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Slovak Republic

The Slovak Government declares its intent to continue contributing to the promotion of stability and democracy in Iraq, Afghanistan and the Middle East. (Slovak Government Declaration, August 2006)

Support to the Global War on Terror (GWOT):

Slovak Armed Forces in Military Missions (NATO, EU, UN and Observers).

(May, 2008)

Military Mission


Approved Number by Mandate

for year 2008



NATO Military Missions














Bosnia and Herzegovina



EU Peacekeeping Missions


Bosnia and Herzegovina




Bosnia and Herzegovina



UN Peacekeeping Missions






Golan Heights






Observer Missions



















Slovak Official Documents supporting GWOT:

The Security Strategy of the Slovak Republic.

Approved by the National Council of the Slovak Republic on 23 September 2005.

The greatest potential threat to the Slovak Republic and its allies is the acquisition of weapons of mass destruction (WMD) and the means of their delivery by terrorist groups and/or failed states.

Terrorism represents a global threat to the Slovak Republic. Terrorism uses ideologies that promote racial, ethnic and religious hatred, as well as violence and genocide. It endeavors to undermine basic democratic values of society such as openness, freedom, the value of human life, and tolerance. Its main targets are civilians and the state's infrastructure with an aim to inflict mass casualties and provoke fear. In order to secure rapid and irreversible attainment of its goals, terrorism strives to gain possession of weapons of mass destruction and the means of their delivery. Several European states are considered to be potential targets for terrorists, and Europe is one of the bases in which they operate.

The Slovak Republic condemns all forms of terrorism – irrespective of its origin, ideology, political, ethnic or religious underpinnings – and will engage in counter-terrorism, both individually and as a part of the international community.

The Defense Strategy of the Slovak Republic.

Approved by the National Council of the Slovak Republic on 23 September 2005.

The threat of terrorist attacks, proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, regional conflicts, organized crime, radical ideologies, and unsolved disputes, combined with the growing potential for the misuse of cybernetic space, the effects of globalization, demographic development, migration, ecological changes... [Will lead to] high levels of insecurity, unpredictability, and an increasing potential for the development of unexpected crises.

As related to the defense of the Slovak Republic... military development aimed at achieving predominance in the IT sector [is seen as] a prerequisite for an effective use of armed forces against an enemy that strives to [use] asymmetric tactics, including terrorist attacks and the threat of use... of weapons of mass destruction.

The mission of defense of the Slovak Republic, in accordance with the basic goal of the defense policy, is as follows: to oppose the threat of international terrorism and the use of weapons of mass destruction.

The Armed Forces shall be most likely committed to peace-support and anti-terrorism operations, primarily focusing on crisis prevention and stabilization efforts.

The Declaration of the Government of the Slovak Republic.

Approved by the Slovak Government in August 2006.

The Government will annually evaluate its ability to respond in a timely and efficient manner to the threat of terrorist attack and to the consequences of such an attack. The National Plan of Action on Combating Terrorism directs the Government to adopt all necessary measures to help predict, avert, and manage the consequences of a terrorist attack.

The Republic of Slovakia will adopt a stricter response to extremism. It will not tolerate illegal activities by members or supporters of extremist groups and will act decisively to oppose any threat to peace and order. A new law will be drafted/adopted similar to anti-terrorism legal provisions of other democratic states in Europe.

The Republic of Slovakia places emphasis on peace and stability in Europe and the world, and shall remain a reliable ally and partner, striving to strengthen its partnership with NATO and the EU. It will promote and be a member of a peaceful, secure and socially responsible Europe in a mutually advantageous environment of international cooperation and security.

The Government of Slovakia declares its interest to continue contributing to stability and democracy in Iraq, Afghanistan and in the Middle East.

The Republic of Slovakia favors multilateralism, and supports international organizations of universal character, starting with the UN as an irreplaceable organization with global responsibility for world peace and security. As an elected member of the UN Security Council for 2006-2007, the Slovak Republic will target its participation in UN missions to more actively contribute to solving global and regional problems, threats and challenges to security, especially those connected with terrorism and the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction.

Support to Operation Enduring Freedom (OEF) / International Security Assistance For (ISAF) AFGHANISTAN:

Air Engineer Company under OEF (40 soldiers) was deployed to BAGRAM in August 2002 to undertake reconstruction of BAGRAM airfield. This unit moved in December 2005 from BAGRAM to KABUL to join ISAF operation under NATO.

Engineer Company under ISAF (17 soldiers) was deployed to KABUL (KAIA) in June 2004 with a de-mining mission.

In December 2006, both engineering units were unified into a Multi-Purpose Engineering Unit - SLOVCON (57 soldiers) to support ISAF operations under NATO.

In accord with NATO HQ request, SLOVCON was deployed in May 2007 from KAIA to KANDAHAR AIRFIELD (KAF).

Multi-Purpose Engineering Unit (SLOVCON) tasks include:

  • Reconstruction of facilities of KAF

  • De-mining tasks

With regard to the ISAF mission in Afghanistan, the Government (October 2007) and Parliament (December 2007) have agreed with:

  • Continued operations of the engineering contingent of the Slovak Armed Forces (57 troops) at KAF

  • deployment of up to 5 servicemen to PRTs

  • deployment of up to 5 servicemen to OMLT

  • deployment of 8 servicemen to the Field Hospital at KAIA (only from April 2008 to October 2008)

  • deployment of up to 5 servicemen to the ISAF’s commanding posts

  • deployment of the guard unit of 35 troops

The total number of Slovak troops deployed to the ISAF mission in Afghanistan will reach 115. Slovakia thus doubles its presence in Afghanistan. Newly deployed troops will operate in close collaboration with contingents from the Netherlands and the Czech Republic.

ISAF's mission in Afghanistan is one of the key operations of NATO. Slovakia, with the aim to contribute to the international efforts to ensure the success of the mission, has decided to increase its presence in the country. The decision of the Government was considered as a priority and demonstrates the firm stance of Slovakia as a responsible and reliable NATO member.

The intention of the Slovak Government is to increase manpower within 2009-2010 from 115 to approximately 250-280 solders.

Slovak military donation to Afghanistan:

In accordance with Slovak Government Resolution # 41 (18 January 2006) and # 47 (17 January 2007):

  • Machine Gun/ 7,62 mm (Heavy) - 90 pieces

  • Machine Gun/ 7,62 mm (Light) - 500 pieces

  • Pistol/ 7,62mm Type 52 - 790 pieces

  • Rocket Launcher/ RPG-7 - 100 pieces

  • Howitzer, Towed/ 122mm Type D-30 - 24 pieces

  • Howitzer, Towed/ 122mm Type D-30 - 24 pieces

  • Ammunition/ 122mm (Howitzer D-30) - 54,000 round

  • Ammunition / 7,62 mm - 15 Millions rounds

Support to Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF) IRAQ:

Slovak Engineer Company under OIF was deployed to MND-CS AOR from July 2003 to February 2007 with de-mining and training missions.

Slovak Engineer Company tasks included:

  • Engineering survey and reconnaissance

  • Mine clearance (Manual and mechanical employing the Bosnia system)

  • Removal of unexploded munitions

  • Military training of the Iraqi Security Forces (ISF) consists of de-mining and destruction of munitions

  • Provide force protection for the Slovak engineer unit during performance of the ISF training mission.

In October 2006, the Slovak Government adopted resolution No. 884 – "Plan for a withdraw of SLOVCON from OIF":

  • End the 7th rotation and withdraw SLOVCON from Iraq in February 2007

  • In case of declaration of interest from the Iraq government, provide training in de-mining and police work

  • Maintain 6 officers for HQ MCF-I and 5 officer for NATO NTM-I to July 2007

  • Donate de-mining system BOZENA to Iraqi Security Forces

  • Donate other military materials to Iraqi Security Forces

  • In accordance with a request by the Government of Iraq, Slovakia is preparing to conduct de-mining training of the Iraqi Security Forces (to be held in the Slovak Republic)

NATO Training Mission Iraq (NTM-I):


Five Slovak officers under NATO were deployed to NTM-I in February 2005 to July 2007 with training mission.

  • 2 Communication Information System (CIS) trainers

  • 2 Logistics trainers

  • 1 Operations trainer

Training in Slovakia:

The Slovak republic conducted training for 14 Iraqi Police officers from November to December 2005 (in Slovakia).

Slovak military donation to iraq:

In accordance with Slovak Government Resolutions # 284 (5 April 2006) and # 107 (7 February 2007):

  • Ammunition/ 125 mm - 5, 000 rounds

  • Ammunition / 7,62 mm - 1 Millions rounds

  • Ammunition / Hand Grenades (Universal) - 855 pieces

  • De-mining System (BOZENA) - 4 pieces

Humanitarian Support to the people of AFGHANISTAN and IRAQ:

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Slovak republic is responsible for humanitarian support. The Agency for International Development Cooperation - Official Development Assistance Program (ODA) was created in 2003.


The Slovak Republic continues to provide assistance to the Government of Afghanistan through specific projects and programs within the framework of the Official Development Assistance (ODA). Afghanistan was included on the list of 13 priority countries for the Slovak ODA mid-term strategy for 2003-2008.

Until now, 8 projects for Afghanistan have been approved by the Slovak Trust Fund Steering Committee (with a cost total of over one million USD):

  • Building schools in rural areas

  • Education for girls and women

  • Support of small enterprises led by women

  • Local TV broadcasting

  • Capacity building

  • Democratization and civil society support

In 2005, the Government of the Slovak Republic approved full debt relief for Afghanistan (total almost 3 million USD).

The Slovak Republic sent two civilian experts-consultants to the Germany-led Provincial Reconstruction Team in Afghanistan from October 2004 to September 2005.



  • Food aid in the form of 250 tons of dried milk powder (516,000 EUR)

  • Medical material supplies (28,000 EUR)

  • Financial contribution for UNAMI (50,000 EUR)


  • Financial contribution for refugees - applicants for political asylum (247,000 USD)


  • Full debt relief (almost 1.2 million USD)

Useful Links:

Slovak President: www.prezident.sk

Slovak Government: www.government.gov.sk

Slovak Ministry of Foreign Affairs: www.foreign.gov.sk

Slovak Ministry of Defense: www.mod.gov.sk

Slovak Armed Forces: www.mil.sk

Slovak Embassy in Washington DC: www.slovakembassy-us.org

The Guide to the Slovak Republic: www.slovakia.org, www.slovakspectator.sk

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