National Cancer Institute Research-tested Intervention Programs

About this Site

Research-tested Intervention Programs (RTIPs) provides easy and immediate access to: 1) programs tested in a research study, 2) publications of the study findings, and 3) program products or materials used with a particular study population in a specific setting. Because the programs on this site are science-based, they may be particularly effective in serving the populations and communities in the settings in which they were originally tested.

It is important however to understand that RTIPs programs have been evaluated within a research study, which is a highly controlled situation. It is expected that you may need to adapt the program for your particular audience and setting. To assist you in developing a program that best meets the needs of your audience, the National Cancer Institute makes available its Program Adaptation Guidelines that accompany each set of program materials. The use of these guidelines is strongly recommended for anyone adapting a program from this Web site.

Last Modified: 01/30/2007