LBNE Internal CDR, Cost and Schedule Review

WBS 1.4 Water Cherenkov Far Detector

The LBNE Project Manager has called a series of reviews, one for each of the Level 2 sub-projects (neutrino beam, near detector, water Cherenkov far detector, liquid argon far detector, conventional facilities). The purpose of these reviews is to examine the status of the Conceptual Design and the corresponding cost and schedule estimates for each of the subprojects of the Long-Baseline Neutrino Experiment (LBNE), to identify areas of weakness, and to recommend actions necessary to bring these elements to the level required for a successful DOE CD-1 review.

This review is taking place at Brookhaven National Lab, and the review committee (broken into three subcommittees) consists of:

  • Water Water Containment, Water System: Fraser Duncan, SNOLab; Rich Stanek, Fermilab; Clark McGrew*, Stony Brook
  • Photon Detectors, Electronics, Computing, Calibration: Peter Limon, consultant; Bruce Berger, Colo State, Terry Shaw, Fermilab; Bill Christie*, BNL
  • Integration, Installation, and Safety: Bill Christie; Clark McGrew

*Installation and Integration subcommittee members initially join the other two subcommittees as shown on the agenda.


Monday 27 September 2010
Start Title Speaker Room
13:00-13:30 Committee Executive Session Bldg 510 Rm 2-84
Video link: 888727
Ph: 631-344-8261
13:30-13:50 Science Goals and Technical Requirements M.Diwan
13:50-14:10 Simulations C.Walter
14:10-14:30 Water Cherenkov Detector Conceptual Design J.Stewart
14:30-14:50 ES&H and Risk overview R.Gill
14:50-15:10 Break
15:10-15:30 1.4.2 Water Containment F.Feyzi
15:30-15:50 1.4.3 Photon Detectors P.Mantsch
15:50-16:10 1.4.4 Electronics R.Van Berg
16:10-16:30 1.4.5 Calibration G. Sinnis
16:30-16:50 1.4.6 Water System S.Bahowick
16:50-17:10 1.4.7 Computing B.Viren
17:10-17:30 1.4.8 Installation T.Russo
17:30-18:15 Executive Session
17:30-18:15 Cost Book P.Novakova
18:15 Adjourn for the day
Tuesday 28 September 2010
Start Title Reviewers Room
08:00-12:00 Breakout Session:
Water Containment, Water System
F.Duncan, R.Stanek, C.McGrew Bldg 510 Rm 3-192
08:00-12:00 Breakout Session:
Photon Detectors, Electronics, Computing, Calibration
P.Limon, B.Berger, T.Shaw, B.Christie Bldg 510 Rm 2-160
12:00-12:30 Committee Executive Session Bldg 510 Rm 2-160
12:30-13:30 Lunch
13:30-16:00 Breakout Session continued:
Water Containment, Water System
F.Duncan, R.Stanek Bldg 510 Rm 3-192
13:30-16:00 Breakout Session continued:
Photon Detectors, Electronics, Computing, Calibration
P.Limon, B.Berger, T.Shaw Bldg 510 Rm 2-160
13:30-16:00 Breakout Session:
Integration, Installation, and Safety
B.Christie, C.McGrew Bldg 510 Rm 2-111
ReadyTalk 1-866-740-1260,
Access code 3443262
16:00-16:10 Wrap-up J.Stewart Bldg 510 Rm 2-160
16:10-17:30 Committee Executive Session Bldg 510 Rm 2-160
17:30-18:00 Questions from the review committee
18:00 Adjourn for the day
Wednesday 29 September 2010
Start Title Room
08:00-09:00 Response to questions Bldg 510 Rm 2-160
09:00-12:00 Committee Executive Session/Report Writing
12:00-13:00 Committee Executive Session/Working Lunch
13:00-14:00 Closeout Report Presentation
14:00 Adjourn

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Supporting Documents

Title Access
Draft Conceptual Design Report, See Volume 4: The LBNE Water Cherenkov Detector "review"+password
Risk Assessment "review"+password
Risk Management "review"+password
Quality Assurance (from Draft CDR) open
Preliminary Hazard Analysis "review"+password
Hazard Analysis (from Draft CDR) open
Draft Key Assumptions "review"+password
BOE, Cost Books, and RLS "201009"+password
WCD WBS Dictionary and Summary "review"+password
South Coast Water - Water System Design Report "review"+password
LBNE Organization Chart "review"+password
WCD Drawings open
Requirements Documents Access: "review"+password
WCD Global Requirements
Vessel Liner Requirements
PMT Assembly Requirements
Electronics Requirements
Calibration Requirements
Water System Requirements
Computing Requirements
DUSEL Interface Requirements

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Last modified: 10/14/2010 |