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G-1 Manpower


Twentynine Palms, California
Freedom of Information Act (FOIA)
What is FOIA?
The Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) is a Federal law (5 U.S.C. §552) that establishes the public’s right to request existing records from Federal government agencies.
Who can file a FOIA Request?
Any person can file a FOIA request, including U.S. citizens, foreign nationals, organizations, businesses, and state and local governments.
What can I ask for under the FOIA?
A FOIA request can be made for any agency record in any format you specify. You should be aware that the FOIA does not require agencies to do research for you, to analyze data, to answer written questions, or to create records in response to a request. The records are subject to review and you will not receive information that is exempt from release. A summary of the exemptions is here.
How long does it take?
The time it takes to respond to each request varies depending on how complex it is and whether there is a backlog of other requests pending at the agency. The FOIA establishes a standard time limit of 20 working days (about a month); if more time is needed you will be notified in writing and provided an opportunity to modify or limit the scope of your request. Under certain conditions specified by law, you may be entitled to expedited processing.
How to file a FOIA request.
  1. Use of the form CC 5720/1 will ensure that all requirements for a properly submitted request are made. The form is available from Naval Forms Online here.
  2. Whether you use the form or not, the following elements are required:
    1. The complete name and mailing address of the requester.
    2. A statement regarding your willingness to pay fees. Although there are allowances for non-commercial requesters to receive a limited amount of search and duplication without charge, the law requires that the requester must make a fee statement. You may state any amount or indicate that you will limit your request to what you can receive without charge.
    3. A description of the specific records you are requesting, with enough detail so that they can be located with a reasonable amount of effort. Generally, a record is reasonably described with the description contains sufficient file-related information (type of document, title, subject area, date of creating, originator, etc.) or the request contains enough event-related information (date of circumstances surrounding the event the record covers) to permit the conduct of an organized, non-random search. Because most Navy records are not retained permanently, the more information provided, the better opportunity there is to determine if the records would still exist and where.
    4. The signature of the requester, if requesting personal information. For this reason, the form or request letter must be printed and signed before submitting to the FOIA Coordinator

Send to:

Commanding General
Attn: Adjutant (FOIA Coordinator)
Box 788101
Twentynine Palms, CA 92278-8101

Fax: (760) 830-1130


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