling of a Gasoline HCCI Engine Using Model Fuels, SAE paper 2009-01-0669.

J. Szybist, “Fuel-Specific Effect of Exhaust Gas Residuals on HCCI Combustion: A Modeling Study” Society of Automotive Engineers, 2008, Technical Paper 2008-01-2402.

Vehicle Research

Kevin Norman, Shean Huff, Brian West, “Effect of Intake Air Filter Condition on Vehicle Fuel Economy,” ORNL/TM-2009/021, February 2009.


Intermediate Ethanol Blends Report 1 - Updated - A joint report by the Oak Ridge National Laboratory and the National Renewable Energy Laboratory on the impact of intermediate ethanol blends on non-flex fuel vehicles and small non-road engines published on Friday, February 27, 2009. This first report, originally released in October 2008, has been updated to include additional vehicle results.


Technical Highlights December 2012Oct 2012 highlights

Cummins and the Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) Cooperative Research and Development Agreement (CRADA) Team Works to Validate Design Models and Improve Exhaust Gas Recirculation (EGR) Systems

FEERC staff member Bill Partridge and Post-Doctoral Research Associates Jon Yoo and Rodrigo Sanchez-Gonzalez performed on-site work at the Cummins Technical Center (CTC) October 22–26, 2012,...