Office of Unemployment Insurance

We are soliciting comments on the content and organization of the data on our Web site and any suggestions you have about improving the accessibility to the data. We are also interested in your feedback on any data you would like summarized, e.g., benefits across all programs, that would eliminate the need for users to gather data from several reports and calculate the sum. Your input is important to us in improving the utility of our Web site as a tool for our customers.Please email us with your questions and suggestions.

UI Weekly Claims

Scott Gibbons (202) 693-3008 RELEASE IS EMBARGOED UNTIL
Tony Sznoluch (202) 693-3176 8:30 A.M. (Eastern), Thursday
Media Contact: (202) 693-4676 February 14, 2013



In the week ending February 9, the advance figure for seasonally adjusted initial claims was 341,000, a decrease of 27,000 from the previous week's revised figure of 368,000. The 4-week moving average was 352,500, an increase of 1,500 from the previous week's revised average of 351,000.

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News Release Archives for Employment and Training Administration

Recent and Prospective Changes to State EB and EUC08 Trigger Status Tied to Federal Law in Effect February 10, 2013.

The next release of state total unemployment rate (TUR) data by the Bureau of Labor Statistics is scheduled for 10:00am (Eastern) on March 18, 2013.

Changes in State Eligibility

Extended Benefits:

Alaska's IUR has met the 6.0% trigger threshold, establishing an eligibility period in the EB program.

Based on data from Alaska for the week ending January 19, 2013, the 13 week insured unemployment rate in Alaska rose to meet the 6.0% trigger threshold to establish a payable period in the EB program. The payable period in EB for Alaska started with the week beginning February 3, 2013, and will not expire before May 4, 2013.


Alask's IUR has met the 6.0% trigger threshold, establishing an eligibility period in Tier 4 of the EUC08 program.
Based on data from Alaska for the week ending January 19, 2013, the 13 week insured unemployment rate in Alaska rose to meet the 6.0% trigger threshold to establish a payable period in Tier 4 of the EUC08 program. The payable period in Tier 4 for Alaska started with the week beginning February 3, 2013, and will not expire before May 4, 2013.

Connecticut's trigger rate continues to be below 9.0% but the state remains in a mandatory "on" period in Tier 4 of the EUC08 program.
Based on data released by the Bureau of Labor Statistics on January 18, 2013, the three month average, seasonally adjusted total unemployment rate for Connecticut continues to be below the 9.0 percent trigger rate threshold to remain "on" in Tier 4 of the EUC08 program. However, Connecticut is currently in a 13 week mandatory "on" period that started December 9, 2012, and will not conclude before March 9, 2013. As a result, Connecticut will remain in a payable period in Tier 4 of the EUC08 program.

Idaho and Wisconsin have triggered "off" in Tier 3 of EUC08.
Based on data released by the Bureau of Labor Statistics on January 18, 2013, the three month average, seasonally adjusted total unemployment rate for Idaho and Wisconsin fell below the 7.0% trigger rate threshold to remain "on" in Tier 3 of the EUC08 program. The week ending February 9, 2013, is the last week in which EUC claimants in these States can exhaust Tier 2, and establish Tier 3 eligibility. Under the phase-out provisions, claimants can receive any remaining entitlement they have in Tier 3 after February 9, 2013.

The Virgin Islands' estimated TUR trigger rate has fallen below the 9.0% threshold to remain "on" Tier 4 of the EUC08 program
Based on data released by the Bureau of Labor Statistics on February 1, 2013, the estimated trigger value for the Virgin Islands fell below the 9.0% trigger rate threshold to remain "on" in Tier 4 of the EUC08 program. The week ending February 23, 2013, will be the last week in which EUC08 claimants in this state can exhaust Tier 3, and establish Tier 4 eligibility. Under the phase-out provisions, claimants can receive any remaining entitlement they have in Tier 4 after February 23, 2013.