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Defense Medical Surveillance System and the DoD Serum Repository-duplicate to Armed Forces Health Surveillance System

Title:Defense Medical Surveillance System and the DoD Serum Repository-duplicate to Armed Forces Health Surveillance System
Description:Provide work force at the U.S. Army Center for Health Promotion and Preventive Medicine. Funding shall be provided through the centralized Defense Health Program. Provide for the assembling and archiving of all DoD deployment occupational and environmental health surveillance data and reports.
Authority Source:DoDD 6490.02E
Date Assigned:21 Oct 2004
Signature:Deputy Secretary of Defense Paul Wolfowitz
Army Action Agent:The Surgeon General
Executive Agency POC: Brenda.gaines@amedd.army.mil
Primary Document (PDF):
DoDD 6490.02E: "Comprehensive Health Surveillance" Certified Current as of April 23, 2007
Secondary Document (PDF):
DoDI 6490.03: "Deployment Health"
Expiration Date: 
Date Modified:08 Nov 2010