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Marine Corps Installations Pacific

Marine Corps Installations Command

Okinawa, Japan
Resource Management

Our mission is to develop budgets; manage and monitor obligations and expenditures for fund administrators; manage and coordinate personnel actions; hire, develop and retain a competent and committed workforce to provide higher quality and cost effective services; and manage all activities of property and equipment assigned to Facilities Engineer Division.


To provide the necessary resources to ensure the Facilities Engineer Division can provide "World Class" support to the Marines, civilians, and family members on Okinawa and mainland Japan.


Financial Management:

  • Develop annual budget; perform midyear reviews, and Program Objective Memorandums for fund administrators and Activity Based Costing for FE Division.
  • Receives, analyzes, and manages obligations and expenditures of division wide direct and reimbersable accounts.
  • One U.S. and one MLC budgeting personnel perform the above functions.
Personnel Management:

  • Manages all personnel actions for approximately 1200 U.S. and MLC employees. Actions include
  • recruitments, classifications, reassignments, promotions, awards, and disciplinary actions.
  • One U.S. administrative officer and two MLC personnel technicians perform the above functions.
Property Management:

Manages all activities concerned with the acquisition, custody and accountability of plant property and the equipment contained on the CMR listing for the division. The property has an estimated value of $3,500,000 and is assigned to 21 sub accounts.

One MLC stock control clerk personnel performs the above functions.

Points of Contacts
Resource Management Officer
Administrative Officer
Phone DSN 645-7500