DLA Aviation

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Green Products & Hazardous Minimization

DLA Aviation’s Hazardous Minimization (HAZMIN)and Green Products Program was established at Richmond, VA to support DOD’s overall Sustainability Policy issued in 2010.  DOD defines Sustainability as “the capacity to continue the mission without compromise. It is the ability to operate into the future without decline – either in the mission or the natural and manmade systems that support it.”

The DLA HAZMIN and Green Products team under the Aviation Supply Chain’s Engineering Directorate has the mission to support DOD’s Sustainability Policy by helping DLA’s military customers to ‘Buy Green.” The team provides technical assistance and logistics guidance to its military service customers with respect to Pollution Prevention Programs, Green Products, and overall sustainability issues.

Examples include:

bullet  Recycled content products
bullet  Less toxic and low VOC products
bullet  Energy and water-conserving products
bullet  Bio-based products
bullet  Alternatives to hazardous items such as lead, mercury and cadmium

We want to hear from our military customers. Please use our simple Green Products Inquiry form to let us know the types of Green Products you would like to see made available in the federal supply system. You can also offer comments or suggestion on DLA’s HAZMIN and Green Products Program.