Lujan Neutron Scattering Center at LANSCE

Proposal Process


Two calls per year (deadlines posted online)


Review by external program review committee
Approximately two weeks after deadline


2 weeks post review–beam time scheduled by Instrument Scientist consultation with user
3 weeks post review–schedule letters sent to Principal Investigators


Users register online
at least 4 weeks prior to experiment for U.S. citizens
at least 2 months prior to experiment for foreign nationals
4-6 weeks prior to experiment User Office contacts registered users
to schedule training, local transportation, and accommodations


If you are a U.S. citizen–check in at the Visitor Center
If you are a foreign national–report to the LANL badge office
for a badge
Check in, badging, and complete all user office training
Meet your local contact
Have a productive and enjoyable experiment!

Before Departure

On the last day–return badges to the Visitor Center or guard gate
Complete the online survey if possible


On the last day–return badges to the Visitor Center or guard gate
Complete the online survey