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Marine Corps Base Quantico

"Crossroads of the Marine Corps"

Base commander’s Presidents' Day guidance and safety message

By Col. David W. Maxwell | Marine Corps Base Quantico | February 14, 2013

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This Presidents' Day we salute the leadership and achievements of all those who have held America's highest elected office, serving as president and commander in chief of our armed forces. As we remember our former leaders and enjoy some well-deserved time off, let's all take a moment and pause, reflect and honor our nation's rich history.

Many of our military, civilians, and their families will use this holiday weekend to travel outside the local area to visit relatives, friends or enjoy a winter vacation. Whatever you decide to do, I ask that you keep safety in mind. The challenges of harsh winter weather and associated driving hazards serve to increase the risks this time of year.

Whatever your plans may be for the holiday, we all must work together to prevent on- and off- duty accidents. Leaders at all levels are to conduct thorough pre-holiday safety briefings with their personnel prior to the holiday weekend. Our achievable goal is no accidents, no serious injuries or incidents, no acts of misconduct, and no loss of life over the holiday period.

Have a great weekend, be safe and stay Semper Fidelis.

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Col. Maxwell President's Day Quantico

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