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Marine Corps Warfighting Laboratory

Marine Corps Combat Development Command

Quantico, VA
The Counter Improvised Explosive Device Division
MISSION:  The Marine Corps Warfighting Laboratory (MCWL) Counter-Improvised Explosive Device Division (C-IED Div) shall lead, advocate, and coordinate all counter-IED (C-IED) efforts in the Marine Corps in order to defeat IED networks and their associated devices.

VISION:  To reduce the effective use of IEDs; to the point they no longer remaining a weapon of strategic influence.

PURPOSE:  The C-IED Division support the CG MCWL as the USMC lead for all C-IED efforts by:

- Coordinating among all Marine Corps stakeholders the development of a clear definition and doctrinal temple of the enemy with regard to his employment of the IED.

- Serving as the Executive Agent for C-IED Operational Advisory Group (OAG).

- Coordinating among all stakeholders and serving as Marine Corps Proponent for the development of C-IED. doctrine.

- Working aggressively to find, develop, test and rapidly deliver emerging C-IED capabilities to Marine Corps forces for current and future operations. The C-IED Division assists the operating forces in identifying C-IED capability gaps and developing plans for materiel and non-materiel solutions for those gaps. The C-IED Division evaluates emerging capabilities, training, and technologies and develops transition strategies that support the needs of the Marine Corps. The C-IED Division is the Marine Corps primary staff element for executing US Marine Corps guidance to synchronize and integrate C-IED capabilities for operating forces forward and for the express purpose of:
  • Reducing the number and effectiveness of IEDs
  • Instituting proper resource allocation for various C-IED initiatives
  • Enhancing intelligence collection against IED infrastructure
  • Mitigating IED effects
  • Arming Marines with the most current C-IED training
  • Eliminating C-IED seams between Marines and Coalition partners

- Coordinating, de-conflicting and collaborating, through and expansive set of forums, information sharing networks and outreach efforts, with the Armed Services, the intelligence community, interagency organizations, coalition partners, industry and a broad series of public and private  partners to find solutions to IED threats.

- Acting as the single Marine Corps executive agent for all Joint Improvised Explosive Device Defeat Organization (JIEDDO) issues. C-IED Division supports CG, MCWL and the Marine Corps representative and voting member of the JIEDDO initiatives as required to uphold and pursue the interest and the Marine Corps, in particular the deployed forces. The division solicits and coordinates with JIEDDO to advocate C-IED proposal input from military organizations, academia, industry, federally, funded and private laboratories, strategic and tactical gaming entities, and citizen inventors.