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Contact us!

We stand ready to help you do business in The Caribbean with your U.S. products and services. Please do not hesitate to contact us!

For expedited, personalized commercial assistance, please contact the Commercial Specialist responsible for your industry sector as per the listing below. Should your sector not be listed, please contact our office for assistance. You will receive a reply to your request for information within two business days.

Commercial Service Caribbean Office

Av. Pedro Henríquez Ureña 133

Edificio Empresarial Reyna I, 5th floor

Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic

Phone: 809/ 227-2121

Fax: 809/ 920-0267

E-mail: office.santodomingo@trade.gov

For Assistance in the Caribbean Region

Isabella Cascarano

Counselor for Commercial Affairs for the Caribbean Region

Phone: 809-227-2121 ext. 234

E-mail: Isabella.cascarano@trade.gov

Geoffrey Cleasby

Commercial Attache

Phone: 809-227-2121 ext. 236

E-mail: geoffrey.cleasby@trade.gov

Maria Elena Portorreal

Senior Commercial Specialist

Phone: 809-227-2121 ext. 225

E-mail: maria.portorreal@trade.gov

Industries Covered

  • Food Processing and Packaging Equipment
  • Franchising
  • Hotel and Restaurant Equipment
  • Travel and Tourism Services

For Assistance in the Dominican Republic (Only)

Isolda Frias

Commercial Specialist

Phone: 809-227-2121 ext. 226

E-mail: isolda.frias@trade.gov

Industries Covered:

  • Automotive Parts and Services Equipment
  • Automobile, Light Truck and Vans
  • Computers and Peripherals
  • Computer Software and Services
  • Financial Services
  • Health Care Services
  • Information and Communications Technology Services
  • Medical Equipment
  • Telecommunications Equipment and Services

Sheila Diaz de Andujar

Commercial Specialist

Phone: 809-227-2121 ext. 222

E-mail: sheila.andujar@trade.gov

Industries Covered:

  • Construction and Engineering
  • Defense/Aviation
  • Sporting Goods and Recreational Equipment
  • Environmental
  • Safety and Security Equipment
  • Textile Machinery
  • Fashion Industry

Yira Roa

Commercial Assistant

Phone: 809-227-2121 ext. 227

E-mail: yira.roa@trade.gov

Industries Covered:

  • Agricultural and Industrial Machinery and Services
  • Energy
  • Leasing Services
  • Printing and Graphic Arts
  • Used/Refurbished Equipment

Haydee Calero

Regional Financial Analyst

Phone: 809-227-2121 ext. 235

Email: haydee.calero@trade.gov

Rhina Ramirez V.

Commercial Assistant

Phone: 809-227-2121 ext. 221

E-mail: rhina.ramirez@trade.gov

Inés Gerez


Phone: 809-227-2121 ext. 234

E-mail: ines.gerez@trade.gov