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G-4 Installation and Logistics


Twentynine Palms, California
Consolidated Material Support Center (CMSC)
CMSC's Mission
Support for exercise and operational forces with garrison logistical products and services that provide the best value and responsive support. To do this CMSC will support the Combat Center, MWTC Bridgeport, tenant and visiting exercise forces with property, supply, and maintenance support as defined in CCO P4400.2H and other applicable directives.

CMSC operates the USMC ServMart Store in Building 1102. Contact our Customer Service Desk at 760.830.1932 for more information.
To shop online visit the Virtual USMC ServMart at:
To view our stores Office Depot Contract list go to:
Login: 29 Palms Referral Inquiry
Password: Welcome
You will see the USMC ServMart Banner logo. You will be in a filtered version of the Home Depot shopping engine. Choose the "Office Supplies" drop-down menu at the top. If you see the item pictured with the words "Available" with a quantity with a quantity you can purchase from the 29 Palms ServMart shelves. If the item says "Available*" (with and asterisk), then it is only available at the Servmart via the Referral process.

CMSC´s Staff
OIC (760) 830-5290/DSN 230-5290
Deputy (760) 830-5367/DSN 230-5367
HazMin NCOIC (760) 830-7674/DSN 230-7674
T/E Officer (760) 830-3032/DSN 230-3032
Warehouse Chief (760) 830-6418/DSN 230-6418
Repairs Manager (760) 830-6954/DSN 230-6954
FAX (760) 830-5291/DSN 230-5291
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