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In-Kind Research - National Weather Service (NWS)

NWS / NCEP JTOP Projects
  Title Description Principal Investigator /
Point of Contact
Fiscal Year 2011
1 High Performance Computing and Communications Conduct testing necessary to ensure a successful operational implementation research gains W. Baker
2 Forecast System Maintenance Provides code support and mentoring for JCSDA users of the NCEP Global Forecast System J. Derber, M. Lueken
3 Community Fast R/T Model Support the CRTM for community users P. Van Delst
4 Community Emissivity Model Run experiments to evaluate surface emissitivity -- --
5 LDAS Provide support for users of the Noah Land Surface Model and the Land Surface Data Assimilation System (LDAS) W. Zheng
6 NPOESS Preparation Preparation for NPOESS system with users; execute experiments for impact of current and future instruments M. Masutani Y. Song
7 Data Impact Studies -- -- --
8 Ocean Data Assimilation Provides code support for JCSDA users of the NCEP Global Ocean Data Assimilation System S. Nadiga
9 AIRS/MODIS -- -- --
10 GOES Imager Radiances Testing SEVIRI radiances, supported by GOES-R H. Liu
11 GOES-R Studies to influence GOES-R sensor design, and to prepare for GOES-R satellite data assimilation -- --
12 AMSR Products Evaluate accuracy and develop use of AMSR SST retrievals B. Katz
13 AMSU -- -- --
14 GOES Winds -- X. Su
15 Polar Winds -- -- --
16 Wind Lidar S. Melchoir
17 Precipitation and Clouds -- -- --
18 Clouds (water and ice) Collaborate with JCSDA scientisits to produce prototype satellite look-alike imagery and implement into NCEP operations B. Ferrier
19 TRMM -- -- --
20 Ozone Add data assimilation of experimental and operational ozone measuring instruments to NCEP data assimilation systems; evaluate ozone forecasts S. Zhou --
21 Aerosols Add aerosol prediction using NASA GOCART software to NCEP Global Forecast System S. Lu
22 SST Continue to improve physical SST retrievals based on Variational Technique; improve Real-Time Global SST analysis; use additional instruments in physical retrieval algorithms as appropriate X. Li, B. Katz
23 Sea Ice -- -- --
24 Ocean surface winds, waves and roughness -- -- --
25 Ocean properties (salinity, currents, color, height) -- -- --
26 Snow Cover and Snowpack Content Run experiments using new snow cover algorithms and analyses G. Gayno
27 Vegetation Provide new tools for initialization of land surface fields in NCEP Data Assimilation Systems and Forecast Models; test tools in global and WRF systems V. Wong
28 Albedo, skin temperature, soil moisture Run experiments with new algorithms and model physics to improve surface properties and soil moisture distributions V. Wong
29 Tropical Cyclone Initialization -- -- --
30 Bias Removal -- -- --
31 Data Selection Techniques -- -- --
32 EMC Omnibus Directed Research -- -- --
33 R2O -- -- --
Modified February 1, 2012 10:02 PM
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