Astrogeology Science Center


Students on a field trip to Meteor CraterAstrogeology staff members often work with students on research, programming, data processing and other tasks, especially in the summer. Many of these students are supported through internships funded directly by U.S. federal agencies such as NASA and NSF. If you're a high school or undergraduate student interested in being a volunteer or employee in the Astrogeology center, here are some possible sources of funding and/or support:

Note that in many cases (e.g., PGGURP, LPI interns) you should first apply directly to the program and then express a desire to work with a scientist or staff member at the Astrogeology center. For summer employment, annual application deadlines vary but can start as early as December of the previous year. Be sure to refer to the program site for more details.

For current graduate students seeking summer employment in Astrogeology, you may contact a scientist directly to express an interest in his/her research and to learn whether funds may be available.

For general student employment inquiries in Astrogeology, please contact
human resources specialist Deanna Harrison (,

For general student employment inquiries in Astrogeology, please contact us.

Background Credits: NASA/JPL/USGS