LBNE Internal CDR, Cost and Schedule Review

WBS 1.3 Near Detectors

The LBNE Project Manager has called a series of reviews, one for each of the Level 2 sub-projects (neutrino beam, near detector, water Cherenkov far detector, liquid argon far detector, conventional facilities). The purpose of these reviews is to examine the status of the Conceptual Design and the corresponding cost and schedule estimates for each of the subprojects of the Long-Baseline Neutrino Experiment (LBNE), to identify areas of weakness, and to recommend actions necessary to bring these elements to the level required for a successful DOE CD-1 review.

This review is taking place at Hotel Santa Fe near Los Alamos National Laboratory, and the review committee (broken into three subcommittees) consists of:

  • Beamline Measurements: Measurement Strategy; DAQ; Computing: Stephen Brice (FNAL), Hiro Tanaka (University of British Columbia)
  • Neutrino Measurements: Scintillator Tracker; Straw Tube Tracker: Deborah Harris (FNAL), Ron Ransome (Rutgers University)
  • Neutrino Measurements: Liquid Argon TPC; Magnets: Jon Kapustinsky (LANL), Stephen Pordes (FNAL)


Monday 4 October 2010
Start Title Speaker Room
08:30 Committee Executive Session Kiva A
Plenary Kiva A
09:15 Near Detector Overview C. Mauger
09:45 WBS 1.3.2 Measurement Strategy S. Zeller
10:45 Break
10:55 WBS 1.3.3 Beamline Measurements G. Mills
11:15 WBS 1.3.4, 1.3.5 Neutrino Detectors, Magnets W. Louis
11:45 Structure of Cost and Schedule Estimates D. Lee
12:00 Lunch
13:00 Breakout Sessions
1) Beamline Measurements: Measurement Strategy; DAQ; Computing
Reviewers: S. Brice, H. Tanaka
Kiva A
Beamline 1 A. Marino
Measurement Strategy S. Zeller
2) Neutrino Measurements: Scintillator Tracker; Straw Tube Tracker;
Reviewers: D. Harris, R. Ransome
Straw Tube Tracker 1 R. Petti
Straw Tube Tracker 2 S. Mishra
3) Neutrino Measurements: Liquid Argon TPC, Magnets;
Reviewers: J. Kapustinsky, S. Pordes
Liquid Argon TPC 1 G. Horton-Smith
Liquid Argon TPC 2 K. Lee
16:30 Adjourn Breakout Session
16:30 Committee Executive Session Kiva A
17:30 Questions from Review Committee Kiva A
18:00 Adjourn for the day
Tuesday 5 October 2010
Start Title Speaker Room
08:00 Answers to Questions Kiva A
09:00 Breakout Sessions
1) Beamline Measurements: Measurement Strategy; DAQ; Computing Kiva A
Beamline 2 G. Mills
Beamline 3 E. Zimmerman
DAQ and Computing C. Mauger
2) Neutrino Measurements: Scintillator Tracker; Straw Tube Tracker Canyon
Scintillator Tracker B. Bradford
3) Neutrino Measurements: Liquid Argon TPC; Magnets Library
Magnets D. Naples
12:30 Adjourn Breakout Session
12:30 Working Lunch/Committee Executive Session Kiva A
13:30 Committee Executive Session/Report Writing Kiva A
17:30 Closeout Kiva A
18:00 Adjourn

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Supporting Documents

Draft Conceptual Design Report, See Volume 3: The LBNE Near Detectors
Draft Preliminary Risk Assessment for the Near Detector
Draft Key Assumptions
Draft Preliminary Hazard Analysis
Near Detector Work Breakdown Structure Dictionary
LBNE Organization Chart
LBNE Near Detector Requirements
LBNE Near Detector Schedule Files

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Last modified: 10/12/2010 |