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Thursday, February 23, 2012
2:00 PM - 3:00 PM
CNLS Conference Room (TA-3, Bldg 1690)

Postdoc Seminar

Shortcuts to adiabaticity in quantum devices

Adolfo del Campo
T-4 and CNLS

“Fast good” is a new culinary concept envisioned by the chef F. Adrià aimed at creating a diet enjoying of two apparently mutually-exclusive features: fast-service and high-quality. When similar ideas are invoked in the quantum realm, one faces the adiabatic theorem which imposes a price. The preparation of a given target state with high-fidelity, free from spurious excitations, generally demands a long time of evolution and the implementation of an adiabatic dynamics. In this talk, I will present recent theoretical advances and experimental progress in the design of shortcuts to adiabaticity in quantum systems by a variety of complementary approaches, such as the use of adiabatic invariants, inversion of dynamical scaling laws, as well as the transitionless quantum driving algorithm and inhomogeneous quenches (time-permitting). These methods will be applied to the control of ultracold gases and trapped ions, with special emphasis in many-body aspects. In particular, a proposal to realize a quantum dynamical microscope will be discussed.

Host: Kipton Barros, T-4 and CNLS