INTERVENTION: Paper dependency is a dangerous; but curable addiction. Do you need help? Turn to Schedule 36!

Is your office overwhelmed with paper? Do you want to stop stuffing your file cabinets and save space while also saving the environment?

If so, check out Schedule 36 and learn more about office imaging and document solutions that can help you and your agency get a better handle on your paper usage.

Federal agencies are always looking for tools and services designed to make them more efficient and effective.  These efficiencies can be found through products, services and solutions for total life cycle management of documents and electronic content.  GSA’s Schedule 36 has the latest technologies for office imaging, document management and mail management requirements.  These technologies have already saved federal agencies millions of dollars by reducing both office and storage space.
Industry’s most trusted vendors, both small and large businesses, offer the following products and services needed to accomplish every agency’s mission, using the GSA Multiple Award Schedules.

Schedule 36 services include Document:

GSA's Integrated Workplace Acquisition Center enables you to manage all of your document management needs.  For more information about the document management services GSA offers, visit Schedule 36 or contact Steven Lozada at (215) 446-5040 or



INTERVENTION: Paper dependency is a dangerous; but curable addic

Schedule 36, nice, now the offices who used to look like store of documents , will be more clean and good, even managing documents aill be easy now.But how they are going to manage the documents.There must be some pattern to be followed for this, whats that?


Agencies should also demand efficiency gains from ECM systems

Yes, let's reduce paper usage to lighten our impact on the environment. And let's save some office space at the same time. But perhaps the biggest impact an enterprise content management system (ECM, including document management systems) can have on an organization is the ability to automate business processes. By creating custom workflows tailored to the specific cycles and processes already present in your agency, you can realize new efficiences and reduce tedium and delay. Think of the move to digital as a way of accelerating the work you do to accomplish your mission.

Greg McAvoy-Jensen, CEO

Granite Horizon