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Friday, February 13, 2009

Office of the CEO


Congressional Action on American Recovery and Reinvestment Act


Dear Colleagues,

As we head into the President’s Day weekend, we wanted to give you a quick update on Congressional action on H.R. 1, the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009.

This afternoon, the House approved the Conference Report on H.R. 1, and the Senate is planning to vote tonight. If the Senate approves the measure, it goes to President Obama for his signature.

The Conference Report contains $201 million for the Corporation for National and Community Service and its programs, with top line numbers as follows:

  • $89 million for AmeriCorps State and National
  • $65 million for AmeriCorps VISTA
  • $40 million for the National Service Trust
  • $6 million for information technology upgrades
  • $1 million for the Inspector General

The bill contains additional legislative language addressing the proposed use of these funds. You can read the bill language and joint explanatory statement of the managers by visiting the budget page of the Corporation’s website at

We will be analyzing the legislation and OMB government-wide directions, and seeking public input, as we develop an operating plan for the use of these funds.

We will keep you posted on further developments.

In Service,

Nicola Goren
Acting CEO
Corporation for National and Community Service


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