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macedonia.gif The contribution of the Republic of Macedonia by the participation in the international missions under a mandate is of great importance for our country. By participating in the peace forces, the Republic of Macedonia confirms that it is a part of the anti-terrorist coalition in the world, giving a modest, and at the same time important contribution in building of the most precious mission – peace. At the same time, in this way it is confirmed as an army of peace.

The Republic of Macedonia, with the support of its political and civilian society, has been actively supporting the Coalition in the fight against terrorism with units contributed to Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF) and by sending units to contribute International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) in Afghanistan.

The legal basis for sending the Army of The Republic of Macedonia (ARM) troops to participate in peace operations in Iraq and Afghanistan consists of Article 41, paragraph 3 of the Defense Law. Accordingly, any decision concerning ARM units' missions abroad is taken by the Parliament.  

Iraqi Freedom Mission

With the political consensus of all political entities in the Republic of Macedonia as well as the overall Macedonian public in terms of the support of the Coalition in the fight against terrorism, the Republic of Macedonia is taking active participation by sending its units in the Iraqi Freedom Mission.

Based on all legal authorizations, the Assembly of the Republic of Macedonia adopted decisions for sending its units to the Iraqi Freedom Mission in the period between June 2003 and December 2008 for each mission separately every 6 months during the term of the mission.

The Mission started by sending 2 officers in the US Central Command in Tampa, in March 2003.

Upon the completion of the major combat operations, the toppling of Saddam Hussein’s regime, and the adoption of Resolution 1546 of the United Nations Security Council, in June 2003 on sending a special task platoon that executed the tasks as part of the 4th infantry division of the Multi-National Force Iraq. In 2008, our participation in the Iraqi Freedom Mission was increased by an additional platoon. A total of 11 rotations were conducted between June 2003 and December 2008. The eleventh rotation was the last, which completed our participation in the Iraqi Mission. The overall number of personnel that participated in this mission is 490.

In the execution of the mission, the soldiers and officers faced different challenges, threats and dangers resulting from their mission and profession. During the mission, the ARM representatives showed professionalism, a high level of training and readiness in the execution of the missions. With their dedication, courage, responsibility and patriotism shoulder to shoulder with the US soldiers and the soldiers of the other coalition partners presented our homeland the Republic of Macedonia in a dignified manner and in the best possible light. The greatest confirmations of their success are the 120 medals presented by the US. Thus, we say that they are the best ambassadors of the country.

The Army of the Republic of Macedonia gave its specific contribution by assisting in building strong credible democratic institutions and highly trained security forces in Iraq, forces which guarantee the future of their country as well as the stability and security in their environment and beyond. 

ISAF Mission in Afghanistan

The Republic of Macedonia began its participation in the NATO-led ISAF operation in August 2002, with the sending of two officers as part of the Turkish contingent. On September 8, Independence Day of the Republic of Macedonia, the Macedonian flag was waved for the first time in Kabul. In March 2003, the Army of the Republic of Macedonia increased its contribution in the ISAF mission by sending one section from the composition of the 2nd Infantry Brigade as part of the German contingent. As a result of the successful carrying out of the mission and the high marks received for participation in ISAF, from August 2004 until the end of 2006, the ARM participated with one mechanized infantry platoon from the Leopard unit. At the same time, in August 2005 medical personnel was sent in ISAF as part of the Combined Medical Team in the A3 format (Macedonia, Albania, Croatia), which successfully carried out tasks at the Kabul airport.

Based on the assessments of the Alliance in the part of the declared units from the ARM, which achieved the required strict standards in the field of training and operational procedures, and in line with the Operational Capabilities Concept (OCC), the ARM in June 2006 sent also one mechanized infantry company, part of the first mechanized infantry brigade, in the composition of the British contingent in ISAF. The trust shown from the United Kingdom towards the ninety “Scorpions” from the first infantry brigade was justified in full.

The high marks from the highest command structures for the work of the unit as well as the learned lessons are only an imperative for continuing the successful mission.

As a support to the efforts for self-sustainability of the Afghanistan National Army (ANA), beginning from March 2008, the Republic of Macedonia sent five soldiers (three officers and two NCO) as part of the Combined Multinational Operational Mentor and Liaison Teams (OMLT) in Mazar-i-Sharif and Kunduz while, beginning from December 2008, in cooperation with the Kingdom of Norway, a Macedonian medical team is included through one Surgical team in the organizational structure of the surgical unit of the Norwegian Provincial Reconstruction Team (PRT) in Meymanah, Afghanistan.

The benefits that the ARM received from the participation in the ISAF mission, firstly from the learned lessons, will be felt in the future. For a country with modest economic development as Macedonia, to have highly trained soldiers of this caliber those are capable to show a high degree of professionalism and at the same time to contribute for the overall positive picture of ISAF, represents a special honour. The Republic of Macedonia and all of its citizens have been always proud of the Army personnel that in this period are not only guardians of peace to the sovereignty of the nation, but at the same time are ambassadors for peace. This is why, they together with their colleagues from NATO, help in the establishment of the democratic development of Afghanistan.


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