Astrogeology Science Center

Venus basemap in ArcInfo
Venus basemap in ArcInfo

Tools & Scripts for ArcMap 10.x

  • Tools for Graphics and Shapes - Contains many useful routines including the latest geodesic calculation and ocentric/ographic tools.
  • Crater Helper Tools v1.1 - Provides a set of tools for measuring and digitizing craters and other morphologic features.
  • Raster Riser v1.0 - Provides a maunal sorting method to reorder rasters within a ArcMap mosaic dataset.
  • Tectonic Reconstruct v1.1 - Tectonic Reconstruct provides a set of tools for the sequential reconstruction of tectonic features.

Tools & Scripts for ArcMap 9.x

Useful External links

Free GIS/Image Viewers and Utilities

3D Viewers

Background Credits: NASA/JPL/USGS