USGS Forest and Rangeland Ecosystem Science Center

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The scientists from the Forest and Rangeland Ecosystem Science Center capitalize on their diverse expertise to answer critically important scientific questions shaped by the equally diverse environments of the western United States. FRESC scientists collaborate with each other and with partners to provide rigorous, objective, and timely information and guidance for the management and conservation of biological systems in the West and worldwide.

In the Spotlight

Red Alder Inputs Important to Oregon Coast Range Streams
Riparian vegetation sheds dead leaves, branches, and other plant parts that fuel both aquatic and land-based food webs. USGS scientist Steven Perakis, with colleagues... [Read more]
Secretive Aquatic Organisms are Revealed with Environmental DNA Methods
DNA, the hereditary material in all organisms, contains unique sequences that can identify species and even individuals. Aquatic organisms naturally shed DNA into the... [Read more]
Monitoring Alpine Headwaters Based on the ‘Geohydrologic’ Landscape
High-elevation mountain headwaters are some of the most sensitive environments to climate change. To effectively manage the unique physical and biological attributes of... [Read more]
Slow, but Steady Progress toward Appreciation of Western Pond Turtles
One of only two native, freshwater turtle species in the western United States, western pond turtles are declining in portions of their original range. Declines are... [Read more]
Effects of Forest Fragmentation on Genetics of Endangered Brazilian Parakeet
Habitat loss and fragmentation may result in increased isolation of populations and reduced population connectivity. In the dry, deciduous forests of Brazil, habitat... [Read more]
Collaboration to Facilitate Control of Invasive Grasses in Semiarid Rangelands
Non-native Bromus grasses have invaded much of the semiarid rangelands of western North America, resulting in the conversion of... [Read more]
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Page Contact Information: Scott Price
Page Last Modified: 1/31/2013