Open-File Report 88-364

A guide to commonly used map projections prepared for use in Hypercard, 1988.

by Tau Rho Alpha, Joe F. Vigil, and Lauren Buchholz

Macintosh Hypercard stack (0.6MB BinHex download file, 0.44MB after conversion back to Macintosh binary format)

This guide briefly describes and illustrates the characteristics of 17 map projections commonly used to present thematic data. By means of simple sketches of the basic grid system of longitude and latitude known as the Earth's graticule, the guide shows examples of the following categories of map projections: planes (azimuthal), cones, cylinders, and miscellaneous. The text gives examples of thematic maps published by the U.S. Geological Survey that use various projections. The guide was created as a HyperCard "stack" for use only on the Macintosh family of computers. The guide consists of descriptive material only and does not contain a program for creating map projections.

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Updated: 8/5/02 (ttf)