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detailsSummaries about hazardous substances from Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR) of the CDCATSDR (Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry) ToxFaqAcuteTox257
detailsToxicology Profiles from Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR) of the CDCATSDR (Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry) ToxProfileAcuteTox256
detailsATSDR Priority Data Needs (PDN) documentsATSDR (Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry) PDN DocAcuteTox16
detailsStatus of ATSDR's Prority Data Needs (PDNs)ATSDR (Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry) PDN StatusAcuteTox64
detailsDanishEPA toxicity data on siloxanesDanishEPA Siloxanes ToxAcuteTox3
detailsDOD Oral acute exposure; noncarcinogenic effects (Gulf War 1990-1991)DOD Gulf PestAcuteTox12
detailsDOD acute dermal exposure; noncarcinogenic effects (1990-1991 Gulf War)DOD Gulf PestAcuteTox12
detailsDOD Acute inhalation exposure; noncarcinogenic effects (1990-1991 Gulf War)DOD Gulf PestAcuteTox12
detailsEPA HAP Acute Dose-Response Values for Screening Risk AssessmentEPA HAP AcuteRiskAcuteTox306
detailsAcute Toxicity Data from EPA HPVISEPA HPV ChallengeAcuteTox1001
detailsEPA Conventional Pesticide Fact Sheets URLEPA PFS ConventionalAcuteTox115
detailsEPA Biopesticide Fact Sheets URLEPA PFS BiopesticideAcuteTox313
detailsEXTOXNET Pesticide Information Profiles hosted by Oregon State UniversityEXTOXNET Pesticide Information ProfilesAcuteTox188
detailsINCHEM Concise International Chemical Assessment DocumentsINCHEM Chemical AssessmentsAcuteTox333
detailsINCHEM Environmental Health Criteria MonographsINCHEM Environmental Health CriteriaAcuteTox1216
detailsINCHEM Pesticide DocumentsINCHEM Pesticide DocumentsAcuteTox93
detailsOECD Summary reports on SIDS chemicalsOECD SIDSAcuteTox401
detailsOSHA/EPA Occupational Chemical Database - Full reportOSHA EPAAcuteTox800
detailsToxicity Values (Noncarcingogenic Effects) from Risk Assessment Information SystemRisk Assessment Information Systems ToxValuesAcuteTox736
detailsMATES III List of Substances and Their Associated Risk FactorsCalifornia Multiple Air Toxics Exposure StudyIII RFAcuteTox39
detailsWisconsin Combined Chemical Table for Non-Cancer effectsWisconsin AirToxicsAcuteTox465
detailsDanishEPA toxicity data on siloxanesDanishEPA Siloxanes ToxAcuteTox0
detailsAlaska DEC Cleanup Levels Guidancelaska Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) Cleanup LevelsCarcinogenicity165
detailsAlaska DEC Cleanup Levels Guidancelaska Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) Cleanup LevelsCarcinogenicity165
detailsSummaries about hazardous substances from Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR) of the CDCATSDR (Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry) ToxFaqCarcinogenicity257
detailsToxicology Profiles from Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR) of the CDCATSDR (Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry) ToxProfileCarcinogenicity256
detailsATSDR Priority Data Needs (PDN) documentsATSDR (Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry) PDN DocCarcinogenicity16
detailsCalifornia OEHHA Cancer Potency ValuesCalOEHHA ToxCriteriaCarcinogenicity280
detailsCPDB Report on Carcinogenicity Potency URL (Univ. Cal., Berkeley)Carcinogenic Potency Database (CPDB)Carcinogenicity1547
detailsDOD oral slope factor; carcinogenic effects (1990-1991 Gulf War)DOD Gulf PestCarcinogenicity12
detailsDOD dermal slope factor; carcinogenic effects (1990-1991 Gulf War)DOD Gulf PestCarcinogenicity12
detailsDOD Inhalation slope factors; carcinogenic effects (1990-1991 Gulf War)DOD Gulf PestCarcinogenicity12
detailsCarcinogenicity data from the EDSPDBEDSPDBCarcinogenicity95
detailsEPA HAP Acute Dose-Response Values for Screening Risk AssessmentEPA HAP AcuteRiskCarcinogenicity306
detailsCarcinogenicity Data from EPA HPVISEPA HPV ChallengeCarcinogenicity122
detailsChemicals Evaluated for Carcinogenic Potential by the Office of Pesticide Programs, EPAEPA CARCCarcinogenicity480
detailsEPA Risk-Screening Environmental Indicators (RSEI)EPA RSEICarcinogenicity416
detailsEPA mid-Atlantic Region Human Health Risk-Based ConcentrationsEPA Region3 RBCCarcinogenicity699
detailsEPA Mid-Atlantic Region Human Health Screening LevelsEPA Region3 RBCCarcinogenicity697
detailsEPA mid-Atlantic Region Human Health Risk-Based Concentrations for Fish ConsumptionEPA Region3 RBCCarcinogenicity677
detailsEPA Southwest region Region Human Health Risk-Based ConcentrationsEPA Region9 RSLCarcinogenicity738
detailsEPA Region 9 Regional Screening Levels (RSL) for Chemical Contaminants at Superfund SitesEPA Region9 RSLCarcinogenicity737
detailsEXTOXNET Pesticide Information Profiles hosted by Oregon State UniversityEXTOXNET Pesticide Information ProfilesCarcinogenicity188
detailsHealth Canada Priority Substance Lists (2006) (Carcinogenicity)Health CanadaPSL 2006Carcinogenicity151
detailsINCHEM Concise International Chemical Assessment DocumentsINCHEM Chemical AssessmentsCarcinogenicity333
detailsINCHEM Environmental Health Criteria MonographsINCHEM Environmental Health CriteriaCarcinogenicity1216
detailsINCHEM IARCINCHEM Cancer Summaries and EvaluationsCarcinogenicity1613
detailsINCHEM Pesticide DocumentsINCHEM Pesticide DocumentsCarcinogenicity93
detailsAgents Classified by the IARC Monographs, Volumes 1-102INCHEM Carciongen ClassificationCarcinogenicity971
detailsITER TERA Risk AssessmentsInternational Toxicology Estimates for RiskCarcinogenicity686
detailsChemical Toxicity Findings - Japan Ministry of Health, Labor and WelfareJapanese Chemical ToxicityCarcinogenicity276
detailsNTP Long Term Toxicology / Carcinogenicity Study Abstracts and ReportsNational Toxicology Program ToxCarcLongCarcinogenicity592
detailsNTP Short Term Toxicology / Carcinogenicity Study Abstracts and ReportsNational Toxicology Program ToxCarcShortCarcinogenicity104
detailsOECD Summary reports on SIDS chemicalsOECD SIDSCarcinogenicity401
detailsRisk Assessment Information System Carcinogenicity MetadataRisk Assessment Information Systems MetadataCarcinogenicity304
detailsToxicity Values (Carcingogenic Effects) from Risk Assessment Information SystemRisk Assessment Information Systems ToxValuesCarcinogenicity378
detailsNTP Report on Carcinogens (Summary) (RoC 11)Report on Carcinogens 11Carcinogenicity216
detailsNTP Report on Carcinogens (12th)Report on Carcinogens 12Carcinogenicity234
detailsSubstances Reviewed but Not Recommended for Listing in the Report on Carcinogens (RoC)Report on Carcinogens Not RecommendedCarcinogenicity3
detailsNLM TOXNET HSDB CarcinogenicityNLM TOXNET HSDBCarcinogenicity1400
detailsUSGS Health-Based Screening Levels (HBSLs)USGS HBSLCarcinogenicity437
detailsDetailed USGS Health-Based Screening Levels (HBSLs)USGS HBSLCarcinogenicity437
detailsUSGS Target Compounds for NREC in US StreamsUSGS NRECCarcinogenicity95
detailsUSGS Target National Reconnaissance of Emerging Contaminants (NREC) project in US StreamsUSGS NREC Occurrence StreamsCarcinogenicity110
detailsUSGS Target National Reconnaissance of Emerging Contaminants (NREC) project in US StreamsUSGS NREC Occurrence GroundWaterCarcinogenicity65
detailsUSGS Target National Reconnaissance of Emerging Contaminants (NREC) projectUSGS NREC Occurrence SourceWaterCarcinogenicity100
detailsUSGS Target National Reconnaissance of Emerging Contaminants (NREC) project in US Streams - SedimentsUSGS NREC Occurrence SedimentCarcinogenicity17
detailsWisconsin Combined Chemical Table for Cancer effectsWisconsin AirToxicsCarcinogenicity178
detailsATSDR Chemical Interaction ProfilesATSDR (Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry) InteractionsCardioTox58
detailsToxicology Profiles from Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR) of the CDCATSDR (Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry) ToxProfileChronicTox256
detailsStatus of ATSDR's Prority Data Needs (PDNs)ATSDR (Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry) PDN StatusChronicTox64
detailsCDC Savannah River Site (SRS) Study chemical information used to develop or support chemical release estimatesCDC Savannah River Site (SRS)ChronicTox168
detailsCDC Biomonitoring Summaryies (URLs)CDC BiomonitoringChronicTox228
detailsDOD chronic exposure; noncarcinogenic effects (oral) (1990-1991 Gulf War)DOD Gulf PestChronicTox12
detailsDOD Chronic dermal exposure; noncarcinogenic effects (1990-1991 Gulf War)DOD Gulf PestChronicTox12
detailsDOD Chronic inhalation exposure; noncarcinogenic effects (1990-1991 Gulf War)DOD Gulf PestChronicTox12
detailsUS Army Military exposure guidelines (MEGs) for Chemical Warfare Agents (CWA) in AirDOD Air-MEGs CWAChronicTox6
detailsUS Army Military exposure guidelines (MEGs) for Short-Term exposures to chemicals in ambient airDOD Air-MEGs Short-TermChronicTox3246
detailsUS Army Military exposure guidelines (MEGs) for Long-Term exposures to chemicals in ambient airDOD Air-MEGs Long-TermChronicTox717
detailsUS Army Military exposure guidelines (MEGs) for TICs in AirDOD Air-MEGs TICsChronicTox35
detailsUS Army Military exposure guidelines (MEGs) for waterDOD Water-MEGsChronicTox608
detailsUS Army Military exposure guidelines (MEGs) for soilDOD Soil-MEGsChronicTox613
detailsEPA HAP Chronic Dose-Response Values for Screening Risk AssessmentEPA HAP ChronicRiskChronicTox221
detailsEXTOXNET Pesticide Information Profiles hosted by Oregon State UniversityEXTOXNET Pesticide Information ProfilesChronicTox188
detailsINCHEM Concise International Chemical Assessment DocumentsINCHEM Chemical AssessmentsChronicTox333
detailsINCHEM Environmental Health Criteria MonographsINCHEM Environmental Health CriteriaChronicTox1216
detailsINCHEM Pesticide DocumentsINCHEM Pesticide DocumentsChronicTox93
detailsOECD Summary reports on SIDS chemicalsOECD SIDSChronicTox401
detailsToxicity Values (Noncarcingogenic Effects) from Risk Assessment Information SystemRisk Assessment Information Systems ToxValuesChronicTox736
detailsMATES III List of Substances and Their Associated Risk FactorsCalifornia Multiple Air Toxics Exposure StudyIII RFChronicTox39
detailsWisconsin Combined Chemical Table for Non-Cancer effectsWisconsin AirToxicsChronicTox465
detailsCDC Savannah River Site (SRS) Study chemical information used to develop or support chemical release estimatesCDC Savannah River Site (SRS)DermalTox168
detailsCDC Biomonitoring Summaryies (URLs)CDC BiomonitoringDermalTox228
detailsDOD acute dermal exposure; noncarcinogenic effects (1990-1991 Gulf War)DOD Gulf PestDermalTox12
detailsDOD sub-chronic dermal exposure; noncarcinogenic effects (1990-1991 Gulf War)DOD Gulf PestDermalTox12
detailsDOD Chronic dermal exposure; noncarcinogenic effects (1990-1991 Gulf War)DOD Gulf PestDermalTox12
detailsUS Army Military exposure guidelines (MEGs) for Chemical Warfare Agents (CWA) in AirDOD Air-MEGs CWADermalTox6
detailsUS Army Military exposure guidelines (MEGs) for Short-Term exposures to chemicals in ambient airDOD Air-MEGs Short-TermDermalTox3246
detailsUS Army Military exposure guidelines (MEGs) for Long-Term exposures to chemicals in ambient airDOD Air-MEGs Long-TermDermalTox717
detailsUS Army Military exposure guidelines (MEGs) for TICs in AirDOD Air-MEGs TICsDermalTox35
detailsUS Army Military exposure guidelines (MEGs) for waterDOD Water-MEGsDermalTox608
detailsUS Army Military exposure guidelines (MEGs) for soilDOD Soil-MEGsDermalTox613
detailsSkin Irritation Data In Vitro from EPA HPVISEPA HPV ChallengeDermalTox305
detailsSkin Sensitization Data In Vitro from EPA HPVISEPA HPV ChallengeDermalTox180
detailsUniv. of Florida Pesticide Toxicity ProfilesFlorida PestToxDermalTox124
detailsINCHEM Environmental Health Criteria MonographsINCHEM Environmental Health CriteriaDermalTox1216
detailsOECD Summary reports on SIDS chemicalsOECD SIDSDermalTox401
detailsToxicology Profiles from Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR) of the CDCATSDR (Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry) ToxProfileDevTox256
detailsDevelopmental Toxicity / Teratogenicity Data In Vitro from EPA HPVISEPA HPV ChallengeDevTox859
detailsHealth Canada Priority Substance Lists (2006) (Developmental Toxicity)Health CanadaPSL 2006DevTox49
detailsINCHEM Environmental Health Criteria MonographsINCHEM Environmental Health CriteriaDevTox1216
detailsINCHEM Pesticide DocumentsINCHEM Pesticide DocumentsDevTox93
detailsChemical Toxicity Findings - Japan Ministry of Health, Labor and WelfareJapanese Chemical ToxicityDevTox276
detailsNTP Developmental Toxicity AbstractsNational Toxicology Program DevToxDevTox102
detailsOECD Summary reports on SIDS chemicalsOECD SIDSDevTox401
detailsWildlife Toxicity Ecological Risk Assessments ReportsWildlife ToxicityEcoTox29
detailsThe Avian Incident Monitoring System (AIMS) from ABC (American Bird Conservancy)Avian Incident Monitoring SystemEcoTox113
detailsAlaska DEC Cleanup Levels Guidancelaska Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) Cleanup LevelsEcoTox165
detailsAlaska DEC Cleanup Levels Guidancelaska Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) Cleanup LevelsEcoTox165
detailsThe California Wildlife Biology, Exposure Factor, and Toxicity DatabaseCal EcoToxEcoTox2180
detailsCalifornia DTS Ecological Risk AssessmentCal EcoTox DTSC SummaryEcoTox24
detailsCalifornia DTS Use of Navy BTAG Toxicity Reference Values (TRVs) for Ecological Risk AssessmentCal EcoTox Navy BTAGsEcoTox26
detailsUS Army Biota-Sediment Accumulation Factor and Lipid DataDOD BSAFEcoTox2686
detailsUS Army Wildlife Toxicity Assessments (WTA)DOD Army WTAEcoTox32
detailsUS Army Wildlife Toxicity Assessmenta (WTA)DOD Army WTAEcoTox29
detailsEcological Biomonitoring Data from EDSPDBEDSPDBEcoTox191
detailsEcological Toxicity Data from EDSPDBEDSPDBEcoTox308
detailsEnvironment Canada RATLsEnvironment Canada RATLs FieldEcoTox113
detailsCanada Domestic Substance List (2007)Environment Canada DSL (2007)EcoTox22017
detailsAqueous and Semi-Aqueous Solvent Chemicals: Environmentally Preferable Choices From EPA OPPTEPA Solv EnvEcoTox40
detailsEPA mid-Atlantic Region Human Health Risk-Based ConcentrationsEPA Region3 RBCEcoTox699
detailsEPA Mid-Atlantic Region Human Health Screening LevelsEPA Region3 RBCEcoTox697
detailsEPA Mid-Atlantic Region Protection of Groundwater (screening levels)EPA Region3 RBCEcoTox579
detailsEPA mid-Atlantic Region Human Health Risk-Based Concentrations for Fish ConsumptionEPA Region3 RBCEcoTox677
detailsEPA Southwest region Region Human Health Risk-Based ConcentrationsEPA Region9 RSLEcoTox738
detailsEPA Region 9 Regional Screening Levels (RSL) for Chemical Contaminants at Superfund SitesEPA Region9 RSLEcoTox737
detailsEPA Region 9 Region Protection of Groundwater (screening levels)EPA Region9 RSLEcoTox619
detailsEXTOXNET Pesticide Information Profiles hosted by Oregon State UniversityEXTOXNET Pesticide Information ProfilesEcoTox188
detailsUniv. of Florida Pesticide Toxicity ProfilesFlorida PestToxEcoTox124
detailsINCHEM Concise International Chemical Assessment DocumentsINCHEM Chemical AssessmentsEcoTox333
detailsINCHEM Environmental Health Criteria MonographsINCHEM Environmental Health CriteriaEcoTox1216
detailsINCHEM Pesticide DocumentsINCHEM Pesticide DocumentsEcoTox93
detailsINCHEM Health and Safety GuidesINCHEM Health and Safety GuidesEcoTox159
detailsOECD Summary reports on SIDS chemicalsOECD SIDSEcoTox401
detailsUK Pesticide usage, ecotoxicity and hazard classificationUK PestUsageEcoTox37
detailsUK Pesticide Properties DatabaseUK PPDBEcoTox1333
detailsUSDA Human Health and Ecological Risk Assessments (HERAs)USDA FS HERAEcoTox49
detailsUSGS CEETV Average Chemical DetectionUSGS Contaminant Exposure and Effects-Terrestrial Vertebrates database (CEE-TV)EcoTox72
detailsUSGS CEETV Chemical Test CountUSGS Contaminant Exposure and Effects-Terrestrial Vertebrates database (CEE-TV)EcoTox73
detailsUSGS CEETV Non Detect CountsUSGS Contaminant Exposure and Effects-Terrestrial Vertebrates database (CEE-TV)EcoTox51
detailsUSGS CEETV Trace Chemical DetectionUSGS Contaminant Exposure and Effects-Terrestrial Vertebrates database (CEE-TV)EcoTox73
detailsPesticide levels in fish 1992-2001 (USGS)USGS Pest FishEcoTox27
detailsEDSPDB Summary endocrine disruption information from the literature; from EDSPDBEDSPDBEndocrine245
detailsEPA EDSP Final List of Chemicals for Initial Tier 1 ScreeningEPA EDSP2009Endocrine67
detailsEC priority list of substances for evaluation of endocrine disruptionEUROPA Endocrine CandidateEndocrine553
detailsStatus of EU Community Strategy for Endocrine DisruptersEUROPA ED Status 2007Endocrine108
detailsThe EU list of potential endocrine disruptors (Category 1)EUROPA ED Category1Endocrine192
detailsICCVAM Reference Substances for Validation of In Vitro ER Binding AssaysNational Toxicology Program ICCVAMEndocrine78
detailsICCVAM Substances considered for Validation of In Vitro ER Binding AssaysNational Toxicology Program ICCVAM ConsideredEndocrine46
detailsBelgium positive list of starting materials permitted to produce plastics that may come in contact with drinking waterBelgium PosList PlastFoodSafe282
detailsCalifornia Pesticide Use 1991-1998Cal PestUse 1991 1998FoodSafe233
detailsCalifornia Pesticide Residues (2007)Cal Pesticide Residues 2007FoodSafe40
detailsCalifornia Pesticide Residues (2008)Cal Pesticide Residues 2008FoodSafe52
detailsCalifornia Pesticide Residues (2006)Cal Pesticide Residues 2006FoodSafe42
detailsCalifornia Pesticide Residues (2005)Cal Pesticide Residues 2005FoodSafe41
detailsCalifornia Pesticide Residues (2004)Cal Pesticide Residues 2004FoodSafe39
detailsCalifornia Pesticide Use 1999 to 2007Cal PestUse 1999 2007FoodSafe388
detailsCalifornia Pesticide Residues (2003)Cal Pesticide Residues 2003FoodSafe46
detailsCalifornia Pesticide Residues (2002)Cal Pesticide Residues 2002FoodSafe50
detailsCalifornia Pesticide Residues (2001)Cal Pesticide Residues 2001FoodSafe60
detailsCalifornia Pesticide Residues (2000)Cal Pesticide Residues 2000FoodSafe57
detailsCalifornia Pesticide Residues (1999)Cal Pesticide Residues 1999FoodSafe60
detailsCalifornia Pesticide Residues (1998)Cal Pesticide Residues 1998FoodSafe63
detailsCalifornia Pesticide Residues (1997)Cal Pesticide Residues 1997FoodSafe63
detailsCalifornia Pesticide Residues (2009)Cal Pesticide Residues 2009FoodSafe76
detailsCalifornia Pesticide Residues (1996)Cal Pesticide Residues 1996FoodSafe64
detailsCalifornia Pesticide Residues (1995)Cal Pesticide Residues 1995FoodSafe56
detailsCalifornia Pesticide Residues (1994)Cal Pesticide Residues 1994FoodSafe55
detailsCalifornia Pesticide Residues (1993)Cal Pesticide Residues 1993FoodSafe69
detailsCalifornia Pesticide Sales for 2009Cal CDPR PestSales 2009FoodSafe895
detailsCalifornia Pesticide Sales for 2008Cal CDPR PestSales 2008FoodSafe885
detailsCalifornia Pesticide Sales for 2007Cal CDPR PestSales 2007FoodSafe872
detailsCalifornia Pesticide Sales for 2006Cal CDPR PestSales 2006FoodSafe866
detailsCalifornia Pesticide Sales for 2005Cal CDPR PestSales 2005FoodSafe845
detailsCalifornia Pesticide Sales for 2004Cal CDPR PestSales 2004FoodSafe817
detailsCalifornia Pesticide Sales for 2003Cal CDPR PestSales 2003FoodSafe806
detailsCalifornia Pesticide Sales for 2002Cal CDPR PestSales 2002FoodSafe350
detailsCalifornia Pesticide Sales for 2001Cal CDPR PestSales 2001FoodSafe328
detailsCalifornia Pesticide Sales for 2000Cal CDPR PestSales 2000FoodSafe333
detailsCalifornia Pesticide Sales for 1999Cal CDPR PestSales 1999FoodSafe325
detailsCalifornia Pesticide Sales for 1998Cal CDPR PestSales 1998FoodSafe315
detailsCalifornia Pesticide Sales for 1997Cal CDPR PestSales 1997FoodSafe294
detailsCal CDPR Sampling For Pesticide Residues In California Well Water for 2010Cal CDPR Pest Wells 2010FoodSafe127
detailsCal CDPR Sampling Historical Summary of Pesticide Residues In California Well WaterCal CDPR Pest Wells SummaryFoodSafe106
detailsCalifornia Pesticide Sales for 1996Cal CDPR PestSales 1996FoodSafe294
detailsCalifornia Pesticide Sales for 2010Cal CDPR PestSales 2010FoodSafe898
detailsCalifornia Pesticide Sales for 1995Cal CDPR PestSales 1995FoodSafe300
detailsCalifornia Pesticide Sales for 1994Cal CDPR PestSales 1994FoodSafe311
detailsEPA PFS Reduced Risk PesticidesEPA PFS Reduced RiskFoodSafe209
detailsEPA Inert Ingredients Eligible for FIFRA 25(b) Pesticide ProductsEPA INERTS 25bFoodSafe288
detailsEPA Inert ingredients used pre-harvest; exemptions from the requirement of a tolerance.EPA Inerts Exempt Pre-HarvestFoodSafe289
detailsEPA: Inert (pesticide) ingredients used pre-harvest; exemptions from the requirement of a tolerance.EPA Inerts Exempt PesticidesFoodSafe456
detailsEPA: Inert (pesticide) ingredients applied to animals; exemptions from the requirement of a tolerance.EPA Inerts Exempt AnimalsFoodSafe403
detailsEPA: Tolerance exemptions for active and inert (pesticide) ingredients for use in antimicrobial formulations (Food-contact surface sanitizing solutions).EPA Inerts Exempt AntiMicrobeFoodSafe242
detailsEPA Inert IngredientsEPA INERTS NONFOODFoodSafe3687
detailsEPA Exemptions for Inert Mimimum Risk IngredientsEPA Inerts Exempt MinRiskFoodSafe83
detailsEPA: Polymers; exemptions from the requirement of a toleranceEPA Inerts Exempt PolymersFoodSafe248
detailsEPA OPPIN Food Use TolerancesEPA OPPIN FoodUseFoodSafe1552
detailsEC (European Commission) Restrictions and/or specifications for Plastics in Contact with FoodEUROPA Food Contact MonomersFoodSafe213
detailsEC (European Commission) Restrictions and/or specifications on plastics additives in contact with foodEUROPA Food Contact AdditivesFoodSafe292
detailsPesticide Residues in Products of Plant Origin in European Union (2002)EUROPA FoodPest 2002FoodSafe40
detailsPesticide Residues in Products of Plant Origin in European Union (2001)EUROPA FoodPest 2001FoodSafe35
detailsExposure assessment for chronic risk from the dietary intake of pesticide residues (2003) (Europe)EUROPA PestDiet 2003FoodSafe42
detailsExposure assessment for acute risk from the dietary intake of pesticide residues (2003) (Europe)EUROPA PestDiet 2003FoodSafe17
detailsExposure assessment for chronic risk from the dietary intake of pesticide residues (2002) (Europe)EUROPA PestDiet 2002FoodSafe42
detailsExposure assessment for acute risk from the dietary intake of pesticide residues (2002) (Europe)EUROPA PestDiet 2002FoodSafe15
detailsExposure assessment for chronic risk from the dietary intake of pesticide residues (2001) (Europe)EUROPA PestDiet 2001FoodSafe35
detailsExposure assessment for acute risk from the dietary intake of pesticide residues (2001) (Europe)EUROPA PestDiet 2001FoodSafe8
detailsPesticide Residues in Products of Plant Origin in EU (2000) (Europe)EUROPA FoodPest 2000FoodSafe20
detailsExposure assessment for chronic risk from the dietary intake of pesticide residues (2000) (Europe)EUROPA FoodPest 2000FoodSafe23
detailsExposure assessment for acute risk from the dietary intake of pesticide residues (2000) (Europe)EUROPA FoodPest 2000FoodSafe6
detailsPesticide Residues in Products of Plant Origin in EU (1999) (Europe)EUROPA FoodPest 1999FoodSafe20
detailsExposure assessment for chronic risk from the dietary intake of pesticide residues (1999) (Europe)EUROPA FoodPest 1999FoodSafe20
detailsExposure assessment for acute risk from the dietary intake of pesticide residues (1999) (Europe)EUROPA FoodPest 1999FoodSafe5
detailsPesticide Residues in Products of Plant Origin in EU (1998) (Europe)EUROPA FoodPest 1998FoodSafe23
detailsExposure assessment for chronic risk from the dietary intake of pesticide residues (1998) (Europe)EUROPA FoodPest 1998FoodSafe20
detailsExposure assessment for acute risk from the dietary intake of pesticide residues (1998) (Europe)EUROPA FoodPest 1998FoodSafe3
detailsPesticide Residues in Products of Plant Origin in EU (1996) (Europe)EUROPA FoodPest 1996FoodSafe9
detailsExposure assessment for chronic risk from the dietary intake of pesticide residues (1996) (Europe)EUROPA FoodPest 1996FoodSafe9
detailsPesticide Residues in Products of Plant Origin in EU (1997) (Europe)EUROPA FoodPest 1997FoodSafe13
detailsExposure assessment for chronic risk from the dietary intake of pesticide residues (1997) (Europe)EUROPA FoodPest 1997FoodSafe13
detailsExposure assessment for acute risk from the dietary intake of pesticide residues (1997) (Europe)EUROPA FoodPest 1997FoodSafe1
detailsVitamins and minerals permitted in food supplements (Europe)EUROPA SupplementsFoodSafe214
detailsmonitoring of residues and contaminants in food of animal origin (European Commission)EUROPA Food ResiduesFoodSafe874
detailsProvisional list of additives used in Plastics (European Commission)EUROPA Food Contact ProvisionalFoodSafe20
detailsEuropean Union (EU) Pesticides DatabaseEUROPA ActivesFoodSafe1276
detailsEuropean Commission Exposure Assessment of phthalates that may be found in children's school suppliesEUROPA PHTH ChildFoodSafe3
detailsEC (European Commission) flavouring substances authorized for use in foodstuffsEUROPA FlavouringsFoodSafe2761
detailsSummary of Specifications And Authorisation Of Waxes At The EU, JECFA, And European Pharmacopoeia provided by European Wax FederationEUROPA WaxesFoodSafe28
detailsEuropean Union list of hair dye substances with an updated safety fileEUROPA Dyes UpdatedSafetyFoodSafe162
detailsEuropean Union list of hair dye substances proposed for banEUROPA Dyes Ban ProposedFoodSafe68
detailsFDA EAFUS - Everything Added to Food in the U.S.Everything Added to Food in the United States: FDA EAFUSFoodSafe3969
detailsFDA EAFUS: Title 21 US CFR citationsEverything Added to Food in the United States: FDA EAFUSFoodSafe2285
detailsFDA GRAS - Substances generally regarded as safeFDA Generally Regarded as Safe (GRAS)FoodSafe367
detailsFDA GRAS: Title 21 US CFR citations - FDA Substances generally regarded as safe (GRAS)FDA Generally Regarded as Safe (GRAS)FoodSafe373
detailsFDA Cumulative Estimated Daily Intake/Acceptable Daily Intake DatabaseFDA CEDI ADIFoodSafe1302
detailsTitle 21 US CFR citations - FDA Cumulative Estimated Daily Intake/Acceptable Daily Intake DatabaseFDA CEDI ADIFoodSafe991
detailsFDA Title 21 US CFR citations for indirect additives used in food contact substancesFDA Indirect Food AdditivesFoodSafe3032
detailsFDA: Color Additives Exempt from Batch CertificationFDA ColorAdditives ExemptFoodSafe85
detailsFDA: Color Additives Nonexempt from batch certificationFDA ColorAdditives NonexemptFoodSafe67
detailsFDA color additives batch certification reportsFDA ColorCertifiedFoodSafe101
detailsFDA Inventory of Effective Food Contact Substance (FCS) NotificationsFDA FCS NotificationsFoodSafe768
detailsFDA inventory of GRAS noticesFDA Generally Regarded as Safe (GRAS) NoticesFoodSafe410
detailsFDA inventory of GRAS notices - FDA letterFDA Generally Regarded as Safe (GRAS) NoticesFoodSafe378
detailsFDA: Pesticides in samples of animal feed 2008FDA AnimalFeed 2008FoodSafe15
detailsFDA: Pesticides in samples of animal feed 2007FDA AnimalFeed 2007FoodSafe14
detailsFDA Total Diet Study (TDS) PIC for FY2003FDA Total Diet Study PIC 2003FoodSafe131
detailsFDA Total Diet Study (TDS) PIC for FY2002FDA Total Diet Study PIC 2002FoodSafe115
detailsFDA Total Diet Study (TDS) PIC for FY2001FDA Total Diet Study PIC 2001FoodSafe117
detailsFDA Total Diet Study (TDS) PIC for FY2000FDA Total Diet Study PIC 2000FoodSafe108
detailsFDA Total Diet Study (TDS) PIC for FY1999FDA Total Diet Study PIC 1999FoodSafe105
detailsFDA Total Diet Study (TDS) PIC for FY1998FDA Total Diet Study PIC 1998FoodSafe101
detailsFDA Total Diet Study (TDS) PIC for FY1998FDA Total Diet Study PIC 1997FoodSafe109
detailsFDA Total Diet Study (TDS) PIC for FY1998FDA Total Diet Study PIC 1996FoodSafe109
detailsFDA Pestrak Files - CFSAN pesticide dataFDA PestrakFoodSafe1600
detailsTitle 40 US CFR part 185 citation for FDA pesticides of interestFDA PestrakFoodSafe1444
detailsFDA Total Diet Study (TDS) Elements for FY2008FDA Total Diet Study Elements 2008FoodSafe17
detailsFDA Total Diet Study (TDS) Summary for 1991-2003FDA Total Diet Study Summary 1991-2003FoodSafe184
detailsFDA Total Diet Study (TDS) Summary for 2008FDA Total Diet Study Summary 2008FoodSafe29
detailsFDA Total Diet Study (TDS) Summary for 2007FDA Total Diet Study Summary 2007FoodSafe30
detailsFDA Total Diet Study (TDS) Summary for 2006FDA Total Diet Study Summary 2006FoodSafe36
detailsFDA Total Diet Study (TDS) Summary for 2005FDA Total Diet Study Summary 2005FoodSafe34
detailsFDA Total Diet Study (TDS) Summary for 2004FDA Total Diet Study Summary 2004FoodSafe34
detailsFDA Total Diet Study (TDS) Summary for 2003FDA Total Diet Study Summary 2003FoodSafe28
detailsFDA Total Diet Study (TDS) Summary for 2002FDA Total Diet Study Summary 2002FoodSafe25
detailsFDA Total Diet Study (TDS) Summary for 2001FDA Total Diet Study Summary 2001FoodSafe24
detailsFDA Total Diet Study (TDS) Summary for 2000FDA Total Diet Study Summary 2000FoodSafe25
detailsFDA Total Diet Study (TDS) Summary for 1999FDA Total Diet Study Summary 1999FoodSafe26
detailsFDA Total Diet Study (TDS) Summary for 1998FDA Total Diet Study Summary 1998FoodSafe26
detailsFDA Total Diet Study (TDS) Summary for 1997FDA Total Diet Study Summary 1997FoodSafe31
detailsFDA Total Diet Study (TDS) Summary for 1996FDA Total Diet Study Summary 1996FoodSafe26
detailsGerman monitoring of pesticide residues in foods of plant origin for 2002Germany Surveillance 2002FoodSafe402
detailsNational Center for Food and Agricultural Policy (NCFAP) National Pesticide Use Database for 1997NCPAF 1997FoodSafe234
detailsNational Center for Food and Agricultural Policy (NCFAP) National Pesticide Use Database for 1992NCPAF 1992FoodSafe234
detailsAnnual Report on Surveillance for Veterinary Residues in Food in UK in 2006UK VetResidues 2006FoodSafe30
detailsAnnual Report on Surveillance for Veterinary Residues in Food in UK in 2007UK VetResidues 2007FoodSafe33
detailsAnnual Report on Surveillance for Veterinary Residues in Food in UK in 2008UK VetResidues 2008FoodSafe35
detailsAnnual Report on Surveillance for Veterinary Residues in Food in UK in 2009UK VetResidues 2009FoodSafe38
detailsSummary of Emissions and Concentrations of Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) 1990-2008 in United Kingdom provided by Department for Environment Food and Rural Affairs (Defra)UK defra POPs EmissionsFoodSafe21
detailsUK Air emission annual data reporting (1999) (CLRTAP/EMEP)UK eionet Emissions 1999FoodSafe26
detailsestimates of pollutant emissions to air in the UK (2008)UK NAEI Emissions 2008FoodSafe41
detailsUSDA National List of Allowed and Prohibited Substances - livestockUSDA NOP LivestockFoodSafe38
detailsUSDA National List of Allowed and Prohibited Substances - CropsUSDA NOP CropsFoodSafe100
detailsUSDA National List of Allowed and Prohibited Substances - Processing for organic agricultural productsUSDA NOP ProcessingFoodSafe107
detailsUSDA Agricultural Chemical Usage - Field Crops (2007)USDA PestUse 2007 FieldCropsFoodSafe167
detailsUSDA Food ingredients approved for use in the preparation of meat productsUSDA CFR 424FoodSafe353
detailsUSDA Safe and Suitable Ingredients Used in the Production of Meat and Poultry ProductsUSDA FSIS 7120FoodSafe317
detailsUSDA Agricultural Chemical Usage - Field Crops (2006)USDA PestUse 2006 FieldCropsFoodSafe103
detailsUSDA Agricultural Chemical Usage - Field Crops (2005)USDA PestUse 2005 FieldCropsFoodSafe174
detailsUSDA Agricultural Chemical Usage - Field Crops (2004)USDA PestUse 2004 FieldCropsFoodSafe93
detailsUSDA Agricultural Chemical Usage - Field Crops (2003)USDA PestUse 2003 FieldCropsFoodSafe180
detailsUSDA Agricultural Chemical Usage - Field Crops (2002)USDA PestUse 2002 FieldCropsFoodSafe93
detailsUSDA Agricultural Chemical Usage - Field Crops (2001)USDA PestUse 2001 FieldCropsFoodSafe144
detailsUSDA Agricultural Chemical Usage - Field Crops (2000)USDA PestUse 2000 FieldCropsFoodSafe172
detailsUSDA Agricultural Chemical Usage - Field Crops (1999)USDA PestUse 1999 FieldCropsFoodSafe158
detailsUSDA Agricultural Chemical Usage - Field Crops (1998)USDA PestUse ARMS 1998 FieldCropsFoodSafe158
detailsUSDA Agricultural Chemical Usage - Field Crops (1998)USDA PestUse FAS 1998 FieldCropsFoodSafe49
detailsUSDA Agricultural Chemical Usage - Field Crops (1997)USDA PestUse 1997 FieldCropsFoodSafe136
detailsUSDA Agricultural Chemical Usage - Field Crops (1996)USDA PestUse 1996 FieldCropsFoodSafe135
detailsUSDA Agricultural Chemical Usage - Field Crops (1995)USDA PestUse 1995 FieldCropsFoodSafe132
detailsUSDA Agricultural Chemical Usage - Field Crops (1994)USDA PestUse 1994 FieldCropsFoodSafe119
detailsUSDA Agricultural Chemical Usage - Field Crops (1993)USDA PestUse 1993 FieldCropsFoodSafe117
detailsUSDA Agricultural Chemical Usage - Fruit Crops (2005)USDA PestUse 2005 FruitFoodSafe172
detailsUSDA Agricultural Chemical Usage - Fruit Crops (2003)USDA PestUse 2003 FruitFoodSafe153
detailsUSDA Agricultural Chemical Usage - Fruit Crops (2001)USDA PestUse 2001 FruitFoodSafe150
detailsUSDA Agricultural Chemical Usage - Fruit Crops (1999)USDA PestUse 1999 FruitFoodSafe133
detailsUSDA Agricultural Chemical Usage - Nut Crops (1999)USDA PestUse 1999 NutsFoodSafe58
detailsUSDA Agricultural Chemical Usage - Citrus Fruit Crops (1991)USDA PestUse 1991 CitrusFoodSafe34
detailsUSDA Agricultural Chemical Usage - Fruit Crops (1997)USDA PestUse 1997 FruitFoodSafe111
detailsUSDA Agricultural Chemical Usage - Fruit Crops (1995)USDA PestUse 1995 FruitFoodSafe90
detailsUSDA Agricultural Chemical Usage - Fruit Crops (1993)USDA PestUse 1993 FruitFoodSafe99
detailsUSDA Agricultural Chemical Usage - Fruit Crops (1991)USDA PestUse 1991 FruitFoodSafe84
detailsUSDA Agricultural Chemical Usage - Fruit Crops (nonbearing) (1991)USDA PestUse 1991 Fruit NonbearingFoodSafe62
detailsUSDA Agricultural Chemical Usage - Nut Crops ((1991)USDA PestUse 1991 NutsFoodSafe38
detailsUSDA NASS Agricultural Chemical Use Survey for Nursery and Floriculture Crops, 2009USDA National Agricultural Statistics Service Floriculture 2009FoodSafe261
detailsUSDA NASS Agricultural Chemical Use Survey for Fruit Crops, 2009USDA National Agricultural Statistics Service Fruit 2009FoodSafe252
detailsUSDA NASS Agricultural Chemical Use on Corn, Upland Cotton, Fall Potatoes in Program States, 2010USDA National Agricultural Statistics Service CornCottonPotatoes 2010FoodSafe195
detailsUSDA NASS Agricultural Chemical Use in Wheat Program States, 2009.USDA National Agricultural Statistics Service Wheat 2009FoodSafe68
detailsSummary of Emissions and Concentrations of metals 1990-2008 in United Kingdom provided by Department for Environment Food and Rural Affairs (Defra)UK defra Metals EmissionsFoodSafe9
detailsAnnual Report on Surveillance for Veterinary Residues in Food in UK in 2010UK VetResidues 2010FoodSafe0
detailsAlaska DEC Cleanup Levels Guidancelaska Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) Cleanup LevelsGeneTox165
detailsAlaska DEC Cleanup Levels Guidancelaska Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) Cleanup LevelsGeneTox165
detailsGenotoxicity Data In Vivo from EPA HPVISEPA HPV ChallengeGeneTox619
detailsGenotoxicity Data In Vitro from EPA HPVISEPA HPV ChallengeGeneTox953
detailsEPA mid-Atlantic Region Human Health Risk-Based ConcentrationsEPA Region3 RBCGeneTox699
detailsEPA Mid-Atlantic Region Human Health Screening LevelsEPA Region3 RBCGeneTox697
detailsEPA mid-Atlantic Region Human Health Risk-Based Concentrations for Fish ConsumptionEPA Region3 RBCGeneTox677
detailsEPA Southwest region Region Human Health Risk-Based ConcentrationsEPA Region9 RSLGeneTox738
detailsEPA Region 9 Regional Screening Levels (RSL) for Chemical Contaminants at Superfund SitesEPA Region9 RSLGeneTox737
detailsEXTOXNET Pesticide Information Profiles hosted by Oregon State UniversityEXTOXNET Pesticide Information ProfilesGeneTox188
detailsHealth Canada Priority Substance Lists (2006) (Genotoxicity)Health CanadaPSL 2006GeneTox37
detailsINCHEM Concise International Chemical Assessment DocumentsINCHEM Chemical AssessmentsGeneTox333
detailsINCHEM Environmental Health Criteria MonographsINCHEM Environmental Health CriteriaGeneTox1216
detailsINCHEM Pesticide DocumentsINCHEM Pesticide DocumentsGeneTox93
detailsChemical Toxicity Findings - Japan Ministry of Health, Labor and WelfareJapanese Chemical ToxicityGeneTox276
detailsMutation Calls (Ames Assays)Mutagenicity PredictionsGeneTox846
detailsOECD Summary reports on SIDS chemicalsOECD SIDSGeneTox401
detailsAIHA Workplace Environmental Exposure Levels (WEELs) (2009)American Industrial Hygiene Association Workplace Environmental Exposure Levels 2009Hazard118
detailsAlaska Soil cleanup levels (CLs)Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation soil cleanup levelsHazard165
detailsAlaska Groundwater cleanup levels (CLs)Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation ground water cleanup levelsHazard168
detailsAlaska DEC Cleanup Levels Guidancelaska Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) Cleanup LevelsHazard165
detailsAlaska DEC Cleanup Levels Guidancelaska Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) Cleanup LevelsHazard165
detailsNomenclature and CAS Registry Numbers for Nonylphenol and Nonylphenol EthoxylatesAlkylphenols & Ethoxylates Research CouncilHazard27
detailsArizona pesticide usage on cotton 1998 - 2000Arizona Pesticide Use: Cotton 1998-2000Hazard74
detailsNew pesticides under development (Arizona)"Arizona Pesticies: New, exempt, and unregistered pesticides"Hazard17
detailsArizona 2009 Groundwater Protection ListArizona Groundwater Protection List 2009Hazard26
detailsArizona 2010 Groundwater Protection ListArizona Groundwater Protection List 2010Hazard29
detailsArizona 2010 Groundwater Protection ListArizona Groundwater Protection List 2011Hazard30
detailsReported Pesticide Sales Within Arizona 1999Arizona Pesticide Use: 1999Hazard118
detailsReported Pesticide Sales Within Arizona 2000Arizona Pesticide Use: 2000Hazard38
detailsReported Pesticide Sales Within Arizona 2001Arizona Pesticide Use: 2001Hazard76
detailsReported Pesticide Sales Within Arizona 2002Arizona Pesticide Use: 2002Hazard59
detailsReported Pesticide Sales Within Arizona 2003Arizona Pesticide Use: 2003Hazard44
detailsReported Pesticide Sales Within Arizona 2004Arizona Pesticide Use: 2004Hazard21
detailsReported Pesticide Sales Within Arizona 2005Arizona Pesticide Use: 2005Hazard18
detailsReported Pesticide Sales Within Arizona 2006Arizona Pesticide Use: 2006Hazard34
detailsReported Pesticide Sales Within Arizona 2007Arizona Pesticide Use: 2007Hazard158
detailsReported Pesticide Use Within Arizona 2008Arizona Pesticide Use: 2008Hazard37
detailsReported Pesticide Use Within Arizona 2009Arizona Pesticide Use: 2009Hazard37
detailsReported Pesticide Use Within Arizona 2010Arizona Pesticide Use: 2009Hazard36
detailsArizona 2010 Groundwater Protection List: agricultural pesticidesArizona Groundwater Protection List 2010 ProductsHazard66
detailsASEAN Cosmetic Directive Annex III, part 1; List of substances which cosmetic products must not contain except subject to restrictions and conditionsASEAN (Association of Southeast Asian Nations) Cosmetic Annex IIIHazard171
detailsASEAN Cosmetic Directive Annex III, part 2; List of substances provisionally allowedASEAN (Association of Southeast Asian Nations) Cosmetic Annex III Part2Hazard43
detailsASEAN Cosmetic Directive Annex IV, part 1; List of colouring agents allowed for use in cosmetic productsASEAN (Association of Southeast Asian Nations) Cosmetic Annex IVHazard194
detailsASEAN Cosmetic Directive Annex VI, part 1; List of preservatives allowed for use in cosmetic productsASEAN (Association of Southeast Asian Nations) Cosmetic Annex VIHazard67
detailsASEAN Cosmetic Directive Annex VII, part 1; List of UV filters which cosmetic products may containASEAN (Association of Southeast Asian Nations) Cosmetic Annex VIIHazard30
detailsATSDR MRL (Minimal Risk Levels (MRLs) for Hazardous Substances)ATSDR (Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry) MRLHazard171
detailsAcute Release of Hazardous Substances (ATSDR 2006-2008)ATSDR (Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry) HSEES 2006Hazard40
detailsATSDR Completed Exposure PathwaysATSDR (Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry) CEP 2007Hazard100
detailsATSDR Medical Management Guidelines (MMGs)ATSDR (Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry) MMGHazard89
detailsATSDR Public Health Statements (PHS)ATSDR (Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry) PHSHazard229
detailsATSDR quick reference ToxGuidesATSDR (Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry) ToxGuidesHazard72
detailsATSDR Chemical Interaction ProfilesATSDR (Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry) InteractionsHazard58
detailsATSDR: Substance Priority List (SPL) 2011ATSDR (Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry) SPL 2011Hazard275
detailsATSDR: Substance Priority List 2011 Detailed ReportATSDR (Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry) SPL 2011 DetailHazard847
detailsAustralian Department of the Environment 93 priority substancesAustralian National Pollutant Inventory Hazard98
detailsAustralia Reporting level for 93 Priority ChemicalsAustralian National Pollutant Inventory ThresholdHazard117
detailsAustralian government APVMA approved active substancesAustralian Pesticides and Veterinary Medicines Authority (APVMA) Approved ActivesHazard737
detailsAustralian government APVMA active substances exempt from approvalAustralian Pesticides and Veterinary Medicines Authority (APVMA) Exempt ActivesHazard24
detailsAustralian government APVMA List of Agricultural active constituents that have TRIPS protectionAustralian Pesticides and Veterinary Medicines Authority (APVMA) TRIPSHazard15
detailsAustralian government APVMA restricted chemical products (RCPs)Australian Pesticides and Veterinary Medicines Authority (APVMA) RestrictedHazard14
detailsEffects of pesticides on soil organisms and biological functions associated with soil healthAU Pest EffectsHazard9
detailsBelgium positive list of starting materials permitted to produce plastics that may come in contact with drinking waterBelgium PosList PlastHazard282
detailsCalifornia Pesticide Use 1991-1998Cal PestUse 1991 1998Hazard233
detailsCalifornia Pesticide Residues (2007)Cal Pesticide Residues 2007Hazard40
detailsCalifornia Pesticide Residues (2008)Cal Pesticide Residues 2008Hazard52
detailsCalifornia Pesticide Residues (2006)Cal Pesticide Residues 2006Hazard42
detailsCalifornia Pesticide Residues (2005)Cal Pesticide Residues 2005Hazard41
detailsCalifornia Pesticide Residues (2004)Cal Pesticide Residues 2004Hazard39
detailsCalifornia Pesticide Use 1999 to 2007Cal PestUse 1999 2007Hazard388
detailsCalifornia Pesticide Residues (2003)Cal Pesticide Residues 2003Hazard46
detailsCalifornia Pesticide Residues (2002)Cal Pesticide Residues 2002Hazard50
detailsCalifornia Pesticide Residues (2001)Cal Pesticide Residues 2001Hazard60
detailsCalifornia Pesticide Residues (2000)Cal Pesticide Residues 2000Hazard57
detailsCalifornia Pesticide Residues (1999)Cal Pesticide Residues 1999Hazard60
detailsCalifornia Pesticide Residues (1998)Cal Pesticide Residues 1998Hazard63
detailsCalifornia Pesticide Residues (1997)Cal Pesticide Residues 1997Hazard63
detailsCalifornia Pesticide Residues (2009)Cal Pesticide Residues 2009Hazard76
detailsCalifornia Pesticide Residues (1996)Cal Pesticide Residues 1996Hazard64
detailsCalifornia Pesticide Residues (1995)Cal Pesticide Residues 1995Hazard56
detailsCalifornia Pesticide Residues (1994)Cal Pesticide Residues 1994Hazard55
detailsCalifornia Pesticide Residues (1993)Cal Pesticide Residues 1993Hazard69
detailsCalifornia Pesticide Sales for 2009Cal CDPR PestSales 2009Hazard895
detailsCalifornia Pesticide Sales for 2008Cal CDPR PestSales 2008Hazard885
detailsCalifornia Pesticide Sales for 2007Cal CDPR PestSales 2007Hazard872
detailsCalifornia Pesticide Sales for 2006Cal CDPR PestSales 2006Hazard866
detailsCalifornia Pesticide Sales for 2005Cal CDPR PestSales 2005Hazard845
detailsCalifornia Pesticide Sales for 2004Cal CDPR PestSales 2004Hazard817
detailsCalifornia Pesticide Sales for 2003Cal CDPR PestSales 2003Hazard806
detailsCalifornia Pesticide Sales for 2002Cal CDPR PestSales 2002Hazard350
detailsCalifornia Pesticide Sales for 2001Cal CDPR PestSales 2001Hazard328
detailsCalifornia Pesticide Sales for 2000Cal CDPR PestSales 2000Hazard333
detailsCalifornia Pesticide Sales for 1999Cal CDPR PestSales 1999Hazard325
detailsCalifornia Pesticide Sales for 1998Cal CDPR PestSales 1998Hazard315
detailsCalifornia Pesticide Sales for 1997Cal CDPR PestSales 1997Hazard294
detailsCal CDPR Sampling For Pesticide Residues In California Well Water for 2010Cal CDPR Pest Wells 2010Hazard127
detailsCal CDPR Sampling Historical Summary of Pesticide Residues In California Well WaterCal CDPR Pest Wells SummaryHazard106
detailsCalifornia Pesticide Sales for 1996Cal CDPR PestSales 1996Hazard294
detailsCalifornia Pesticide Sales for 2010Cal CDPR PestSales 2010Hazard898
detailsCalifornia Pesticide Sales for 1995Cal CDPR PestSales 1995Hazard300
detailsCalifornia Pesticide Sales for 1994Cal CDPR PestSales 1994Hazard311
detailsChemicals Known to Cause Cancer or Reproductive ToxicityCAL CosmeticsHazard966
detailsCalifornia OEHHA's Public Health Goals for WaterCalOEHHA WaterHazard90
detailsCalifornia OEHHA Public Health Goal (PHG) for WaterCalOEHHA WaterHazard91
detailsCalifornia OEHHA's Reference levels for Non-cancer Health ImpactsCalOEHHA AirHazard182
detailsCalifornia Office of Environmental Assessment Human-Exposure-Based (OEHHA) soil screening numbers for nonvolatile chemicalsCalOEHHA SoilScreen NonVolHazard44
detailsCalifornia OEHHA Human-Exposure-Based soil screening numbers for volatile chemicalsCalOEHHA SoilScreen VolHazard18
detailsURL for Transport Canada Water Reactive GuideCanada Transport WaterReactiveHazard91
detailsTransport Canada Toxic gases produced from Water Reactive AgentsCanada Transport WaterReactiveHazard91
detailsTransport Canada Emergency Response Guide 2008Canada Transport ERG2008Hazard294
detailsTransport Canada Isolation and Protective Action Zones for chemical spillsCanada Transport ERG2008Hazard294
detailsOntario Water Quality ObjectivesCanada Ontario Provincial Water Quality Objectives (PWQO)Hazard186
detailsOntario Drinking Water Quality StandardsCanada Ontario Drinking Water Quality Standards (DWQS)Hazard157
detailsOntario Provincial Sediment Quality Guidelines (PSQGs)Canada Ontario PSQGHazard51
detailsManitoba Water Quality Guidelines (WQG)Canada Manitoba Water Quality GuidelinesHazard181
detailsAlberta Surface Water Quality Guidelines (WQG)Canada Alberta Water Quality GuidelinesHazard122
detailsCanada Department of Justice Ingredient Disclosure ListCanada DOJ IngredientsHazard1736
detailsAlberta Surface Water Quality Guidelines (WQG) for Agricultural UseCanada Alberta Water Quality Guidelines (Agricultural Use)Hazard77
detailsCanadian Great Lakes Basin soil properties and total pesticide usage informationCanada GLB PestPropHazard123
detailsCAREX Canada Carcinogen DatabaseCAREX Canada CarcHazard105
detailsCARB Children's School Bus Exposure StudyCalifornia Air Resources Board (CARB) BusStudyHazard18
detailsCARB Consumer product solvent databaseCalifornia Air Resources Board (CARB) SolventDBHazard130
detailssummary of Indoor Air Concentrations of Phthalates and PAHs in Southern California HomesCalifornia Air Resources Board (CARB) IAQ RiversideHazard8
detailsCDC Savannah River Site (SRS) Study chemical information used to develop or support chemical release estimatesCDC Savannah River Site (SRS)Hazard168
detailsCDC Biomonitoring Summaryies (URLs)CDC BiomonitoringHazard228
detailsATSDR: CERCLA ranks and points (2007)CERCLA 2007Hazard275
detailsRestricted Use Pesticides from Clemson UniversityFederally Registered Restricted Use Pesticides (RUP)Hazard107
detailsChemicals deleted from Restricted Use Pesticides list (Clemson University)Chemicals Deleted from Restricted Use Pesticide ListHazard46
detailsColorado Soil Remediation ObjectivesColorado Soil RemedHazard188
detailsColorado CDPHE, Water Quality Control Division, Inventory of Limits for Surface WatersColorado CDPHEHazard224
detailsColorado CDPHE Primary Drinking Water RegulationsColorado CDPHE Drinking WaterHazard85
detailsConnecticut DEP Significant Environmental Hazard Condition Notification Threshold ConcentrationsConnecticut Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) Notification Threshold VOCsHazard34
detailsConnecticut DEP Significant Environmental Hazard Condition Notification Threshold Concentrations for SVOCsConnecticut Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) Notification Threshold SVOCsHazard43
detailsConnecticut DEP Remediation Standard Regulations (RSRs)Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) RSRsHazard91
detailsConnecticut DEP Significant Environmental Hazard Condition Notification Threshold Concentrations for InorganicsConnecticut Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) Notification Threshold InorganicsHazard23
detailsCornell University collection of Critical Evaluations from the Program on Breast Cancer and Environmental Risk Factors (BCERF)Cornell Breast Cancer and Environmental Risk Factors (BCERF)Hazard14
detailsU. S. CPSC summary of Phys-Chem properties of some phthalatesUS Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) PHTH PhysChemHazard6
detailsCPSC summary of the concentrations of six phthalates in waterUS Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) PHTH EnvHazard5
detailsCPSC summary of the concentrations of six phthalates in Soil, Sediment, Sludge and Solid Waste MediaUS Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) PHTH EnvHazard5
detailsCPSC summary of the concentrations of six phthalates in Air, Dust and Indoor Surface MediaUS Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) PHTH EnvHazard5
detailsCPSC summary of the concentrations of six phthalates in BiotaUS Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) PHTH EnvHazard5
detailsCPSC summary of the concentrations of six phthalates in Children’s Toys and Baby EquipmentUS Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) PHTH EnvHazard6
detailsCPSC summary of the concentrations of six phthalates in Personal Care ProductsUS Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) PHTH EnvHazard3
detailsCPSC summary of the concentrations of six phthalates in Cars and Related ProductsUS Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) PHTH EnvHazard4
detailsCPSC summary of the concentrations of six phthalates in Building MaterialsUS Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) PHTH EnvHazard6
detailsCPSC summary of the concentrations of six phthalates in Other ProductsUS Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) PHTH EnvHazard4
detailsCPSC summary of the concentrations of six phthalates in Food and Related ProductsUS Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) PHTH EnvHazard6
detailsEPA: The Children's Total Exposure to Persistent Pesticides and Other Persistent Organic Pollutants (CTEPP) in North CarolinaChildren Total Exposure to Persistent Pesticides and Other Persistent Organic Pollutants (CTEPP) NCHazard6883
detailsEPA: The Children's Total Exposure to Persistent Pesticides and Other Persistent Organic Pollutants (CTEPP), North Carolina, individual level measurementsChildren Total Exposure to Persistent Pesticides and Other Persistent Organic Pollutants (CTEPP) NC DCHazard1209
detailsEPA: The Children's Total Exposure to Persistent Pesticides and Other Persistent Organic Pollutants (CTEPP) in OhioChildren Total Exposure to Persistent Pesticides and Other Persistent Organic Pollutants (CTEPP) OHHazard7673
detailsEPA: The Children's Total Exposure to Persistent Pesticides and Other Persistent Organic Pollutants (CTEPP) in Ohio, Individual Level ResultsChildren Total Exposure to Persistent Pesticides and Other Persistent Organic Pollutants (CTEPP) OH DCHazard1494
detailsPhysicoChemical information for Danish EPA Selected Pesticide CoformulantsDanishEPA CoformulantsHazard19
detailsDanish EPA Compilation of toxicological effects and data availability of selected coformulants by end-pointDanishEPA CoformulantsHazard19
detailsDanish EPA Summary of critical effects and current regulation on selected coformulants.DanishEPA CoformulantsHazard19
detailsDanishEPA List of siloxane ingredients used in cosmetic products listed in the INCI InventoryDanishEPA Siloxanes INCIHazard179
detailsDanishEPA toxicity data on siloxanesDanishEPA Siloxanes ToxHazard3
detailsDanishEPA List of Undesirable SubstancesDanishEPA LOUS 2004Hazard126
detailsDanishEPA List of Undesirable Substances for 2009DanishEPA LOUS 2009Hazard75
detailsDanishEPA PhysicoChemical information on PFOS and PFOA and other PFAS substancesDanishEPA PFOS PropHazard10
detailsDanishEPA Summary of Literature Studies of levels of perfluorinated substances in airDanishEPA PFOS AirHazard6
detailsDanishEPA Lists of Effects for 2009DanishEPA EffectsList 2009Hazard19325
detailsContent of pthalates and organic tin in shower curtains.DCPS 1Hazard24
detailsContent of pthalates and organic tin in vinyl floors.DCPS 1Hazard24
detailsContent of pthalates and organic tin in glovesDCPS 1Hazard24
detailsContent of pthalates and organic tin in carpet tilesDCPS 1Hazard24
detailsContent of pthalates and organic tin in vinyl wallpaper.DCPS 1Hazard24
detailsContent of pthalates and organic tin in bagsDCPS 1Hazard24
detailsPigments in tattoo colorsDCPS 2Hazard27
detailsCandle EmissionsDCPS 6Hazard47
detailsContent analysis of beads and pegboards sold in DenmarkDCPS 7Hazard74
detailsIroning emissions of pegboardsDCPS 7Hazard17
detailsSelected fragrance materials in cleaning products and other consumer productsDCPS 8Hazard23
detailsChemical substances in ""do it yourself"" cosmeticsDCPS 10Hazard96
detailsSelected Plant Substances in ""Natural"" CosmeticsDCPS 11Hazard90
detailsChemical Substances from TamponsDCPS 12Hazard44
detailsChemical Substances from Sanitary NapkinsDCPS 13Hazard45
detailsMapping of Chemical Substances from Sanitary NapkinsDCPS 13Hazard8
detailsChemical Substances Discharged When Heating Clay - Results for Organic TinDCPS 14Hazard8
detailsChemical Substances Discharged When Heating Clay - Vinyl chloride and GC/MS Screening of clayDCPS 14Hazard76
detailsChemical Substances Discharged When Heating Clay - Vinyl chloride and CG/MS analysis of emissions at 130 degrees C.DCPS 14Hazard28
detailsChemical Substances Discharged When Heating Clay - Vinyl chloride and CG/MS analysis of emissions at 200 degrees C.DCPS 14Hazard95
detailsCleaning materials and polishes for metalDCPS 16Hazard42
detailsPFOS compounds in impregnating agents, wax and floor polish productsDCPS 17Hazard6
detailsHairstyling ProductsDCPS 18Hazard656
detailsConstituents in Hairstyling Products - Detected chemicalsDCPS 18Hazard656
detailsPrioritized substances in hairstyling productsDCPS 18Hazard184
detailsChemical substances in Christmas spraysDCPS 19Hazard56
detailsChemical Substances in Products Containing Decorative LiquidsDCPS 20Hazard6
detailsChemicals in dry-cleaned textiles from Rynex and hydrocarbon dry-cleaning shopsDCPS 21Hazard91
detailsLiberation of MBT in natural rubberDCPS 22Hazard4
detailsSurvey of chemical compounds in textile fabricsDCPS 23Hazard70
detailsSurvey of chemical compounds in textile fabricsDCPS 23Hazard30
detailsAntibacterial compounds in clothing articlesDCPS 24Hazard6
detailsAntibacterial compounds in clothing articles - detected chemicalsDCPS 24Hazard1
detailsChemical substances in mattress padsDCPS 25Hazard4
detailsChemical substances in mattress pads - Detected chemicalsDCPS 25Hazard2
detailsOrganic tin compounds in mattress pads, top mattresses, and baby/junior duvets.DCPS 26Hazard8
detailsOrganic tin compounds in mattress pads, top mattresses, and baby/junior duvets - Detected chemicalsDCPS 26Hazard2
detailsMapping of chemical substances in earplugs. Phase 2: Analysis of substancesDCPS 28Hazard54
detailsSurvey and assessment of chemical substances in hobby adhesivesDCPS 29Hazard74
detailsSurvey and assessment of chemical substances in hobby adhesives - Detected chemicalsDCPS 29Hazard72
detailsChemical substances in air fresheners and other fragrance liberating productsDCPS 30Hazard30
detailsChemical substances in air fresheners and other fragrance liberating products - Detected chemicalsDCPS 30Hazard28
detailsLiterature Survey for Substances which may be emitted from Electric and Electronic EquipmentDCPS 32AHazard135
detailsSubstances Emitted from Electrical and Electronic ProductsDCPS 32BHazard72
detailsFound Emitted Substances in Measurements on 4 Selected Electrical and Electronic AppliancesDCPS 32CHazard60
detailsNatural toys made of plant fibres, woollen fibres and solid wood.DCPS 33Hazard214
detailsNatural toys made of plant fibres, woollen fibres and solid wood - Detected chemicalsDCPS 33Hazard157
detailsChemical Substances in Paper Handkerchiefs and Toilet PaperDCPS 34Hazard133
detailsChemical Substances in Paper Handkerchiefs and Toilet Paper - Detected chemicalsDCPS 34Hazard120
detailsVolatile organic chemicals in printed matterDCPS 36Hazard174
detailsChemical substances in Christmas spraysDCPS 37Hazard53
detailsSurvey and liberation of chemical substances in joint sealantsDCPS 38Hazard76
detailsSurvey and emission of chemical substances from incense - Headspace analysisDCPS 39AHazard95
detailsSurvey and emission of chemical substances from incense - Substances found during burningDCPS 39BHazard133
detailsSurvey of fluorescent substances in consumer productsDCPS 40Hazard39
detailsSurvey of chemical substances in auto polish and waxDCPS 41AHazard85
detailsSurvey of chemical substances in auto polish and wax - Headspace analysisDCPS 41BHazard61
detailsChemical substances in toothbrushesDCPS 42Hazard45
detailsChemical substances in toothbrushes - Detected chemicalsDCPS 42Hazard45
detailsMapping of stain removersDCPS 43Hazard157
detailsRelease of chemical substances from tents and tunnels for childrenDCPS 46Hazard171
detailsRelease of chemical substances from tents and tunnels for children - Detected chemicalsDCPS 46Hazard171
detailsMapping the occurrence of potential or suspected PBT/vPvB substances in consumer productsDCPS 47Hazard6
detailsSurvey and assessment of chemical substances in window colorsDCPS 48Hazard46
detailsEmission of chemical substances from products made of exotic wood - IDCPS 49AHazard75
detailsEmission of chemical substances from products made of exotic wood - IIDCPS 49BHazard83
detailsEmission of chemical substances from products made of exotic wood - IIIDCPS 49CHazard21
detailsMapping and health assessment of chemical substances in shoe care products - IDCPS 52AHazard91
detailsMapping and health assessment of chemical substances in shoe care products - IIDCPS 52BHazard58
detailsSurvey of chemical substances in dandruff shampooDCPS 53Hazard151
detailsEmissions and evaluation of health effects of PAH's and aromatic amines from tyresDCPS 54Hazard22
detailsSurvey of lip care products with fragrance and flavourDCPS 55Hazard169
detailsScreening for health effects from chemical substances in textile colorantsDCPS 57Hazard65
detailsSurvey of chemical substances in textile colorants - headspace anaysisDCPS 58AHazard58
detailsSurvey of chemical substances in textile colorants - extractable organic compoundsDCPS 58BHazard71
detailsSurvey and assessmens of chemical substances in glass and porcelain colours - Pigments, binders and additivesDCPS 59AHazard78
detailsSurvey and assessmens of chemical substances in glass and porcelain colours - Extractable substancesDCPS 59BHazard60
detailsChemical substances in surface treated wooden toys.DCPS 60Hazard130
detailsChemical substances in surface treated wooden toys - Detected chemicalsDCPS 60Hazard130
detailsColorants in transferable picture tattoos for the skin.DCPS 61Hazard11
detailsColorants in transferable picture tattoos for the skin - Detected chemicalsDCPS 61Hazard11
detailsSurvey of chemical substances in kohl and henna productsDCPS 65Hazard67
detailsEmission and evaluation of chemical substances from selected electrical and electronic products - part 2DCPS 66Hazard74
detailsChemical substances in ""slimy"" toysDCPS 67Hazard81
detailsChemical substances in ""slimy"" toys - Detected chemicalsDCPS 67Hazard74
detailsPerfume in toys and children's articlesDCPS 68Hazard202
detailsPerfume in toys and children's articles - Detected chemicalsDCPS 68Hazard193
detailsLiquid hand soapsDCPS 69Hazard100
detailsLiquid hand soaps - Detected chemicalsDCPS 69Hazard92
detailsChemical substances in toys and childcare products produced from foam plasticDCPS 70Hazard36
detailsChemical substances in toys and childcare products produced from foam plastic - Detected chemicalsDCPS 70Hazard16
detailsAssessment of DHA in self-tanning creams applied in spray boothsDCPS 72Hazard51
detailsChemicals in indoor climate from various consumer productsDCPS 75Hazard11
detailsChemicals in indoor climate from various consumer products - Detected chemicalsDCPS 75Hazard11
detailsSurvey and health assesment of chemicals substances in pleasure gelsDCPS 76Hazard63
detailsSurvey and health assesment of chemicals substances in sex toys.DCPS 77Hazard36
detailsSurvey and health assessment of chemical substances in massage oilsDCPS 78Hazard68
detailsSurvey and health risk assessment of products for treatment of sports injuries and painsDCPS 79Hazard51
detailsSurvey and health assessment of selected respiratory sensitizers in consumer products.DCPS 82Hazard10
detailsRegistration of chemical substances in cleaning agents used for cleaning after fire or smoke damage in private homes.DCPS 83Hazard68
detailsChemical substances in school bags, toy bags, pencil cases and erasersDCPS 84Hazard134
detailsChemical substances in school bags, toy bags, pencil cases and erasers - Detected chemicals URLDCPS 84Hazard134
detailsProducts and material used within live role-playDCPS 85Hazard30
detailsProducts and material used within live role-play - Detected chemicalsDCPS 85Hazard22
detailsSurvey and risk assessment of chemical substances in deodorantsDCPS 86Hazard26
detailsCosmetic products for childrenDCPS 88Hazard101
detailsCosmetic products for children - Detected chemicalsDCPS 88Hazard101
detailsChemical substances in balloonsDCPS 89Hazard94
detailsBalloons - Detected chemicalsDCPS 89Hazard79
detailsChemical substances in baby productsDCPS 90Hazard268
detailsChemical substances in baby products - Detected chemicalsDCPS 90Hazard106
detailsSurvey of chemical substances in headphones and hearing protection aidsDCPS 91Hazard39
detailsSurvey and health assessment of chemical substances in essential oils and fragrance oilsDCPS 92Hazard303
detailsSubstances in hobby products for childrenDCPS 93Hazard157
detailsSubstances in hobby products for children - Detected chemicalsDCPS 93Hazard157
detailsSurvey and health assessment of chemical substances in jewelleriesDCPS 94Hazard28
detailsSurvey and safety assessment of Chemical substances in artificial nails and nail hardenersDCPS 95Hazard68
detailsSurvey and Health Assessment of Possible Health Hazardous Compounds in Proofing SpraysDCPS 98Hazard67
detailsSurvey and environmental/health assessment of fluorinated substances in impregnated consumer products and impregnating agentsDCPS 99Hazard40
detailsMapping, emissions and environmental and health assessment of chemical substances in artificial turfDCPS 100Hazard140
detailsExposure of 2-year-olds to chemical substances in Consumer Products.DCPS 102Hazard273
detailsChemical substances in sunscreensDCPS 102AHazard233
detailsChemical substances in sunscreens - Detected chemicalsDCPS 102AHazard233
detailsChemical substances in moisturizing creams, oil-based creams and lotionsDCPS 102BHazard174
detailsChemical substances in moisturizing creams, oil-based creams and lotions - Detected chemicalsDCPS 102BHazard174
detailsSurvey and health assessment of mercury in compact fluorescent lamps and straight fluorescent lampsDCPS 104Hazard1
detailsSurvey and Health Assessment of Products for Interior Car CareDCPS 105Hazard112
detailsIdentified ingredients in oven and ceramic cooktop cleanersDCPS 106Hazard42
detailsIdentified ingredients in common scouring creamsDCPS 106AHazard16
detailsPhthalates in plastic sandalsDCPS 107Hazard8
detailsPhthalates in products with large surfaces URLDCPS 108Hazard4
detailsPhthalates in products that children are in direct contact withDCPS 109Hazard4
detailsMigration of bisphenol A from cash register receipts and baby dummiesDCPS 110Hazard1
detailsSurvey and health assessment of cosmetic products marketed as "non-preserved".DCPS 111Hazard459
detailsDEA Controlled Substances Schedule IDEA Schedule IHazard132
detailsDEA Controlled Substances Schedule IIDEA Schedule IIHazard68
detailsDEA Controlled Substances Schedule IIIDEA Schedule IIIHazard102
detailsDEA Controlled Substances Schedule IVDEA Schedule IVHazard70
detailsDEA Controlled Substances Schedule VDEA Schedule VHazard9
detailsDEA Drugs and Chemicals of ConcernDEA DrugsOfConcernHazard46
detailsDEA 25 Most Frequently Identified DrugsDEA National Forensic Laboratory Information System (NFLIS) 2008Hazard25
detailsDEA 25 Most Frequently Identified DrugsDEA National Forensic Laboratory Information System (NFLIS) 2006Hazard25
detailsDEA 25 Most Frequently Identified DrugsDEA National Forensic Laboratory Information System (NFLIS) 2005Hazard25
detailsDEA 25 Most Frequently Identified DrugsDEA National Forensic Laboratory Information System (NFLIS) 2004Hazard25
detailsDEA 25 Most Frequently Identified DrugsDEA National Forensic Laboratory Information System (NFLIS) 2003Hazard25
detailsDEA 25 Most Frequently Identified DrugsDEA National Forensic Laboratory Information System (NFLIS) 2002Hazard25
detailsDEA 25 Most Frequently Identified DrugsDEA National Forensic Laboratory Information System (NFLIS) 2001Hazard25
detailsDEA 25 Most Frequently Identified DrugsDEA National Forensic Laboratory Information System (NFLIS) 2000Hazard25
detailsDEA Listed Chemicals under the Controlled Substance ActDEA Uses ThresholdsHazard42
detailsDEA 25 Most Frequently Identified DrugsDEA National Forensic Laboratory Information System (NFLIS) 2009Hazard25
details(DEA) Schedules of Controlled Substances: Temporary Placement of Five Synthetic Cannabinoids Into Schedule IDEA Schedule I TempHazard5
detailsDelaware Uniform Risk-Based Remediation Standards (URS) for the protection of human healthDelaware URS HHHazard429
detailsDelaware Uniform Risk-Based Remediation Standards (URS) for the protection of the environmentDelaware URS EnvHazard428
detailsDelaware requirements for Public Water Systems (PWS)Delaware PWS MCLsHazard88
detailsDelaware Requirements for Reporting of a Discharge of a Pollutant or Air ContaminantDelaware DNREC DischargeHazard1410
detailsGlossary of Common Dental Product IngredientsDental Product GlossaryHazard85
detailsUS Chemical Weapons Convention (CWC), Schedule 1 ChemicalsUS Dept. of Commerce CWC Schedule 1Hazard25
detailsUS Chemical Weapons Convention (CWC), Schedule 2 ChemicalsUS Dept. of Commerce CWC Schedule 2Hazard18
detailsUS Chemical Weapons Convention (CWC), Schedule 2 ChemicalsUS Dept. of Commerce CWC Schedule 3Hazard17
detailsDOD Oral acute exposure; noncarcinogenic effects (Gulf War 1990-1991)DOD Gulf PestHazard12
detailsDOD chronic exposure; noncarcinogenic effects (oral) (1990-1991 Gulf War)DOD Gulf PestHazard12
detailsDOD sub-chronic exposure; noncarcinogenic effects (oral) (1990-1991 Gulf War)DOD Gulf PestHazard12
detailsDOD acute dermal exposure; noncarcinogenic effects (1990-1991 Gulf War)DOD Gulf PestHazard12
detailsDOD sub-chronic dermal exposure; noncarcinogenic effects (1990-1991 Gulf War)DOD Gulf PestHazard12
detailsDOD Chronic dermal exposure; noncarcinogenic effects (1990-1991 Gulf War)DOD Gulf PestHazard12
detailsDOD Acute inhalation exposure; noncarcinogenic effects (1990-1991 Gulf War)DOD Gulf PestHazard12
detailsDOD Sub-chronic inhalation exposure; noncarcinogenic effects (1990-1991 Gulf War)DOD Gulf PestHazard12
detailsDOD Chronic inhalation exposure; noncarcinogenic effects (1990-1991 Gulf War)DOD Gulf PestHazard12
detailsDOD oral slope factor; carcinogenic effects (1990-1991 Gulf War)DOD Gulf PestHazard12
detailsDOD dermal slope factor; carcinogenic effects (1990-1991 Gulf War)DOD Gulf PestHazard12
detailsDOD Inhalation slope factors; carcinogenic effects (1990-1991 Gulf War)DOD Gulf PestHazard12
detailsUS Army Wildlife Toxicity Assessments (WTA)DOD Army WTAHazard32
detailsUS Army Wildlife Toxicity Assessmenta (WTA)DOD Army WTAHazard29
detailsUS Army Military exposure guidelines (MEGs) for Chemical Warfare Agents (CWA) in AirDOD Air-MEGs CWAHazard6
detailsUS Army Military exposure guidelines (MEGs) for Short-Term exposures to chemicals in ambient airDOD Air-MEGs Short-TermHazard3246
detailsUS Army Military exposure guidelines (MEGs) for Long-Term exposures to chemicals in ambient airDOD Air-MEGs Long-TermHazard717
detailsUS Army Military exposure guidelines (MEGs) for TICs in AirDOD Air-MEGs TICsHazard35
detailsUS Army Military exposure guidelines (MEGs) for waterDOD Water-MEGsHazard608
detailsUS Army Military exposure guidelines (MEGs) for soilDOD Soil-MEGsHazard613
detailsDOE: Emissions of Greenhouse Gases, 1990-1998DOE GreenhouseGasesHazard16
detailsDOE: 1990 Greenhouse Gas ProductionDOE GreenhouseGases ProductionHazard24
detailsDOE Toxicological data for wildlife speciesDOE Wildlife ToxHazard49
detailsDOE: Review of Indoor Air VOC ConcentrationsDOE Indoor AirHazard106
detailsDOE: Chemical Warfare Agent degradation productsDOE CWA DegradationHazard9
detailsDOE Toxicological Benchmarks for Screening Potential Contaminants of Concern for Effects on Aquatic BiotaDOE Aquatic BenchmarksHazard209
detailsDOE: Bonneville Power Administration (BPA) Transmission System Vegetation Management Program Approved HerbicidesDOE BPA Approved HerbicidesHazard37
detailsUS Department of Energy (DOE): Bonneville Power Administration (BPA) Transmission System Vegetation Management Program Approved HerbicidesDOE BPA Approved HerbicidesHazard37
detailsDOI (Dept. of the Interior) Herbicides to be examined for use on BLM (Bureau of Land Management) landsDOI BLM HerbicidesHazard18
detailsNational Park Service Environmental Contaminants EncyclopediaDOI NPS ECEncyHazard118
detailsDOI (Dept. of the Interior) Physical Properties And Health Effects of Pesticides Used On National Park Service CollectionsDOI NPS PestPropertiesHazard51
detailsDOJ ATF List of Explosive MaterialsDOJ ATF ExplosivesHazard238
detailsDOT Table of Hazardous MaterialsDOT THMHazard1936
detailsDOT 2008 Emergency Response GuidebookDOT ERG 2008Hazard329
detailsChemicals analyzed in the DOT 2008 Emergency Response GuidebookDOT ERG AnalysisHazard164
detailsWater-reactive materialsDOT Water ReactiveHazard92
detailsDOT Table of Marine PollutantsDOT MarineHazard488
detailsDOT PHMSA incidents with fatalitiesDOT PHMSA FatalitiesHazard14
detailsDSSTox HPV Challenge URLsDSSTox HPVCSI: EPA High Production Volume Challen ProgramHazard3548
detailsThe Finnish National Institute for Health and Welfare Exposure Information DatabaseHazard141
detailsThe Finnish National Institute for Health and Welfare Concentration DatabaseHazard846
detailsIntake Fraction DatabaseIntake Fraction database (iFDb) Hazard792
detailsHarmonizing Classification and LabelingECHA Consultations HarmonizeHazard312
detailsSubstances of Very High ConternECHA Intentions Dossiers Current SVHCHazard8
detailsRegistry of intentions for Annex XV dossiers for Substances of Very High Concern (SVHC)ECHA Intentions Dossiers Submitted SVHCHazard84
detailsRegistry of Intentions for Annex XV dossiers - Withdrawn - Harmonized Classification and LabelingECHA Intentions Dossiers Withdrawn HCLHazard9
detailsRegistry of Intentions for Annex XV dossiers - Withdrawn - Substances of Very High ConcernECHA Intentions Dossiers Withdrawn SVHCHazard2
detailsSubstances identified but not registeredECHA Substances NOTRegisteredHazard1741
detailsECHA Nominated MSCAsECHA Transitional Nominated MSCAsHazard16
detailsECHA Annex XV transitional reportsECHA Transitional Annex XVHazard26
detailsECHA Voluntary risk assessment reportsECHA Transitional VolRAHazard19
detailsECHA Pre-Registered SubstancesECHA PreRegisteredHazard143831
detailsEnvironment Canada National Pollutant Release Inventory Substances for 2007EC NPRI List 2007Hazard363
detailsEnvironment Canada National Pollutant Release Inventory 2007 SummaryEC NPRI Releases 2007Hazard348
detailsEnvironment Canada National Pollutant Release Inventory Substances for 2008EC NPRI List 2008Hazard362
detailsEnvironment Canada National Pollutant Release Inventory Substances for 2009EC NPRI List 2009Hazard367
detailsEnvironment Canada National Pollutant Release Inventory 2008 SummaryEC NPRI Releases 2008Hazard306
detailsEnvironment Canada National Pollutant Release Inventory Air Pollutant Emission Trends for POPs (Persistent Organic Pollutants).Environment Canada National Pollutant Release Inventory Substances (NPRI) POPs TrendsHazard5
detailsEnvironment Canada National Pollutant Release Inventory Air Pollutant Emission Trends for Heavy Metals.Environment Canada National Pollutant Release Inventory Substances (NPRI) Metals TrendsHazard3
detailsEnvironment Canada RATLsEnvironment Canada RATLs FieldHazard113
detailsEnvironment Canada Accelerated Reduction/Elimination of Toxics (ARET) Program ChemicalsEnvironment Canada ARETHazard117
detailsEnvironment Canada List of PFOS, its salts and its precursorsEnvironment Canada PFOS PrEnvironment CanadaursorsHazard57
detailsCanada Domestic Substance List (2007)Environment Canada DSL (2007)Hazard22017
detailsEPA Chemical Warfare Agent (CWA) SimulantsEPA CWA SimulantsHazard41
detailsSolvents used in bulk pharmaceutical manufacturingEPA Solv PharmHazard54
detailsSummary of results from EPA BASE studyEPA BASE SummaryHazard58
detailsEPA study: Polar Organic Compounds in Fragrances of Consumer ProductsEPA FPIN FragrancesHazard101
detailsPossible Constituents of Concern in Dye and Pigment WastesEPA OSW Dyes WastesHazard39
detailsEPA proposed standards for Dye and Pigment Production WastesEPA OSW Dyes BDATHazard20
detailsEPA OSW IWEM Waste Constituents and default chemical property dataEPA OSW IWEM ChemPropHazard226
detailsEPA Office of Solid Wastes (OSW) Industrial Waste Management Evaluation Model (IWEM) Chemical and Physical Properties for the development of Reference Ground-Water Concentration ValuesEPA OSW IWEM ChemPhysHazard141
detailsEPA Evaluation of Dioxin in Cow's Milk 2000/2001EPA Milk Dioxin 2001Hazard18
detailsEPA The Ecological Soil Screening Levels (Eco-SSL) Interim DocumentsEPA OSWER Eco-SSLHazard23
detailsEPA Office of Solid Waste and Emergency Response (OSWER) Ecological Soil Screening Levels (Eco-SSL), Eco-SSLs are not appropriate for use as cleanup levelsEPA OSWER Eco-SSLHazard23
detailsEPA WACAP Semi-Volatile compoundsEPA WACAP Semi-VolatilesHazard80
detailsGreat Lakes Binational Toxics Strategy to protect the Great Lakes EcosystemEPA GLNPO BNSHazard36
detailsEPA: Great Lakes water concentrations of Toxic SubstancesEPA GLNPO IADN thru2005Hazard17
detailsEPA GLNPO: Chemical properties of organochlorine pesticidesEPA GLNPO PhysChemHazard17
detailsEPA GLNPO: Comparison of pesticide concentrations between IADN and other studiesEPA GLNPO IADN PestTrendHazard8
detailsEPA GLNPO: Calculated half-live of substances in the vapor and particle phases at seven sites near the Great LakesEPA GLNPO IADN half-lifeHazard42
detailsEPA Analytical Data for water samples taken because of BP Oil Spill in the Gulf of MexicoEPA Gulf WaterHazard6
detailsEPA Analytical Data for surface water samples taken because of BP Oil Spill in the Gulf of MexicoEPA Gulf SurfaceWaterHazard26
detailsEPA Analytical Data for sediment samples taken because of BP Oil Spill in the Gulf of MexicoEPA Gulf SedimentsHazard28
detailsEPA Analytical Data for Air samples taken because of BP Oil Spill in the Gulf of MexicoEPA Gulf AirHazard13
detailsEPA Analytical Data for dispersants in water and sediment (Gulf oil spill)EPA Gulf Disp AqHazard1
detailsEPA Water Quality Benchmarks for Aquatic Life developed for Gulf oil spillEPA Gulf Benchmarks AquaticHazard47
detailsEPA Human Health Benchmarks developed for Gulf oil spillEPA Gulf Benchmarks HHHazard21
detailsEPA HAP Health Effects FactsheetsEPA HAP FactSheetsHazard182
detailsEPA 1999 NEI (National Emission Inventory)EPA HAP 1999 NEIHazard180
detailsEPA HAP Acute Dose-Response Values for Screening Risk AssessmentEPA HAP AcuteRiskHazard306
detailsEPA HAP Chronic Dose-Response Values for Screening Risk AssessmentEPA HAP ChronicRiskHazard221
detailsEPA Chemical Accidental Release Prevention (ARP).EPA HAP ARPHazard140
detailsEPA 2002 NEI (National Emission Inventory)EPA HAP 2002 NEIHazard181
detailsAcute Toxicity Data from EPA HPVISEPA HPV ChallengeHazard1001
detailsRepeat Toxicity Data from HPVISEPA HPV ChallengeHazard927
detailsOther Toxicology Data from EPA HPVISEPA HPV ChallengeHazard81
detailsProduction/Process Information from EPA HPVISEPA HPV ChallengeHazard52
detailsChemical Use Information from EPA HPVISEPA HPV ChallengeHazard82
detailsWorkplace Monitoring information from EPA HPVISEPA HPV ChallengeHazard42
detailsProduct Composition/Monitoring information from EPA HPVISEPA HPV ChallengeHazard77
detailsEnvironmental Monitoring information from EPA HPVISEPA HPV ChallengeHazard34
detailsEnvironmental Release information from EPA HPVISEPA HPV ChallengeHazard81
detailsExposure information from EPA HPVISEPA HPV ChallengeHazard14
detailsEPA Pesticide Reregistration StatusEPA ReregistrationHazard707
detailsEPA Pesticide Reregistration eligibility documentsEPA ReregistrationHazard630
detailsEPA TSCA Sunset StatusEPA TSCA SunsetHazard250
detailsEPA TSCA Master Testing List for 1996EPA TSCA MTLHazard696
detailsEPA Risk-Screening Environmental Indicators (RSEI)EPA RSEIHazard416
detailsEPA Title III Consolidated List of Lists - October 2006 VersionEPA Title III 2006Hazard1765
detailsMicroorganisms listed under Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA)EPA TSCA MicrobeHazard195
detailsTable of Partially Exempt Petroleum Process StreamsEPA IUR 2006 Petr ExemptHazard618
detailsPartially Exempt Chemical Substances Under 40 CFR §710.46(b)(2)EPA IUR 2006 Chem ExemptHazard90
detailsChemical Substances in the TSCA Chemical Substance InventoryEPA TSCA InventoryHazard30927
detailsEPA Title III Consolidated List of Lists - July 2011 VersionEPA Title III 2011Hazard1763
detailsEPA TSCA Submissions with Declassified Claims for CBIEPA TSCA DeclassifiedHazard620
detailsTesting of Certain High Production Volume Chemicals under TSCA; Second Group of ChemicalsEPA TSCA HPV SecondHazard19
detailsTesting of Certain High Production Volume Chemicals under TSCA; Third Group of ChemicalsEPA TSCA HPV ThirdHazard15
detailsEPA potential candidate chemicals for near-term review and assessment under the Toxic Substances Control Act (2012)EPA TSCA RiskReview 2012Hazard83
detailsEPA Superfund designation of hazardous substancesEPA Listed Haz SubstancesHazard1172
detailsEPA Superfund designation of unlisted hazardous substancesEPA Unlisted Haz SubstancesHazard40
detailsEPA Phys-Chem properties of HPV chemicalsEPA HPV Priority PhysChemHazard69
detailsEPA Major clearance mechanisms for chemicals in children's PK databaseEPA Child PKHazard44
detailsEPA Risk-based criteria to support validation of analytical methods for threat contaminantsEPA ORD NHSRC Risk AirHazard101
detailsEPA Risk-based criteria to support validation of analytical methods for threat contaminantsEPA ORD NHSRC Risk WaterHazard106
detailsEPA Risk-based criteria for additional industrial chemicals to support validation of analytical methods for threat contaminantsEPA ORD NHSRC Risk ICHazard39
detailsEPA Risk-based criteria for additional industrial chemicals to support validation of analytical methods for threat contaminantsEPA ORD NHSRC Risk NuclHazard15
detailsEPA Unregulated Contaminant Monitoring Regulation (UCMR) for Public Water Systems (PWSs)EPA OW UCMR2Hazard10
detailsEPA Drinking Water Contaminants & their MCLsEPA OW MCLHazard80
detailsEPA Drinking Water Contaminants & their MCLs Quick Reference Guide URLEPA OW MCLHazard78
detailsEPA National Recommended Water Quality Criteria (Organoleptic)EPA OW WQC OrganolepticHazard26
detailsEPA Unregulated Contaminant Monitoring Regulation (UCMR) for Public Water Systems (PWSs) supporting the first cycle (UCMR1) of monitoring (2001 - 2005)EPA OW UCMR1 WaterHazard24
detailsEPA Unregulated Contaminant Monitoring Regulation (UCMR) for Public Water Systems (PWSs) supporting the UCM-State Rounds 1 and 2 (1988-1997)EPA OW UCMR 1and2 WaterHazard73
detailsEPA National Lake Fish Tissue Study - Summary of resultsEPA OW NLFTS SummaryHazard50
detailsEPA Office of Water Preliminary Contaminant Candidate List (PCCL)EPA OW PCCLHazard561
detailsEPA National Study of Chemical Residues in lake Fish TissuesEPA OW FishTissueStudyHazard234
detailsEPA Office of Water Final Contaminant Candidate List ChemicalsEPA OW CCL UniverseHazard796
detailsEPA OW Water Quality Standards for Surface Waters - Reference Documents from the 1980sEPA OW WQC RefDocsHazard90
detailsEPA National Recommended Water Quality CriteriaEPA OW WQC Aq LifeHazard58
detailsEPA National Recommended Water Quality Criteria - Human HealthEPA OW WQC Human HealthHazard124
detailsSummary information on radionuclides that are regulated in drinking waterEPA OW Radionucl RegHazard5
detailsAnalytical Methods for EPA Unregulated Contaminant Monitoring Regulation 2 (UCMR2)EPA OW UCMR2 MethodsHazard25
detailsEPA Analytical Methods for Drinking WaterEPA OW Methods OrganicHazard212
detailsEPA Analytical Methods for Drinking WaterEPA OW Methods Sec ContamHazard231
detailsEPA Analytical Methods for Drinking Water - Disinfection Byproducts Rule substancesEPA OW Methods DBPRuleHazard167
detailsEPA Analytical Methods for Inorganics in Drinking WaterEPA OW Methods InorganicHazard441
detailsEPA Analytical Methods for Drinking Water - RadionuclidesEPA OW Methods RadionuclidesHazard214
detailsEPA mid-Atlantic Region Human Health Risk-Based ConcentrationsEPA Region3 RBCHazard699
detailsEPA Mid-Atlantic Region Human Health Screening LevelsEPA Region3 RBCHazard697
detailsEPA Mid-Atlantic Region Protection of Groundwater (screening levels)EPA Region3 RBCHazard579
detailsEPA mid-Atlantic Region Human Health Risk-Based Concentrations for Fish ConsumptionEPA Region3 RBCHazard677
detailsEPA Region 4 Waste Management Division Freshwater Surface Water (Ecological) Screening Values for Hazardous Waste SitesEPA Region4 FreshSWSVHazard109
detailsEPA Region 4 Waste Management Division Saltwater Surface Water (Ecological) Screening Values for Hazardous Waste SitesEPA Region4 SaltwaterSWSVHazard113
detailsEPA Region 4 Waste Management Division Sediment (Ecological) Screening Values for Hazardous Waste SitesEPA Region4 SedimentSVHazard41
detailsEPA Region 4 Waste Management Division Recommended Ecological Screening Values for SoilEPA Region4 SoilSVHazard132
detailsEPA Southwest region Region Human Health Risk-Based ConcentrationsEPA Region9 RSLHazard738
detailsEPA Region 9 Regional Screening Levels (RSL) for Chemical Contaminants at Superfund SitesEPA Region9 RSLHazard737
detailsEPA Region 9 Region Protection of Groundwater (screening levels)EPA Region9 RSLHazard619
detailsESIS ESIS URLEuropean chemical Substance Information Systems European chemical Substance Information SystemsHazard2604
detailsESIS ORATS URLsEuropean chemical Substance Information Systems ORATSHazard141
detailsESIS PBT SummaryEuropean chemical Substance Information Systems PBTHazard127
detailsESIS PBT URLsEuropean chemical Substance Information Systems PBTHazard127
detailsESIS BPD InclusionsEuropean chemical Substance Information Systems BPDHazard68
detailsESIS BPD Inclusions URLsEuropean chemical Substance Information Systems BPDHazard42
detailsESIS BPD List of Non-InclusionsEuropean chemical Substance Information Systems BPD Non-InclusionsHazard596
detailsESIS Classification and Labeling (Annex I)European chemical Substance Information Systems CLP-GHS 1Hazard4478
detailsESIS Classification and Labeling (Annex VI to Directive 67/548/EEC)European chemical Substance Information Systems CLP-GHS 2Hazard4477
detailsESIS HPV Chemicals ListEuropean chemical Substance Information Systems HPVHazard2782
detailsESIS LPV Chemicals ListEuropean chemical Substance Information Systems LPVHazard7827
detailsESIS the No-Longer Polymers (NLP) listEuropean chemical Substance Information Systems NLPHazard703
detailsEuropean Database Export Import (EDEXIM) of Dangerous Chemicals Annex Part 1European Database Export Import of Dangerous Chemicals Part1Hazard160
detailsEuropean Database Export Import of Dangerous Chemicals Annex Part 2European Database Export Import of Dangerous Chemicals Part2Hazard68
detailsEuropean Database Export Import of Dangerous Chemicals Annex Part 3European Database Export Import of Dangerous Chemicals Part3Hazard40
detailsEU Detergent Ingredient Database (DID)EU Detergent DIDHazard181
detailsExisting Active Substances for use in biocidal products identified Under Regulation (EC) No 1896/2000EU Biopesticides 2007 AnnexIIHazard351
detailsBiocides: Substances included in Annex I or IA to Directive 98/8/ECEU Biopesticides AuthorizedHazard56
detailsBiocides: assessement reports of substances included in included in Annex I or IA to Directive 98/8/ECEU Biopesticides AuthorizedHazard53
detailsEuropean Union Existing active substances for which a decision of non-inclusion into Annex I or Ia of Directive 98/8/EC has been adoptedEU Biopesticides Non-InclusionsHazard1011
detailsEC (European Commission) Restrictions and/or specifications for Plastics in Contact with FoodEUROPA Food Contact MonomersHazard213
detailsEC (European Commission) Restrictions and/or specifications on plastics additives in contact with foodEUROPA Food Contact AdditivesHazard292
detailsEUROPA Provisionally approved hair dyes (Europe)EUROPA Dyes ProvisionalHazard64
detailsList of 44 positively assessed hair dye substances by the SCCPEUROPA Dyes AssessedHazard49
detailsList of 179 substances banned for use in hair dye productsEUROPA Dyes BannedHazard196
detailsEUROPA Pesticide Residues in Products of Plant Origin in European Union (2003)EUROPA FoodPest 2003Hazard41
detailsPesticide Residues in Products of Plant Origin in European Union (2002)EUROPA FoodPest 2002Hazard40
detailsPesticide Residues in Products of Plant Origin in EU (2000) (Europe)EUROPA FoodPest 2000Hazard20
detailsPesticide Residues in Products of Plant Origin in EU (1999) (Europe)EUROPA FoodPest 1999Hazard20
detailsPesticide Residues in Products of Plant Origin in EU (1998) (Europe)EUROPA FoodPest 1998Hazard23
detailsPesticide Residues in Products of Plant Origin in EU (1996) (Europe)EUROPA FoodPest 1996Hazard9
detailsPesticide Residues in Products of Plant Origin in EU (1997) (Europe)EUROPA FoodPest 1997Hazard13
detailsEUROPA Drug Profiles for controlled drugsEUROPA Drug ProfilesHazard97
detailsEUROPA Drug Profiles for controlled drugsEUROPA Drug ProfilesHazard97
detailsEuropean Commission Exposure Assessment of phthalates that may be found in children's school suppliesEUROPA PHTH ChildHazard3
detailsDietary Food Additive Intake in the European Union at tier 2 listed in Annex VEUROPA Dietary Food Additive Intake (DFAI) AnnexVHazard174
detailsEuropean Parliment Environmental Quality Standards (EQS) For Priority Substances And Certain Other Pollutants in Surface WaterEUROPA EQS WaterHazard50
detailsEC (European Commission) flavouring substances authorized for use in foodstuffsEUROPA FlavouringsHazard2761
detailsSummary of Specifications And Authorisation Of Waxes At The EU, JECFA, And European Pharmacopoeia provided by European Wax FederationEUROPA WaxesHazard28
detailsEuropean Union list of hair dye substances with an updated safety fileEUROPA Dyes UpdatedSafetyHazard162
detailsEuropean Union list of hair dye substances proposed for banEUROPA Dyes Ban ProposedHazard68
detailsEWG Human Toxome ProjectEWG TOXOMEHazard585
detailsFDA Inventory of Effective Food Contact Substance (FCS) NotificationsFDA FCS NotificationsHazard768
detailsFDA inventory of GRAS noticesFDA Generally Regarded as Safe (GRAS) NoticesHazard410
detailsFDA Adverse Event Reporting System (AERS)FDA AERSHazard195
detailsFDA Table of Pharmacogenomic Biomarkers in Drug LabelsFDA BiomarkersHazard111
detailsFDA Medication GuidesFDA Medication GuidesHazard317
detailsFDA Maximum Recommended Therapeutic Dose (MRTD)FDA MRTDHazard1220
detailsFDA Bioequivalence Recommendations for Specific Products (URLs)FDA Bioequiv RecommendationsHazard883
detailsFDA List of Long-Acting and Extended-Release Opioid Products Required to have an Opioid REMSFDA Opioid REMSHazard29
detailsFDA Pediatric Exclusivity Determinations Made under Section 505A of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic ActFDA Pediatric ExclusivityHazard152
detailsReview of pediatric studies conducted under Federal FDC ActFDA Pediatric RevHazard186
detailsFood and Drug Administration's (FDA) pesticide residue monitoring program for 2007FDA PMP 2007Hazard419
detailsDeepwater Horizon Oil Spill Surveillance Samples: PAH ResultsFDA Gulf PAHsHazard26
detailsDeepwater Horizon Oil Spill Surveillance Samples Phase III: PAH ResultsFDA Gulf PhaseIII PAHsHazard15
detailsFDA Results for Metals from Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill Surveillance Samples Phase III Oct 2010 - Mar 2011FDA Gulf PhaseIII MetalsHazard4
detailsFracking chemicalsFrackingHazard713
detailsChemicals Used in the Hydraulic Fracturing Process in PennsylvaniaPA FrackingHazard77
detailsFracking Additives Used or Proposed for use in fracking operations in New York StateNY FrackingHazard336
detailsTypical Concentrations of Flowback ConstituentsNY2 FrackingHazard53
detailsFracturing Fluid Additives, Main Compounds and Common UsesDOE FrackingHazard17
detailsFracking chemicals in productsFracking 4AHazard46
detailsToxic chemicals used in hydraulic fracturingFracking 5Hazard29
detailsFlorida Soil Cleanup Target LevelsFlorida Soil CTLsHazard414
detailsFlorida Groundwater Cleanup Target LevelsFlorida GW CTLsHazard472
detailsPrevalent compounds in Fragranced Consumer ProductsFragranced Consumer Products IHazard27
detailsToxic or Hazardous Fragrant SubstancesFragranced Consumer Products IIHazard24
detailsFragranced Consumer Products: Laundry Product IFragranced Consumer Products IIIHazard20
detailsFragranced Consumer Products: Laundry Product IIFragranced Consumer Products IVHazard21
detailsFragranced Consumer Products: Laundry Product IIIFragranced Consumer Products VHazard22
detailsFragranced Consumer Products: Laundry Product IVFragranced Consumer Products VIHazard21
detailsFragranced Consumer Products: Personal Care Product IFragranced Consumer Products VIIHazard26
detailsFragranced Consumer Products: Personal Care Product IIFragranced Consumer Products VIIIHazard26
detailsFragranced Consumer Products: Cleaner IFragranced Consumer Products XHazard8
detailsFragranced Consumer Products: Personal Care Product IVFragranced Consumer Products XIHazard20
detailsFragranced Consumer Products: Personal Care Product VFragranced Consumer Products XIIHazard17
detailsFragranced Consumer Products: Personal Care Product VIFragranced Consumer Products XIIIHazard20
detailsFragranced Consumer Products: Personal Care Product VIIFragranced Consumer Products XIVHazard22
detailsFragranced Consumer Products: Cleaner IIFragranced Consumer Products XVHazard6
detailsFragranced Consumer Products: Cleaner IIIFragranced Consumer Products XVIIHazard14
detailsFragranced Consumer Products: Cleaner IVFragranced Consumer Products XVIIIHazard21
detailsFragranced Consumer Products: Personal Care Product VIIIFragranced Consumer Products XIXHazard21
detailsFragranced Consumer Products: Air Freshener IIFragranced Consumer Products XXHazard23
detailsFragranced Consumer Products: Air Freshener IIIFragranced Consumer Products XXIHazard23
detailsFragranced Consumer Products: Air Freshener IVFragranced Consumer Products XXIIHazard8
detailsFragranced Consumer Products: Air Freshener VFragranced Consumer Products XXIIIHazard26
detailsFragranced Consumer Products: Air Freshener VIFragranced Consumer Products XXIVHazard25
detailsFragranced Consumer Products: Air Freshener VIIFragranced Consumer Products XXVHazard26
detailsFragranced Consumer Products: Air Freshener VIIIFragranced Consumer Products XXVIHazard24
detailsFragranced Consumer Products: Personal Care Product IXFragranced Consumer Products XXVIIHazard26
detailsGlobal Automotive Declarable Substance List (GADSL)Global Automotive Declarable Substance ListHazard2651
detailsGlobal Automotive Declarable Substance List (GADSL) for 2011Global Automotive Declarable Substance List (2011)Hazard2675
detailsGeorgia DNR Guidelines for scoring sites using RQSMGeorgia Department of Natural Resources Hazardous SitesHazard279
detailsGermank AGÖF Guidance Values for Volatile Organic Compounds in Indoor AirGerman AGOF VOCs GuidanceHazard164
detailsGerman AGÖF orientation values for medium-and volatile organic compounds and heavy metals in house dustGerman AGOF DustHazard116
detailsGerman AGÖF Values for Semi-Volatile Organic Compounds in household dustGerman AGOF SVOCsHazard116
detailsResidues of flame retardants in breast milk from GermanyGerman PBGerman MilkHazard10
detailsGerman Federal Environmental Agency List of Substances which are Hazardous to WaterGerman Hazardous WaterHazard1851
detailsGerman Federal Environmental Agency List of Substances which are not Hazardous to WaterGerman NotHazardous WaterHazard79
detailsGreat Lakes Commission 2002 Inventory of Toxic Air EmissionsGreat Lakes Regional AirToxics 2002Hazard195
detailsGreat Lakes Commission 1999 Inventory of Toxic Air EmissionsGreat Lakes Regional AirToxics 1999Hazard193
detailsGreat Lakes Commission 1996 Inventory of Toxic Air EmissionsGreat Lakes Regional AirToxics 1996Hazard77
detailsGreat Lakes Commission 1993 Inventory of Toxic Air EmissionsGreat Lakes Regional AirToxics 1993Hazard49
detailsHazardous Chemicals in Consumer ProductsGreenpeaceHazard28
detailsHealth Canada Priority Substance Lists (1999)Health CanadaPSL 1999Hazard324
detailsHealth Canada Priority Substance Lists (2006)Health CanadaPSL 2006Hazard361
detailsHealth Canada High Health Priorities for ActionHealth Canada High HealthHazard516
detailsHealth Canada Moderate Health Priorities for Action, Health Canada "Categorized In" SubstancesHealth Canada Moderate HealthHazard631
detailsHealth Canada Substances not Requiring Further Work for Human Health at This TimeHealth Canada Low PriorityHazard762
detailsHealth Canada Health-Based Guidance Values for Substances on the Second Priority Substances List; Exposure estimatesHealth Canada Health-Based Guidance ValuesHazard15
detailsHealth Canada Health-Based Guidance Values for Substances on the Second Priority Substances List; Tumorigenic Doses/Concentrations for Priority SubstancesHealth Canada Health-Based Guidance ValuesHazard7
detailsHealth Canada Health-Based Guidance Values for Substances on the Second Priority Substances List; Tolerable Concentrations/Intakes for Priority SubstancesHealth Canada Health-Based Guidance ValuesHazard11
detailsHealth Canada Natural Health Products (NHP) Ingredients Database, Single Ingredient MonographsHealth Canada NHP SingleHazard173
detailsHealth Canada Natural Health Products (NHP) Ingredients Database, Abbreviated Labelling StandardsHealth Canada NHP AbLSHazard15
detailsHealth Canada Guidelines for Canadian Drinking Water QualityHealth Canada DWQ GuidelinesHazard88
detailsHealth Canada Guidelines for Canadian Drinking Water Quality - Technical DocumentsHealth Canada DWQ TechDocHazard114
detailsHealth Canada Guidelines for Canadian Drinking Water Quality (radiological)Health Canada DWQ RadiologicalHazard6
detailsHealth Canada National Survey Of Chlorinated Disinfection By-Products In Canadian Drinking WaterHealth Canada DW DBPs 1993Hazard48
detailsHUD Healthy HomesHUD HealthyHomesHazard12916
detailsHUD Child Care CentersHUD ChildCareCentersHazard6384
detailsICCA HPV Working ListInternational Council of Chemical Associations (ICCA) HPV 2005Hazard1367
detailsICCA petroleum products excluded from ICCA InitiativeInternational Council of Chemical Associations (ICCA) Not PetroleumHazard225
detailsICCA HPV Working ListInternational Council of Chemical Associations (ICCA) HPV 2000Hazard1072
detailsICCA HPV Other Chemicals of InterestInternational Council of Chemical Associations (ICCA) Other 2000Hazard230
detailsIdaho IDTLs for contaminated sitesIdaho Target Levels for Contaminate SitesHazard185
detailsList of Ingredients - World-wideInternational Fragrance Association IngredientsHazard3269
detailsPharmaceuticals in Illinois Drinking WaterIllinois Pharm WaterHazard21
detailsIllinois Groundwater Quality StandardsIllinois GroundwaterQSHazard76
detailsIllinois Toxic Air PollutantsIllinois TAPsHazard220
detailsIllinois Public Water Supplies Drinking Water Standards (PWDS)Illinois PWDS MCLsHazard83
detailsIllinois Pollution Control Board water quality standardsIllinois WQS SurfaceHazard62
detailsIllinois Pollution Control Board water quality standards for Lake Michigan BasinIllinois WQS Lake MichiganHazard64
detailsINCHEM Concise International Chemical Assessment DocumentsINCHEM Chemical AssessmentsHazard333
detailsINCHEM Environmental Health Criteria MonographsINCHEM Environmental Health CriteriaHazard1216
detailsINCHEM Health and Safety GuidesINCHEM Health and Safety GuidesHazard159
detailsIowa Statewide Standards for Contaminants in Soil and GroundwaterIowa Statewide Standards for Contaminants in Soil and GroundwaterHazard245
detailsJoint Industry Guide - Materials Composition GuideIWPC Materials GuideHazard392
detailsKEMI Commodity Guide substance listKEMI Commodity ListHazard906
detailsKEMI substance flow in chemical products within SwedenKEMI Flow CardHazard1462
detailsKentucky Ambient Background Assessment (inorganics) data for sites undergoing environmental assessmentKentucky VERPHazard18
detailsKentucky generic statewide background values for inorganic chemicals for sites undergoing environmental assessmentKentucky VERPHazard18
detailsMinnesota Health Risk Limits for GroundwaterMINN HealthRiskHazard94
detailsMinnesota Health Risk Evaluation for GroundwaterMINN HRE WaterHazard424
detailsMinnesota Health Risk Evaluation for AirMINN HRE AirHazard118
detailsMinnesota Department of Health fact sheetsMINN FactSheetsHazard36
detailsConcentration of organic wastewater chemicals in Minnesota surface water 2007-2008MINN EDC 2007-2008 SurfaceWaterHazard26
detailsConcentration of Hormones in Minnesota Surface WaterMINN EDC 2007-2008 HormonesHazard15
detailsConcentration of Polar organic chemicals in Minnesota lakes 2007-2008MINN EDC 2007-2008 PolarsHazard13
detailsConcentration of organic wastewater chemicals in Minnesota sediment 2007-2008MINN EDC 2007-2008 Org SedHazard17
detailsConcentration of pharmaceuticals in Minnesota sediment 2007-2008MINN EDC 2007-2008 Pharm SedHazard12
detailsMinnesota PCA Monitoring of Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals at Wastewater Treatment PlantsMINN WWTP EDCHazard152
detailsMinnesota Deptartment of Agriculture 2009 Water Quality Monitoring ReportMINN WQ 2009 PesticidesHazard96
detailsMinnesota MDA report on pesticides in Minn. Lakes 2007MINN MDA 2007 Lakes PesticidesHazard37
detailsMinnesota WWTP study in 2009 - bottom sediment samplesMINN WWTP Study 2009 SedimentHazard75
detailsMinnesota WWTP study in 2009 - water samplesMINN WWTP Study 2009 WaterHazard46
detailsMinnesota WWTP study in 2009 - water samplesMINN WWTP 2009 Update WaterHazard80
detailsMinnesota WWTP study in 2009 - bottom sediment samplesMINN WWTP 2009 Update SedimentHazard77
detailsNC Division of Air Quality Toxic Air Pollutant (TAP) GuidelinesNC TAP GuidelinesHazard97
detailsNC water quality standards for public water suppliesNC WQS MCLsHazard70
detailsNorth Carolina Preliminary Soil Remediation Goals (SRGs) for the protection of groundwaterNC SRGs SoilHazard695
detailsNC DENR, Division of Water Quality Surface Waters And Wetlands StandardsNC DENR SurfaceWSHazard68
detailsNEG (Nordic Expert Group) Publications URLsNordic Expert Group Chemical Health RiskHazard232
detailsExisting Chemicals AssessmentsAustralia National Industrial Chemicals Notification and Assessment SchemeHazard20
detailsScreening information data sets (SIDS) Initial Assessment Meeting (SIAM) 31Australia National Industrial Chemicals Notification and Assessment Scheme (2)Hazard57
detailsScreening of plastic toys for chemical composition and hazards; Market surveillance in the Netherlands.Netherlands Food and Consumer Product Safety ToysHazard119
detailsMigration of nitrosamines and nitrosatable substances from rubber balloonsNetherlands Food and Consumer Product Safety BalloonsHazard7
detailsExposure assessment of Dutch nursing infants to PBDEsNetherlands National Institute for Public Health and the Environment PBDEHazard11
detailsMarket surveys on allergens in consumer productsNetherlands National Institute for Public Health and the Environment Allergens ProdHazard26
detailsSubstances found in PVC-containing children's toys in Netherlands in 2001 markey surveyNetherlands Food and Consumer Product Safety PVC ToysHazard33
detailsNetherlands RIVM list of 514 potential CMR substances not on Annex 1Netherlands National Institute for Public Health and the Environment PotentialCMRHazard514
detailsNetherlands RIVM list of potential CMR substances occurring in consumer preparationsNetherlands National Institute for Public Health and the Environment CMR ProductsHazard23
detailsNetherlands RIVM list of Classified CMR substances occurring in consumer preparationsNetherlands National Institute for Public Health and the Environment ClassifiedCMR ProductsHazard146
detailsNew Hampshire Groundwater Quality Standards for hazardous site remediationNew Hampshire GroundwaterHazard183
detailsNew Hampshire Ambient Groundwater Quality StandardsNew Hampshire Ambient GroundwaterHazard178
detailsNew Hampshire Soil Remediation StandardsNew Hampshire SoilHazard172
detailsNew Hampshire Regulated Toxic Air Pollutants (TAPs)New Hampshire Regulated Toxic Air PollutantsHazard774
detailsNew York Hazardous Substances listNew York State Department of Environmental Conservation Hazardous SubstancesHazard1395
detailsNew York State Office of Homeland Security List of Hazardous and Toxic ChemicalsNew York State Office of Homeland Security ToxicsHazard656
detailsSummary of VOCs in New York State 1997-2003NY: Indoor and Outdoor Levels of Volatile Organic Compounds from Fuel OilHazard69
detailsNew York State DEC Air Resources RegulationsNY Dept. of Environmental Concervation: Air RegsHazard433
detailsNew York DEC Water Quality StandardsNY DEC WQSHazard754
detailsNew York State calculation of environmental impact quotient, EIQ, of pesticidesNY Pesticides EIQHazard122
detailsPPCPs in Source Water of the New York City Water Supply in 2009Pharmaceutical and Personal Care Products in New York City Water Supply (2009)Hazard19
detailsPPCPs in Source Water of the New York City Water Supply in 2010Pharmaceutical and Personal Care Products in New York City Water Supply (2010)Hazard19
detailsChemical constituents of cigarette smokechemical constituents in cigarette smokeHazard78
detailsNHANES Chemical concentrations in urineNHANESHazard163
detailsNHEXAS ArizonaNational Human Exposure Assessment Survey ArizonaHazard106
detailsNHEXAS MarylandNational Human Exposure Assessment Survey MarylandHazard122
detailsNHEXAS Region5National Human Exposure Assessment Survey Region5Hazard45
detailsNHEXAS MinnesotaNational Human Exposure Assessment Survey MinnesotaHazard31742
detailsNIOSH Health Guidelines for Chemical HazardsNational Institute for Occupational Safety and Health ChemHazardHazard473
detailsNIOSH Immediately Dangerous ChemicalsNational Institute for Occupational Safety and Health Immediately DangerousHazard392
detailsURLs for NIOSH Immediately Dangerous ChemicalsNational Institute for Occupational Safety and Health Immediately DangerousHazard396
detailsNIOSH Emergency Response Safety and Health Database (ERSH-DB) URLsNational Institute for Occupational Safety and Health ERSHDBHazard40
detailsNIOSH Emergency Response Safety and Health Database (ERSH-DB)National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health ERSHDBHazard40
detailsNIOSH National Occupational Exposure Survey (NOES) dataNational Institute for Occupational Safety and Health NOESHazard476
detailsNIOSH permissible exposure limits (PELs) set by OSHANational Institute for Occupational Safety and Health PELHazard414
detailsNIOSH Physical Properties of Methamphetamine and Illicit Drugs, Precursors, and AdulterantsNational Institute for Occupational Safety and Health Amph PhysPropHazard21
detailsNIOSH list of potential occupational carcinogensNational Institute for Occupational Safety and Health CARCHazard132
detailsNOAA Deepwater Horizon/BP Oil Spill test results for finfishNOAA Gulf FinfishHazard13
detailsOSAT detected concentrations of dispersants in the GulfNOAA Gulf OSAT Disp WaterHazard3
detailsUS NRC Schedule A--Exempt concentrationsUS Nuclear Regulatory Commission: ByproductsHazard154
detailsUS NRC Schedule BUS Nuclear Regulatory Commission: ExemptionsHazard186
detailsUS NRC Schedule C--Quantities of radioactive materials requiring consideration of the need for an emergency plan for responding to a release.US Nuclear Regulatory Commission: Emergency ResponseHazard95
detailsUS NRC Appendix B To Part 30US Nuclear Regulatory Commission: LabellingHazard181
detailsICCVAM Reference Substances for Validation of In Vitro ER Binding AssaysNational Toxicology Program ICCVAMHazard78
detailsICCVAM Substances considered for Validation of In Vitro ER Binding AssaysNational Toxicology Program ICCVAM ConsideredHazard46
detailsOECD Summary reports on SIDS chemicalsOECD SIDSHazard401
detailsOhio List of Toxic Air Contaminants (TACs)Ohio TACsHazard304
detailsOPCW (Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons) Schedules of toxic chemicals and their precursorsOPCWHazard69
detailsOregon Toxic Substance Water Quality Standards for Toxic Pollutants - Guidance ValuesOregon Toxic Substance Water Quality StandardsHazard59
detailsOregon Effective Water Quality Criteria for Human HealthOregon Dept. of Env. Quality: Human Health CriteriaHazard128
detailsOregon Hazardous Air Pollution Program emissions limitationsOregon Dept. of Env. Quality: Hazardous Air Pollution Program emissionsHazard140
detailsOSHA/EPA Occupational Chemical Database - Full reportOSHA EPAHazard800
detailsOSHA/NIOSH/DOE Health GuidelinesOSHA HealthGuidelinesHazard169
detailsPthalate Concentrations in EuropeOpasnet: Air concentrations of PthalatesHazard199
detailsDimethyl fumarate in consumer productsOpasnet: Air concentrations of FumarateHazard78
detailsFormaldehyde air concentrations in EuropeOpasnet: Air concentrations of FormaldehydeHazard171
detailsBenzene air concentrations in EuropeOpasnet: Air concentrations of BenzeneHazard335
detailsToluene air concentrations in EuropeOpasnet: Air concentrations of TolueneHazard223
detailsNapthalene air concentrations in EuropeOpasnet: Air concentrations of NapthaleneHazard19
detailsNicotine air concentrations in EuropeOpasnet: Air concentrations of NicotineHazard30
detailsAldehyde concentrations in EuropeOpasnet: Air concentrations of AldehydesHazard35
detailsPAH concentrations in EuropeOpasnet: Air concentrations of PAHHazard6
detailsTerpene concentrations in EuropeOpasnet: Air concentrations of TerpenesHazard252
detailsXylene concentrations in EuropeOpasnet: Air concentrations of XyleneHazard57
detailsPennsylvania DEP Toxicological Properties for Regulated SubstancesPENN PropertiesHazard390
detailsRisk Assessment Information System Toxicity MetadataRisk Assessment Information Systems MetadataHazard544
detailsThe Risk Information Exchange (RiskIE) reviews Risk Information ExchangeHazard3949
detailsScorecard Health Effects SummariesScorecard Pollution Information SummariesHazard3325
detailsThe Regional Monitoring Program Measurements for Trace Substances in the San Francisco Estuary, 1993-2003Trace Substances in the San Francisco Estuary 1993-2003Hazard48
detailsThe Regional Monitoring Program Measurements for Trace Substances in the San Francisco Estuary, 2002-2006Trace Substances in the San Francisco Estuary 2002-2006 WaterHazard27
detailsThe Regional Monitoring Program Measurements for Trace Substances in the San Francisco Estuary, 2002-2006Trace Substances in the San Francisco Estuary 2002-2006 SedimentHazard21
detailsPhysical and chemical properties of various pyrethroidsPhysical and chemical properties of various pyrethroidsHazard11
detailsMultiple Air Toxics Exposure Study in the South Coast Air Basin (MATES-II)California Multiple Air Toxics Exposure StudyIIHazard29
detailsMATES III List of Substances and Their Associated Risk FactorsCalifornia Multiple Air Toxics Exposure StudyIII RFHazard39
detailsMultiple Air Toxics Exposure Study in the South Coast Air Basin (MATES-III)California Multiple Air Toxics Exposure StudyIIIHazard20
detailsSummary of Biodegradation experimental results in Pure Cultures from SRCSRC Experimental Biodegradation Values: Summary CultureHazard33
detailsSummary of Biodegradation experimental results conducted anaerobically from SRCSRC Experimental Biodegradation Values: Summary AnaerobicHazard227
detailsSummary of Biodegradation experimental results conducted aerobically from SRCSRC Experimental Biodegradation Values: Summary AerobicHazard725
detailsSRS -- EPA Substance Regulatory Services ListEPA Substance Registry ServicesHazard70530
detailsToxipedia Chemicals ListToxipedia ChemicalsHazard144
detailsToxipedia Pesticides ListToxipedia PesticidesHazard84
detailsNLM TOXNET HSDB Hazard InformationNLM TOXNET HSDBHazard5205
detailsNLM TOXNET ToxicologyNLM TOXNET ToxicologyHazard70760
detailsUnpublished Health and Safety StudiesTSCA 8dHazard1381
detailsSNUR for 14 GlymesTSCA SNUR1Hazard14
detailsRegulated allergens (UK, cosmetic)UK AllergensHazard26
detailsCosmetic products subject to restrictions (UK)UK Cosmetics RestrictedHazard126
detailsCosmetic products subject to restrictions (UK), provisionally permittedUK Cosmetics ProvisionalHazard153
detailsEuropean fragrances/perfume ingredients in soaps, detergents and maintenance products.UK CleanrightHazard72
detailsMigration of substances from in-situ applied epoxy resin coatingsUK DWI EpoxyHazard153
detailsIngredients commonly found in soaps, detergents and maintenance products - provided by CleanrightUK Cleanright IngredientsHazard354
detailsIngredients commonly found in soaps, detergents and maintenance products - provided by CleanrightUK Cleanright IngredientsHazard355
detailsThe molecular species detected in space submitted to astrochemistry.netUK Space molec specHazard151
detailsIPCC Greenhouse gasesUN IPCC Greenhouse GasesHazard22
detailsChemicals that are not listed in Annex III of the Rotterdam Convention.UN Rotterdam Appendix VAHazard320
detailsChemicals that are not listed in Annex III of the Rotterdam Convention.UN Rotterdam Appendix VBHazard104
detailsThe 12 initial Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) under the Stockholm ConventionUN Stockholm POPsHazard12
detailsUN SCETDG list of 315 water polluting substancesUN SCETDG WaterPollutingHazard317
detailsINCB List of Precursors and chemicals in illicit drug tradeUN INCB PrecursorsHazard23
detailsUNECE PRTR thresholds for reporting Releases to air of specified pollutantsUN PRTR Air ReleasesHazard86
detailsUNECE PRTR thresholds for reporting air emissions of specified pollutants using MPU SustemUN PRTR Air Emissions MPUHazard86
detailsUNECE PRTR thresholds for reporting Direct Releases to water of specified pollutantsUN PRTR Water ReleasesHazard86
detailsUNECE PRTR thresholds for reporting Direct Releases to land of specified pollutantsUN PRTR Land ReleasesHazard86
detailsUNECE PRTR thresholds for reporting releases to land of specified pollutants using MPU SustemUN PRTR Land Releases MPUHazard86
detailsUNECE PRTR thresholds for reporting Direct Off-Site Releases of specified pollutantsUN PRTR Off-Site TransfersHazard86
detailsUNECE PRTR Expected releases and transfersUN PRTR SectorsHazard84
detailsChemicals listed in Annex III to the Rotterdam ConventionUN Rotterdam Appendix IIIHazard57
detailsChemicals listed in Annex III to the Rotterdam ConventionUN Rotterdam PICHazard89
detailsUSDA Pesticide Residues 2006USDA 2006 Pesticide ResiduesHazard244
detailsUSDA Human Health and Ecological Risk Assessments (HERAs)USDA FS HERAHazard49
detailsUSDA National Residue Program (NRP) testing results for beef cows for 2007USDA 2007 NRP ResiduesHazard89
detailsUSDA National Residue Program (NRP) testing results for boars and stags for 2007USDA 2007 NRP ResiduesHazard73
detailsUSDA National Residue Program (NRP) testing results for bob veal for 2007USDA 2007 NRP ResiduesHazard16
detailsUSDA National Residue Program (NRP) testing results for bulls for 2007USDA 2007 NRP ResiduesHazard19
detailsUSDA National Residue Program (NRP) testing results for dairy cows for 2007USDA 2007 NRP ResiduesHazard94
detailsUSDA National Residue Program (NRP) testing results for formula-fed veal for 2007USDA 2007 NRP ResiduesHazard54
detailsUSDA National Residue Program (NRP) testing results for goats for 2007USDA 2007 NRP ResiduesHazard52
detailsUSDA National Residue Program (NRP) testing results for market hogs for 2007USDA 2007 NRP ResiduesHazard23
detailsUSDA National Residue Program (NRP) testing results for heavy calves for 2007USDA 2007 NRP ResiduesHazard59
detailsUSDA National Residue Program (NRP) testing results for heifers for 2007USDA 2007 NRP ResiduesHazard81
detailsUSDA National Residue Program (NRP) testing results for horses for 2007USDA 2007 NRP ResiduesHazard76
detailsUSDA National Residue Program (NRP) testing results for lambs for 2007USDA 2007 NRP ResiduesHazard52
detailsUSDA National Residue Program (NRP) testing results for mature chickens for 2007USDA 2007 NRP ResiduesHazard1
detailsUSDA National Residue Program (NRP) testing results for mature sheep for 2007USDA 2007 NRP ResiduesHazard52
detailsUSDA National Residue Program (NRP) testing results for mature turkeys for 2007USDA 2007 NRP ResiduesHazard16
detailsUSDA National Residue Program (NRP) testing results for non-formula fed veal for 2007USDA 2007 NRP ResiduesHazard64
detailsUSDA National Residue Program (NRP) testing results for roaster pigs for 2007USDA 2007 NRP ResiduesHazard59
detailsUSDA National Residue Program (NRP) testing results for sows for 2007USDA 2007 NRP ResiduesHazard75
detailsUSDA National Residue Program (NRP) testing results for steers for 2007USDA 2007 NRP ResiduesHazard19
detailsUSDA National Residue Program (NRP) testing results for young chickens for 2007USDA 2007 NRP ResiduesHazard60
detailsUSDA National Residue Program (NRP) testing results for young turkeys for 2007USDA 2007 NRP ResiduesHazard57
detailsUSDA Pesticide Residues 2007USDA 2007 Pesticide ResiduesHazard241
detailsUSDA: pesticides in drinking water for 2006USDA 2006 Drinking WaterHazard242
detailsUSDA: pesticides in bottles water for 2006USDA 2006 Bottled WaterHazard84
detailsUSDA: pesticides in drinking water for 2007USDA 2007 Drinking WaterHazard239
detailsUSDA: pesticides in ground water for 2007USDA 2007 Ground WaterHazard94
detailsUSDA Pesticide Residues 2008USDA 2008 Pesticide ResiduesHazard302
detailsUSDA: pesticides in ground water for 2008USDA 2008 Ground WaterHazard94
detailsUSDA: pesticides in drinking water for 2008USDA 2008 Drinking WaterHazard217
detailsUSDA National Residue Program (NRP) testing results for beef cows for 2006USDA 2006 NRP ResiduesHazard85
detailsUSDA National Residue Program (NRP) testing results for boars and stags for 2006USDA 2006 NRP ResiduesHazard62
detailsUSDA National Residue Program (NRP) testing results for bob veal for 2006USDA 2006 NRP ResiduesHazard48
detailsUSDA National Residue Program (NRP) testing results for bulls for 2006USDA 2006 NRP ResiduesHazard21
detailsUSDA National Residue Program (NRP) testing results for dairy cows for 2006USDA 2006 NRP ResiduesHazard89
detailsUSDA National Residue Program (NRP) testing results for formula-fed veal for 2006USDA 2006 NRP ResiduesHazard55
detailsUSDA National Residue Program (NRP) testing results for goats for 2006USDA 2006 NRP ResiduesHazard36
detailsUSDA National Residue Program (NRP) testing results for market hogs for 2006USDA 2006 NRP ResiduesHazard23
detailsUSDA National Residue Program (NRP) testing results for heavy calves for 2006USDA 2006 NRP ResiduesHazard50
detailsUSDA National Residue Program (NRP) testing results for heifers for 2006USDA 2006 NRP ResiduesHazard73
detailsUSDA National Residue Program (NRP) testing results for horses for 2006USDA 2006 NRP ResiduesHazard65
detailsUSDA National Residue Program (NRP) testing results for lambs for 2006USDA 2006 NRP ResiduesHazard36
detailsUSDA National Residue Program (NRP) testing results for mature chickens for 2006USDA 2006 NRP ResiduesHazard1
detailsUSDA National Residue Program (NRP) testing results for mature sheep for 2006USDA 2006 NRP ResiduesHazard36
detailsUSDA National Residue Program (NRP) testing results for mature turkeys for 2006USDA 2006 NRP ResiduesHazard16
detailsUSDA National Residue Program (NRP) testing results for non-formula fed veal for 2006USDA 2006 NRP ResiduesHazard93
detailsUSDA National Residue Program (NRP) testing results for roaster pigs for 2006USDA 2006 NRP ResiduesHazard45
detailsUSDA National Residue Program (NRP) testing results for sows for 2006USDA 2006 NRP ResiduesHazard67
detailsUSDA National Residue Program (NRP) testing results for steers for 2006USDA 2006 NRP ResiduesHazard20
detailsUSDA National Residue Program (NRP) testing results for young chickens for 2006USDA 2006 NRP ResiduesHazard31
detailsUSDA National Residue Program (NRP) testing results for young turkeys for 2006USDA 2006 NRP ResiduesHazard32
detailsUSDA Pesticide Residues 2005USDA 2005 Pesticide ResiduesHazard242
detailsUSDA Pesticide Residues found in Milk - 2005USDA 2005 Residues MilkHazard89
detailsUSDA: pesticides in bottles water for 2005USDA 2005 Bottled WaterHazard82
detailsUSDA: pesticides in drinking water for 2005USDA 2005 Drinking WaterHazard222
detailsUSDA Pesticide Residues 2004USDA 2004 Pesticide ResiduesHazard229
detailsUSDA: pesticides in drinking water for 2004USDA 2004 Drinking WaterHazard232
detailsUSDA Pesticide Residues found in Milk - 2004USDA 2004 Residues MilkHazard89
detailsUSDA Pesticide Residues 2003USDA 2003 Pesticide ResiduesHazard219
detailsUSDA: pesticides in drinking water for 2003USDA 2003 Drinking WaterHazard234
detailsUSDA Pesticide Residues 2002USDA 2002 Pesticide ResiduesHazard195
detailsUSDA: pesticides in drinking water for 2002USDA 2002 Drinking WaterHazard213
detailsUSDA Pesticide Residues 2009USDA 2009 Pesticide ResiduesHazard298
detailsUSDA Pesticide Residues on Rice 2009USDA 2009 RiceHazard81
detailsUSDA Pesticide Residues on Rice 2001USDA 2001 RiceHazard41
detailsUSDA: pesticides in ground water for 2009USDA 2009 Ground WaterHazard94
detailsUSDA: pesticides in drinking water for 2009USDA 2009 Drinking WaterHazard216
detailsUSDA Pesticide Residues 2001USDA 2001 Pesticide ResiduesHazard190
detailsUSDA: pesticides in drinking water for 2001USDA 2001 Drinking WaterHazard175
detailsUSDA Pesticide Residues 2000USDA 2000 Pesticide ResiduesHazard180
detailsUSDA Pesticide Residues 2001USDA 1999 Pesticide ResiduesHazard152
detailsUSGS Health-Based Screening Levels (HBSLs)USGS HBSLHazard437
detailsDetailed USGS Health-Based Screening Levels (HBSLs)USGS HBSLHazard437
detailsHousehold Chemicals and Drugs Found in Biosolids (USGS)USGS BiosolidsHazard25
detailsOrganic compounds found in water in Minn. (USGS)USGS Wastewater MinnHazard97
detailsPharmaceuticals in Soil Irrigated with Reclaimed Water (USGS)USGS Pharm SoilHazard19
detailsCompounds included in USGS Source Water-Quality Assessment (SWQA) studiesUSGS SWQAHazard278
detailsUSGS Volatile Organic Compounds in the Nation's Ground Water and Drinking-Water Supply WellsUSGS VOCs AquiferHazard56
detailsPesticide compounds analyzed in USGS NAWQA samplesUSGS PestClassHazard80
details(USGS) Properties of herbicidesUSGS Herbicides PropertiesHazard7
detailsGround-Water Quality Data in the Southern Sacramento Valley, California, 2005USGS Sacramento GAMA 2005Hazard275
detailsUSGS study of pesticides and degradates in the Eastern Iowa Basins 1996 to 1998USGS WQA Iowa 1996-1998Hazard57
detailsUSGS evaluation of pesticides in lakes in Central FloridaUSGS WQ FloridaHazard21
detailsUSGS Estimates of pesticide chemical properties and usage were compiled for selected target pesticidesUSGS Florida ChemPropHazard16
detailsUSGS report of pesticide concentrations in water in the MidwestUSGS Pest MidwestHazard86
detailsUSGS Study of endocrine-active chemicals and other organic chemicals indicative of wastewater in sediments of rivers in MinnesotaUSGS MINN 2007 SedimentsHazard29
detailsProperties of endocrine-active chemicals and other organic chemicals monitored by USGS in sediments of three rivers in MinnesotaUSGS MINN 2007 SedimentsHazard28
detailsUSGS Study of endocrine-active chemicals and other organic chemicals indicative of wastewater in rivers in MinnesotaUSGS MINN 2007 Rivers Organics2Hazard69
detailsProperties of endocrine-active chemicals and other organic chemicals monitored by USGS in three rivers in Minnesota in 2007USGS MINN 2007 Rivers Organics2Hazard69
detailsUSGS Study of endocrine-active chemicals and other organic chemicals indicative of wastewater in rivers in MinnesotaUSGS MINN 2007 Rivers Organics1Hazard38
detailsProperties of endocrine-active chemicals and other organic chemicals monitored by USGS in three rivers in Minnesota in 2007USGS MINN 2007 Rivers Organics1Hazard38
detailsUSGS: Properties of Endocrine Active Compounds in the Mississippi River 2006USGS MISS 2006 PropertiesHazard69
detailsUSGS Study of endocrine-active chemicals chemicals in the upper Mississippi R1ver 2006USGS MISS 2006 WaterHazard68
detailsEndocrine-active chemicals monitored by USGS in sediments of the upper Mississippi River in 2006USGS MISS 2006 SedimentHazard57
detailsUSGS evaluation of herbicides and degradates in water in Southern GeorgiaUSGS GA Herb WaterHazard11
detailsUSGS Report: Sampling of surface water in Colorado and Iowa in 2003USGS COLO 2003 WaterHazard655
detailsUSGS Report: Sampling of surface water in Colorado and Iowa in 2005USGS COLO 2005 WaterHazard787
detailsUSGS Report: 2001 Water Quality Assessment near Flandreau, SD - Human pharmaceutical compoundsUSGS SD 2001 Water PharmHazard33
detailsUSGS Report: 2001 Water Quality Assessment near Flandreau, SD - Organic wastewater compoundsUSGS SD 2001 Water OrgHazard67
detailsUSGS/EPA Pesticides in Selected Water-Supply Reservoirs and Finished Drinking Water, 1999-2000USGS PPMPHazard187
detailsUSGS Groundwater Special Study: The Oahu National Water-Quality Assessment (pesticides)USGS SPCG Oahu PesticidesHazard204
detailsUSGS Groundwater Special Study: The Oahu National Water-Quality Assessment (Isotopes, tracers, and recharge dates)USGS SPCG Oahu TracersHazard12
detailsUSGS Groundwater Special Study: The Oahu National Water-Quality Assessment (VOCs)USGS SPCG Oahu VOCsHazard85
detailsUSGS Groundwater Special Study: The Oahu National Water-Quality Assessment (Elements)USGS SPCG Oahu ElementsHazard23
detailsUSGS Groundwater Special Study: The Oahu National Water-Quality Assessment (Minerals)USGS SPCC Oahu ElementsHazard10
detailsUSGS: Summary of herbicides in rainwater, 1990-1991USGS Herb Rain SummaryHazard15
detailsUSGS Study of WWCs in Milwaukee 2004-2005USGS WQ Milwaukee 2004-2005Hazard62
detailsUSGS Target Compounds for NREC in US StreamsUSGS NRECHazard95
detailsUSGS Target National Reconnaissance of Emerging Contaminants (NREC) project in US StreamsUSGS NREC Occurrence StreamsHazard110
detailsUSGS Target National Reconnaissance of Emerging Contaminants (NREC) project in US StreamsUSGS NREC Occurrence GroundWaterHazard65
detailsUSGS Target National Reconnaissance of Emerging Contaminants (NREC) projectUSGS NREC Occurrence SourceWaterHazard100
detailsPesticides in agricultural stream water (USGS)USGS Pest StreamHazard83
detailsPesticides in ground water (shallow wells) (USGS)USGS Pest GroundWaterHazard83
detailsPesticides in sediment (USGS)USGS Pest SedimentHazard31
detailsPesticide levels in fish 1992-2001 (USGS)USGS Pest FishHazard27
detailsUSGS Target National Reconnaissance of Emerging Contaminants (NREC) project in US Streams - SedimentsUSGS NREC Occurrence SedimentHazard17
detailsFlavor and fragrance materials: U.S. exports and imports, 1997 (USITC)USITC FlavorFragrances 1997Hazard63
detailsCommodity Chemicals 1997-2001 (USITC)USITC Commodity 2001Hazard9
detailsPharmaceutical Appendix Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United StatesUSITC Intermed DutyFreeHazard1387
detailsPharmaceutical Appendix Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United StatesUSITC Pharma DutyFreeHazard7561
detailsUtah Ground Water Quality Standards (GWQS)Utah GWQSHazard94
detailsVirginia DEQ water quality standardsVA DEQ Surface WaterHazard132
detailsVirginia DEQ ground water quality standardsVA DEQ Ground WaterHazard35
detailsVirginia Screening Values (SV) for Fish Tissue (fish consumption use)VA SV Fish TissueHazard92
detailsVirginia Sediment criteria for use in the assessment of aquatic life supportVA Sediment CriteriaHazard50
detailsPharmaceuticals and personal care products in Washington state wastewater treatment plantsWashington State BiosolidsHazard26
detailsWashington indicators of potential exposureWashington State Child Potential ExposureHazard2219
detailsWashington State chemicals removed from Potential CHCCsWashington State Child Not Chemicals of High ConcernHazard323
detailsWashington Children's Safe Product Act (CSPA) Reporting Rule. List of chemical of high concern to children (CHCC) which must be reported in children's products.Washington State Chemicals of High Concern ReportingRuleHazard59
detailsChemicals and chemical groups that are included on the State of Washington PBT list"Washington State Persistance, Bioaccumulation, and Toxicity (PBT) chemicals"Hazard75
detailsWashington State Potential High Priority Chemicals (HPC)Washington State Child Potential High Priority ChemicalsHazard476
detailsWHO Classifications of Pesticide HazardWHO CPHHazard563
detailsWHO Guidelines for drinking-water qualityWHO Water Guidelines 2008Hazard94
detailsWHO Guidelines for drinking-water qualityWHO Water Guidelines 2011Hazard91
detailsWisconsin Combined Chemical Table for Non-Cancer effectsWisconsin AirToxicsHazard465
detailsWisconsin Combined Chemical Table for Cancer effectsWisconsin AirToxicsHazard178
detailsWisconsin groundwater monitoring results for 2001Wisconsin Groundwater Wells2001Hazard398
detailsWisconsin Department of Natural Resources Public health related groundwater standardsWisconsin GW Quality StandardsHazard123
detailsWisconsin groundwater monitoring results for 1996Wisconsin Groundwater Wells1996Hazard416
detailsWisconsin groundwater monitoring results for 1997Wisconsin Groundwater Wells1997Hazard349
detailsWisconsin groundwater monitoring results for 1998Wisconsin Groundwater Wells1998Hazard413
detailsWisconsin groundwater monitoring results for 1999Wisconsin Groundwater Wells1999Hazard169
detailsWisconsin groundwater monitoring results for 2000Wisconsin Groundwater Wells2000Hazard425
detailsPhysicoChemical information for Danish EPA Selected Pesticide CoformulantsDanishEPA CoformulantsHazard0
detailsDanish EPA Compilation of toxicological effects and data availability of selected coformulants by end-pointDanishEPA CoformulantsHazard0
detailsDanish EPA Summary of critical effects and current regulation on selected coformulants.DanishEPA CoformulantsHazard0
detailsDanishEPA List of siloxane ingredients used in cosmetic products listed in the INCI InventoryDanishEPA Siloxanes INCIHazard0
detailsDanishEPA toxicity data on siloxanesDanishEPA Siloxanes ToxHazard0
detailsDanishEPA List of Undesirable SubstancesDanishEPA LOUS 2004Hazard0
detailsDanishEPA List of Undesirable Substances for 2009DanishEPA LOUS 2009Hazard0
detailsDanishEPA PhysicoChemical information on PFOS and PFOA and other PFAS substancesDanishEPA PFOS PropHazard0
detailsDanishEPA Summary of Literature Studies of levels of perfluorinated substances in airDanishEPA PFOS AirHazard0
detailsDanishEPA Summary of Literature Studies of human exposure to perfluorinated substancesDanishEPA PFOS HumanHazard43
detailsDanishEPA Lists of Effects for 2009DanishEPA EffectsList 2009Hazard0
detailsContent of pthalates and organic tin in shower curtains.DCPS 1Hazard0
detailsContent of pthalates and organic tin in vinyl floors.DCPS 1Hazard0
detailsContent of pthalates and organic tin in glovesDCPS 1Hazard0
detailsContent of pthalates and organic tin in carpet tilesDCPS 1Hazard0
detailsContent of pthalates and organic tin in vinyl wallpaper.DCPS 1Hazard0
detailsContent of pthalates and organic tin in bagsDCPS 1Hazard0
detailsPigments in tattoo colorsDCPS 2Hazard0
detailsCandle EmissionsDCPS 6Hazard0
detailsContent analysis of beads and pegboards sold in DenmarkDCPS 7Hazard0
detailsIroning emissions of pegboardsDCPS 7Hazard0
detailsSelected fragrance materials in cleaning products and other consumer productsDCPS 8Hazard0
detailsChemical substances in ""do it yourself"" cosmeticsDCPS 10Hazard0
detailsSelected Plant Substances in ""Natural"" CosmeticsDCPS 11Hazard0
detailsChemical Substances from TamponsDCPS 12Hazard0
detailsChemical Substances from Sanitary NapkinsDCPS 13Hazard0
detailsMapping of Chemical Substances from Sanitary NapkinsDCPS 13Hazard0
detailsChemical Substances Discharged When Heating Clay - Results for Organic TinDCPS 14Hazard0
detailsChemical Substances Discharged When Heating Clay - Vinyl chloride and GC/MS Screening of clayDCPS 14Hazard0
detailsChemical Substances Discharged When Heating Clay - Vinyl chloride and CG/MS analysis of emissions at 130 degrees C.DCPS 14Hazard0
detailsChemical Substances Discharged When Heating Clay - Vinyl chloride and CG/MS analysis of emissions at 200 degrees C.DCPS 14Hazard0
detailsCleaning materials and polishes for metalDCPS 16Hazard0
detailsPFOS compounds in impregnating agents, wax and floor polish productsDCPS 17Hazard0
detailsHairstyling ProductsDCPS 18Hazard0
detailsConstituents in Hairstyling Products - Detected chemicalsDCPS 18Hazard0
detailsPrioritized substances in hairstyling productsDCPS 18Hazard0
detailsChemical substances in Christmas spraysDCPS 19Hazard0
detailsChemical Substances in Products Containing Decorative LiquidsDCPS 20Hazard0
detailsChemicals in dry-cleaned textiles from Rynex and hydrocarbon dry-cleaning shopsDCPS 21Hazard0
detailsLiberation of MBT in natural rubberDCPS 22Hazard0
detailsSurvey of chemical compounds in textile fabricsDCPS 23Hazard0
detailsSurvey of chemical compounds in textile fabricsDCPS 23Hazard0
detailsAntibacterial compounds in clothing articlesDCPS 24Hazard0
detailsAntibacterial compounds in clothing articles - detected chemicalsDCPS 24Hazard0
detailsChemical substances in mattress padsDCPS 25Hazard0
detailsChemical substances in mattress pads - Detected chemicalsDCPS 25Hazard0
detailsOrganic tin compounds in mattress pads, top mattresses, and baby/junior duvets.DCPS 26Hazard0
detailsOrganic tin compounds in mattress pads, top mattresses, and baby/junior duvets - Detected chemicalsDCPS 26Hazard0
detailsMapping of chemical substances in earplugs. Phase 2: Analysis of substancesDCPS 28Hazard0
detailsSurvey and assessment of chemical substances in hobby adhesivesDCPS 29Hazard0
detailsSurvey and assessment of chemical substances in hobby adhesives - Detected chemicalsDCPS 29Hazard0
detailsChemical substances in air fresheners and other fragrance liberating productsDCPS 30Hazard0
detailsChemical substances in air fresheners and other fragrance liberating products - Detected chemicalsDCPS 30Hazard0
detailsLiterature Survey for Substances which may be emitted from Electric and Electronic EquipmentDCPS 32AHazard0
detailsSubstances Emitted from Electrical and Electronic ProductsDCPS 32BHazard0
detailsFound Emitted Substances in Measurements on 4 Selected Electrical and Electronic AppliancesDCPS 32CHazard0
detailsNatural toys made of plant fibres, woollen fibres and solid wood.DCPS 33Hazard0
detailsNatural toys made of plant fibres, woollen fibres and solid wood - Detected chemicalsDCPS 33Hazard0
detailsChemical Substances in Paper Handkerchiefs and Toilet PaperDCPS 34Hazard0
detailsChemical Substances in Paper Handkerchiefs and Toilet Paper - Detected chemicalsDCPS 34Hazard0
detailsVolatile organic chemicals in printed matterDCPS 36Hazard0
detailsChemical substances in Christmas spraysDCPS 37Hazard0
detailsSurvey and liberation of chemical substances in joint sealantsDCPS 38Hazard0
detailsSurvey and emission of chemical substances from incense - Headspace analysisDCPS 39AHazard0
detailsSurvey and emission of chemical substances from incense - Substances found during burningDCPS 39BHazard0
detailsSurvey of fluorescent substances in consumer productsDCPS 40Hazard0
detailsSurvey of chemical substances in auto polish and waxDCPS 41AHazard0
detailsSurvey of chemical substances in auto polish and wax - Headspace analysisDCPS 41BHazard0
detailsChemical substances in toothbrushesDCPS 42Hazard0
detailsChemical substances in toothbrushes - Detected chemicalsDCPS 42Hazard0
detailsMapping of stain removersDCPS 43Hazard0
detailsRelease of chemical substances from tents and tunnels for childrenDCPS 46Hazard0
detailsRelease of chemical substances from tents and tunnels for children - Detected chemicalsDCPS 46Hazard0
detailsMapping the occurrence of potential or suspected PBT/vPvB substances in consumer productsDCPS 47Hazard0
detailsSurvey and assessment of chemical substances in window colorsDCPS 48Hazard0
detailsEmission of chemical substances from products made of exotic wood - IDCPS 49AHazard0
detailsEmission of chemical substances from products made of exotic wood - IIDCPS 49BHazard0
detailsEmission of chemical substances from products made of exotic wood - IIIDCPS 49CHazard0
detailsMapping and health assessment of chemical substances in shoe care products - IDCPS 52AHazard0
detailsMapping and health assessment of chemical substances in shoe care products - IIDCPS 52BHazard0
detailsSurvey of chemical substances in dandruff shampooDCPS 53Hazard0
detailsEmissions and evaluation of health effects of PAH's and aromatic amines from tyresDCPS 54Hazard0
detailsSurvey of lip care products with fragrance and flavourDCPS 55Hazard0
detailsScreening for health effects from chemical substances in textile colorantsDCPS 57Hazard0
detailsSurvey of chemical substances in textile colorants - headspace anaysisDCPS 58AHazard0
detailsSurvey of chemical substances in textile colorants - extractable organic compoundsDCPS 58BHazard0
detailsSurvey and assessmens of chemical substances in glass and porcelain colours - Pigments, binders and additivesDCPS 59AHazard0
detailsSurvey and assessmens of chemical substances in glass and porcelain colours - Extractable substancesDCPS 59BHazard0
detailsChemical substances in surface treated wooden toys.DCPS 60Hazard0
detailsChemical substances in surface treated wooden toys - Detected chemicalsDCPS 60Hazard0
detailsColorants in transferable picture tattoos for the skin.DCPS 61Hazard0
detailsColorants in transferable picture tattoos for the skin - Detected chemicalsDCPS 61Hazard0
detailsSurvey of chemical substances in kohl and henna productsDCPS 65Hazard0
detailsEmission and evaluation of chemical substances from selected electrical and electronic products - part 2DCPS 66Hazard0
detailsChemical substances in ""slimy"" toysDCPS 67Hazard0
detailsChemical substances in ""slimy"" toys - Detected chemicalsDCPS 67Hazard0
detailsPerfume in toys and children's articlesDCPS 68Hazard0
detailsPerfume in toys and children's articles - Detected chemicalsDCPS 68Hazard0
detailsLiquid hand soapsDCPS 69Hazard0
detailsLiquid hand soaps - Detected chemicalsDCPS 69Hazard0
detailsChemical substances in toys and childcare products produced from foam plasticDCPS 70Hazard0
detailsChemical substances in toys and childcare products produced from foam plastic - Detected chemicalsDCPS 70Hazard0
detailsAssessment of DHA in self-tanning creams applied in spray boothsDCPS 72Hazard0
detailsChemicals in indoor climate from various consumer productsDCPS 75Hazard0
detailsChemicals in indoor climate from various consumer products - Detected chemicalsDCPS 75Hazard0
detailsSurvey and health assesment of chemicals substances in pleasure gelsDCPS 76Hazard0
detailsSurvey and health assesment of chemicals substances in sex toys.DCPS 77Hazard0
detailsSurvey and health assessment of chemical substances in massage oilsDCPS 78Hazard0
detailsSurvey and health risk assessment of products for treatment of sports injuries and painsDCPS 79Hazard0
detailsSurvey and health assessment of selected respiratory sensitizers in consumer products.DCPS 82Hazard0
detailsRegistration of chemical substances in cleaning agents used for cleaning after fire or smoke damage in private homes.DCPS 83Hazard0
detailsChemical substances in school bags, toy bags, pencil cases and erasersDCPS 84Hazard0
detailsChemical substances in school bags, toy bags, pencil cases and erasers - Detected chemicals URLDCPS 84Hazard0
detailsProducts and material used within live role-playDCPS 85Hazard0
detailsProducts and material used within live role-play - Detected chemicalsDCPS 85Hazard0
detailsSurvey and risk assessment of chemical substances in deodorantsDCPS 86Hazard0
detailsCosmetic products for childrenDCPS 88Hazard0
detailsCosmetic products for children - Detected chemicalsDCPS 88Hazard0
detailsChemical substances in balloonsDCPS 89Hazard0
detailsBalloons - Detected chemicalsDCPS 89Hazard0
detailsChemical substances in baby productsDCPS 90Hazard0
detailsChemical substances in baby products - Detected chemicalsDCPS 90Hazard0
detailsSurvey of chemical substances in headphones and hearing protection aidsDCPS 91Hazard0
detailsSurvey and health assessment of chemical substances in essential oils and fragrance oilsDCPS 92Hazard0
detailsSubstances in hobby products for childrenDCPS 93Hazard0
detailsSubstances in hobby products for children - Detected chemicalsDCPS 93Hazard0
detailsSurvey and health assessment of chemical substances in jewelleriesDCPS 94Hazard0
detailsSurvey and safety assessment of Chemical substances in artificial nails and nail hardenersDCPS 95Hazard0
detailsSurvey and Health Assessment of Possible Health Hazardous Compounds in Proofing SpraysDCPS 98Hazard0
detailsSurvey and environmental/health assessment of fluorinated substances in impregnated consumer products and impregnating agentsDCPS 99Hazard0
detailsMapping, emissions and environmental and health assessment of chemical substances in artificial turfDCPS 100Hazard0
detailsExposure of 2-year-olds to chemical substances in Consumer Products.DCPS 102Hazard0
detailsChemical substances in sunscreensDCPS 102AHazard0
detailsChemical substances in sunscreens - Detected chemicalsDCPS 102AHazard0
detailsChemical substances in moisturizing creams, oil-based creams and lotionsDCPS 102BHazard0
detailsChemical substances in moisturizing creams, oil-based creams and lotions - Detected chemicalsDCPS 102BHazard0
detailsSurvey and health assessment of mercury in compact fluorescent lamps and straight fluorescent lampsDCPS 104Hazard0
detailsSurvey and Health Assessment of Products for Interior Car CareDCPS 105Hazard0
detailsIdentified ingredients in oven and ceramic cooktop cleanersDCPS 106Hazard0
detailsIdentified ingredients in common scouring creamsDCPS 106AHazard0
detailsPhthalates in plastic sandalsDCPS 107Hazard0
detailsPhthalates in products with large surfaces URLDCPS 108Hazard0
detailsPhthalates in products that children are in direct contact withDCPS 109Hazard0
detailsMigration of bisphenol A from cash register receipts and baby dummiesDCPS 110Hazard0
detailsSurvey and health assessment of cosmetic products marketed as "non-preserved".DCPS 111Hazard0
detailsFracking chemicals with adverse health effectsFracking 4Hazard71
detailsFragranced Consumer Products: Personal Care Product IIIFragranced Consumer Products IXHazard14
detailsFragranced Consumer Products: Air Freshener IFragranced Consumer Products XVIHazard21
detailsUSGS Report: Endocrine Active Chemicals in Surface Water in Selected Streams, Minnesota 2009USGS MINN 2009 WaterHazard0
detailsUSGS Report: 2001 Water Quality Assessment near Flandreau, SD - Antibiotic compoundsUSGS SD 2001 Water AntibioticsHazard26
detailsATSDR Chemical Interaction ProfilesATSDR (Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry) InteractionsHepatoTox58
detailsStatus of ATSDR's Prority Data Needs (PDNs)ATSDR (Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry) PDN StatusImmunoTox64
detailsImmunotoxicity Data from EPA HPVISEPA HPV ChallengeImmunoTox2
detailsINCHEM Environmental Health Criteria MonographsINCHEM Environmental Health CriteriaImmunoTox1216
detailsNTP Immune System Toxicity AbstractsNational Toxicology Program ImmunoToxImmunoTox54
detailsOECD Summary reports on SIDS chemicalsOECD SIDSImmunoTox401
detailsATSDR Chemical Interaction ProfilesATSDR (Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry) InteractionsNeuroTox58
detailsNeurotoxicity Data from EPA HPVISEPA HPV ChallengeNeuroTox19
detailsINCHEM Environmental Health Criteria MonographsINCHEM Environmental Health CriteriaNeuroTox1216
detailsOECD Summary reports on SIDS chemicalsOECD SIDSNeuroTox401
detailsPharmacokinetics and Metabolism Data In Vitro from EPA HPVISEPA HPV ChallengePK/Metabolism80
detailsNTP Center for the Evaluation of Risks to Human Reproduction (CERHR)NTP Center for the Evaluation of Risks to Human Reproduction (CERHR)ReproTox25
detailsDanishEPA toxicity data on siloxanesDanishEPA Siloxanes ToxReproTox3
detailsReproductive Toxicity Data In Vitro from EPA HPVISEPA HPV ChallengeReproTox845
detailsEXTOXNET Pesticide Information Profiles hosted by Oregon State UniversityEXTOXNET Pesticide Information ProfilesReproTox188
detailsHealth Canada Priority Substance Lists (2006) (Reproductive Toxicity)Health CanadaPSL 2006ReproTox38
detailsINCHEM Pesticide DocumentsINCHEM Pesticide DocumentsReproTox93
detailsChemical Toxicity Findings - Japan Ministry of Health, Labor and WelfareJapanese Chemical ToxicityReproTox276
detailsNTP Reproductive Toxicity AbstractsNational Toxicology Program ReproToxReproTox90
detailsOECD Summary reports on SIDS chemicalsOECD SIDSReproTox401
detailsOSHA/EPA Occupational Chemical Database - Full reportOSHA EPAReproTox800
detailsDanishEPA toxicity data on siloxanesDanishEPA Siloxanes ToxReproTox0
detailsDOD sub-chronic exposure; noncarcinogenic effects (oral) (1990-1991 Gulf War)DOD Gulf PestSubchronicTox12
detailsDOD sub-chronic dermal exposure; noncarcinogenic effects (1990-1991 Gulf War)DOD Gulf PestSubchronicTox12
detailsDOD Sub-chronic inhalation exposure; noncarcinogenic effects (1990-1991 Gulf War)DOD Gulf PestSubchronicTox12
detailsRepeat Toxicity Data from HPVISEPA HPV ChallengeSubchronicTox927
detailsToxicity Values (Noncarcingogenic Effects) from Risk Assessment Information SystemRisk Assessment Information Systems ToxValuesSubchronicTox736
details26 Allergenic substances in car care productsDCPS 105AToxOther26
detailsOECD Summary reports on SIDS chemicalsOECD SIDSToxOther401
details26 Allergenic substances in car care productsDCPS 105AToxOther0

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