TPC Summary
Procedures And Tests
Photo Albums
Task List
Historical Info

TPC Photo

TPC Summary

The MIPP Time Projection Chamber provides 3D tracking and dE/dx particle identification for particles with low momentum. It is located inside the JGG magnet. Reaction particles from the experimental target just upstream of the TPC ionize P10 gas while traveling through the TPC active volume on curved tracks. Ionization electrons drift to the bottom of the active volume through a 10 kV potential across ~90 cm. (The positive ions terminate on the cathode near the top of the TPC.) The electrons pass between the wires of the gating grid just above the ground wire plane when the TPC is triggered. Drifting through the ground plane the electrons reach the amplification region between ground plane and anode wires. The avalanche creates an image charge on the readout pad plane 4 mm below the anode wires. The 8 mm wide (x), 12 mm long (z) pads are read out through electronics below the TPC.

Drift time of the electrons gives the y coordinate of track hits. x and y coordinates are given by the position on the pad plane of 128 rows and 120 columns. The active pad plane area is 96 cm wide in x and 153.6 cm long along the beam in z. The field cage is slightly larger with a width of 104 cm and a length of 164 cm. The segmentation in the y direction is given by the time for each bucket, 0.1 micro-seconds. 160 buckets cover the ~16 micro-second drift over ~90 cm. Each of the ~2 million TPC voxel has a volume of 8 mm * 12 mm * ~5.3 mm.

Hardware Documentation

MIPP Internal Safety Review

Gas System
Electrical Description
Gating Grid
Trigger, Busy, and Anode Cabling
Electronics Details

TPC Stand and Cart
Side view showing IN and OUT positions
End view showing beam position and magnet aperture

Fabrication Drawings:

Assembly Stand Cart
Monte Carlo and Reconstruction Geometry
Optics Bay Geometry

Subsystem Photo Descriptions

TPC In Pictures
TPC Low Voltage Racks
TPC High Voltage Racks
TPC Digital Racks
TPC Chiller
TPC Stick Pictures

Historical Information

LBL Drawings: Mechanical, Electrical

Procedures And Tests


Turning the TPC ON and OFF

Pedestal File Generation

Pedestal Procedure

Gas Handling

Leak Check Procedure
Purge Procedure
[Obsolete: from MTEst installation] Cylinder Change Procedure

High Voltage

High Voltage Test Procedure and Results, July 2000
Cathode Test, May 2003
Anode Test Procedure
Anode Calibration


Moving the TPC
Cathode Plane Installation

Photo Albums

Initial High Voltage Checkout in IB4, August 2000
Move from Lab 6 to MTest, March 2001
TPC Move from MTest to MCenter 7, March 2002
Interior and Connectors, May 2003
Mounting on Cart and Stand, June 2003

Task List and Progress

[Historical] Task List for installation in MTest, 2001.

Historical Info

LBL Drawings: Mechanical, Electrical

The EOS Experiment
The TPC at Brookhaven (E895, E910)

LBL EOS Papers

Data Links for the EOS TPC
Fred Bieser, Ron Jones, and Charles McFarland, IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sc. 38:335-336 (1991).

Analog-to-Digital Conversion Using Custom CMOS Analog Memory for the EOS Time Projection Chamber
K. L. Lee, et al., IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sc., 38:344-347 (1991).

A TPC Detector for the Study of High Multiplicity Heavy Ion Collisions
G. Rai, et al., IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sc. 37:56-64 (1990).

A 4096 Cell Switched Capacitor Analog Waveform Storage Integrated Circuit,
Stuart A. Kleinfelder, IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sc. 37:1230-1236 (1990).

Low Power Shaper Amplifier for the EOS TPC Detector
M. Nakamura, D.A. Landis, and G. Rai, IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sc. 38:50-52 (1991).

Heavy Ion Reaction Measurements with the EOS TPC (Looking for Central Collisions with Missing Energy)
H. Wieman, and the EOS Collaboration, in Proceedings of the Tenth Winter Workshop on Nuclear Dynamics (Snowbird, Utah: January 14-21, 1994).

A TPC Detector for the Study of High Multiplicity Heavy Ion Collisions
H. Wieman, et al., Nucl. Phys. A525 (1991) 617c-620c.


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