LBNE Director's Mini-Review

The Fermilab Deputy Director Young-Kee Kim has called a Mini-Review of the LBNE Project to assess its progress towards a planned CD-1 Lehman Review, scheduled to be 7-9 December 2010. The review committee consists of: Aesook Byon (BNL), Chair; Dean Hoffer (FNAL); Peter Limon (consultant); and Jeff Sims (ANL).

The Fermilab Office of Project Management and Oversight LBNE Review Website


Thursday 15 July 2010 - Hornet's Nest (Wilson Hall 8 crossover)
Start Title Speaker
08:00 Committee Executive Session
08:30 Welcome Y.K.Kim
08:40 Project Overview J.Strait
09:10 Alternatives Analysis and CDR G.Rameika
09:40 PMP and DUSEL MOU J.Strait
10:10 Risk Plan and QA Plan M.Dinnon
10:25 Break
10:45 Preliminary HA M.Andrews
11:00 NEPA Strategy M.Andrews
11:15 RLS Development E.McCluskey
11:30 WBS 1.2 Neutrino Beamline V.Papadimitriou
12:00 Working Lunch
13:00 WBS 1.3 Near Detectors C.Mauger
13:30 WBS 1.4 Water Cherenkov Detector J.Stewart
14:00 WBS 1.5 Liquid Argon TPC B.Baller
14:30 WBS 1.6 Conventional Facilities E.McCluskey
15:00 Break
15:15 Configuration Decision Process J.Strait
15:45 Wrap-up discussion J.Strait
16:15 Committee Executive Session
17:45 Questions from Committee
18:00 Adjourn for the day
Friday 16 July 2010 - Comitium (Wilson Hall 2 crossover)
Start Title
08:00 Response to Questions/Follow-up Presentations
09:00 Committee Executive Session/Report Writing
11:30 Closeout Report by Committee to the Fermilab Directorate and the Project Team
12:00 Adjourn

*Note: The committee can take breaks at any time Friday morning.

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Supporting Documents

Title Primary Author
Draft Conceptual Design Report R.Rameika
Draft Alternatives Analysis R.Rameika
Draft Project Management Plan J.Strait
Draft DUSEL MOU J.Strait
Draft Risk Management Plan M.Dinnon
Draft Preliminary Risk Assessment M.Dinnon
Draft Quality Assurance Plan M.Dinnon
Draft Key Assumptions M.Dinnon
Draft Preliminary Hazard Analysis M.Andrews
DOE NEPA Determination DOE
Work Breakdown Structure Dictionary
LBNE Organization Chart
Requirements Documents

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Last modified: 07/15/2010 |