Wildlife and Sport Fish Restoration
Northeast Region

Wildlife and Sport Fish Restoration Staff

U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service
Wildlife & Sport Fish Restoration Program, Region 5
300 Westgate Center Drive, Hadley, MA 01035
Main Number:  413.253.8508
Fax: 413.253.8487
Office email address: FW5fareports@fws.gov


Dr. John Organ, Chief, Division of Wildlife & Sport Fish Restoration    Phone: 413-253-8501  John_Organ@fws.gov

The Chief oversees the entire Wildlife and Sport Fish Restoration Program, providing leadership and support to the staff, working with States and the Interior Department’s Solicitors Office on diversion issues, and ensuring consistency in application of national and regional policy.  John has direct responsibility for the WSFR Coordination Grants.  He serves on the Joint State/Federal Task Force on Wildlife and Sport Fish Restoration Policy, is a member of the Regional Directorate Team, the Northeast Wildlife Administrators Association, and is the Service’s representative to the AFWA Sustainable Use of Fish and Wildlife Committee.  John is a member of the graduate faculty in wildlife and fisheries conservation at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst, where he is an Adjunct Associate Professor, as well as a graduate faculty member in the Department of Ecology and Natural Resources at the Universidad Andres Béllo in Santiago, Chile.  He is a past president of The Wildlife Society and Professional Member of the Boone and Crockett Club, the nation’s oldest conservation organization.

Sharon Koroski, Grants Management Specialist                                       Phone: 413-253-8508  Sharon_Koroski@fws.gov     

Sharon serves as a Grants Management Specialist in the Wildlife and Sport Fish Restoration Program.  She is responsible for carrying out and coordinating all aspects of office and grant administrative support activities for the Wildlife & Sport Fish Restoration Program.



Ron Essig, Fish & Wildlife Program Chief                                                   Phone: 413-253-8504  Ron_Essig@fws.gov

Ron manages grant programs involving fish and wildlife research and surveys, fish and wildlife population management, fish and wildlife diversity, endangered species, hunter education and some technical guidance.  This includes work funded by the Sport Fish Restoration Program, Wildlife Restoration Program, Wildlife Conservation and Restoration Program, State Wildlife Grants Program and Endangered Species Program.  He has direct responsibility for all marine fisheries and some anadromous fisheries research and survey SFR and SWG grants.  Ron serves on the national Operations and Coordination Team for Wildlife TRACS, and is a member of the Northeast Fisheries Administrators’ Association. Ron will be president of the American Fisheries Society in 2016-2017.

Dee Blanton, Fish & Wildlife Biologist                                                         Phone: 413-253-8513  Dee_Blanton@fws.gov 

Dee is the lead grant specialist for the State Wildlife Grants Program (SWG) working with the Fish and Wildlife Program Chief to assign grants to WSFR specialists with the appropriate expertise.  Dee also has direct responsibility for hunter education grants, shooting range grants, outreach grants, SWG planning grants, and the Regional Conservation Needs grants.  Dee is a member of the Northeast Wildlife Administrators’ Association and the Northeast Wildlife Diversity Technical Committee.

Dr. Alison Whitlock, Wildlife Biologist                                                         Phone: 413-253-8536  Alison_Whitlock@fws.gov 

Alison administers grants for Section 6 endangered species recovery, fish and wildlife technical guidance, and White-nose Syndrome grants to States.  She also administers many research and survey grants dealing with wildlife diversity under the Wildlife Restoration, SWG programs, and Tribal Wildlife Grants. Alison is a member of the Northeast Wildlife Diversity Technical Committee.

VACANT,  Wildlife Biologist                                                                           Phone: 413-253-8675 

Incumbent administers wildlife research and survey grants, grants for wildlife habitat management, and grants for the development, operation, and maintenance of state wildlife management areas, under the Wildlife Restoration and SWG programs. 



Colleen Sculley, Lands & Development Program Chief                      Phone: 413-253-8509  Colleen_Sculley@fws.gov 

Colleen provides oversight and guidance for projects involving land acquisition, development, operation and maintenance, boating access, boating infrastructure, clean vessel, and some technical guidance activities.  Colleen is directly responsible for administering the Landowner Incentive Program and the Coastal Wetlands Program grants for the Region.  She also has responsibility for managing some SWG grants, as well as the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative, Joint Venture grants.

Alberto Ortiz, Fish & Wildlife Biologist                                                      Phone: 413-253-8406  Alberto_Ortiz@fws.gov 

Al administers all clean vessel grants (CVA) and boating infrastructure grants (BIG) for the Region.

Dan Leahy, Fish & Wildlife Biologist                                                         Phone: 413-253-8687  Dan_Leahy@fws.gov 

Dan administers land acquisition grants for the Region, including acquisitions funded through Wildlife Restoration, Sport Fish Restoration, State Wildlife Grants, and Section 6 Recovery and HCP land acquisition grants for the Division of Endangered Species.  He also provides support for resolving land issues in the Region.

Jen Stone, Fish Biologist                                                                           Phone: 413-253-8295  Jen_Stone@fws.gov 

Jen administers all SFR freshwater fisheries research and survey, population management, and fish hatchery operation and maintenance grants and some anadromous research and survey grants in the Region. She also administers several SWG grants involving aquatic species conservation and all
boating access and fisheries construction/operation and maintenance grants.

Dr. Sadie Stevens, Fish & Wildlife Biologist                                            Phone:  413-253-8677  Sadie_Stevens@fws.gov 

Sadie administers all aquatic resource education grants for the Region and Highlands Conservation Act land acquisition grants.  She also administers several SWG grants focused on fisheries and wildlife conservation at watershed and regional levels and WCRP grants involving wildlife education activities. Sadie has the lead on research and survey grants focused on human dimensions of fish and wildlife.  Sadie represents WSFR on the Regional Conservation Science Team.



Judy Driscoll, Grants Fiscal Officer                                                             Phone: 413-253-8409  Judy_Driscoll@fws.gov 

Judy manages the grant and fiscal operations of the Wildlife & Sport Fish Restoration Program.  She oversees the full range of grant management fiscal responsibilities to include review of grants for accuracy, completeness, allowability of costs, and compliance requirements.  She has direct responsibility for State audit reviews and resolution.  Judy also manages office operations including internal audits, budget and personnel management.

Mary Kandar, Grants Management Specialist                                           Phone: 413-253-8514  Mary_Kandar@fws.gov

Mary is responsible for conducting the full range of grant management fiscal responsibilities to include review of grants for accuracy, completeness, allowability of costs, compliance requirements and availability of funds.  She is responsible for the approval, disapproval and modification of grants. She performs account opening, monitoring and closing functions for the grant programs.  Mary has primary responsibility for the Development and Hunter Education grants under Wildlife Restoration, State Wildlife Grants for NY, PA, RI, VA, VT, and WV, Boating Access Grants, Highlands Conservation Act Grants and Great Lakes Restoration Initiative Grants.  She assists the Grants Fiscal Officer with audit resolution.

JoEllen Harris, Grants Management Specialist                                         Phone:  413-253-8510  JoEllen_Harris@fws.gov 

JoEllen is responsible for conducting the full range of grant management fiscal responsibilities to include review of grants for accuracy, completeness, allowability of costs, compliance requirements and availability of funds.  She is responsible for the approval, disapproval and modification of grants. JoEllen has primary responsibility for Sport Fish Restoration Grants (except Boating Access), technical guidance grants under Sport Fish and Wildlife Restoration, Marine Fisheries Commission Grants, all Wildlife Restoration grants except for the Development and Hunter Education grants, State Wildlife Grants for CT, DE, DC, ME, MD, MA, NH, and NJ, New Section 6 grants, Landowner Incentive Program grants and HCP and Recovery Land Acquisition Grants.  She performs account opening, monitoring and closing functions for the grant programs.  In addition, JoEllen is responsible for the monthly reconciliation of all grant programs and the tracking and monitoring of the administrative budget.

Daniel DiVico, Grants Management Specialist                                          Phone: 413-253-8673  Danny_DiVico@fws.gov 

Dan is responsible for independently conducting the full range of grant management fiscal responsibilities to include review of grants for accuracy, completeness, allowability of costs, compliance requirements and availability of funds.  He is responsible for the approval, disapproval and modification of grants.  He performs account opening, monitoring and closing functions for the grant programs.  Dan has primary responsibility for the Clean Vessel Act, Boating Infrastructure, Coastal Wetlands, Traditional Section 6 Endangered Species, Wildlife Conservation and Restoration Program Grants, Tribal Grants, and White-nose Syndrome Grants.  In addition, Dan assists WSFR staff with IT and FAIMS issues and external customers with iFAIMS access.

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Last updated: August 14, 2012
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