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MEaSUREs GOZCARDS Data Now Available

Initial products from NASA MEaSUREs GOZCARDS project now available at GES DISC

MEaSUREs GOZCARDS Data Now Available

Figure 1. GOZCARDS HCl field at 46 hPa (1991-2010); all latitudes are shown (from 90°S at bottom to 90°N at top). This field is produced by combining datasets from HALOE (1991-2005), ACE-FTS (2004-2010), and Aura MLS (2004-2010)

MEaSUREs GOZCARDS Data Now Available

The Goddard Earth Sciences Data and Information Services Center (GES DISC) in collaboration, with Principal Investigator Lucien Froidevaux, is pleased to announce the initial release of data products from the "Global Ozone Chemistry and Related trace gas Data Records for the Stratosphere (GOZCARDS)" project. The GOZCARDS project is part of the NASA Making Earth Science Data Records for Use in Research Environments (MEaSUREs) Program.  First products include monthly merged and source hydrogen chloride (HCl) and source temperature zonal mean products.

Additional trace gas products planned for release in early to mid-2013 include O3, H2O, ClO, ClOX, HNO3, CH4, HF, N2O, NO2, NO, and NOx. A README document provides additional information for users.

The datasets are drawn from zonal mean satellite-derived global stratospheric composition measurements from 1979 onward as well as from the NASA GSFC Global Modeling and Assimilation Office (GMAO) Modern-Era Retrospective analysis for Research and Applications (MERRA) for temperature. The satellite-based abundance measurements come from high quality data from past missions as shown in the table below:

(and pressure range)

Data Sources (and data years)

(147-0.5 hPa)

HALOE (1991-2005), ACE-FTS (2004 onward), Aura MLS (2004 onward)

(147-0.01 hPa)

HALOE (1991-2005), UARS MLS (1991-1993), ACE-FTS (2004 onward),
Aura MLS (2004 onward)

(147-0.5 hPa)

SAGE I (1979-1981), SAGE II (1984-2005), HALOE (1991-2005),
UARS MLS (1991-1993), ACE-FTS (2004 onward), Aura MLS (2004 onward),
 + others as validation (e.g., SAGE III, 2002-2005)

(100-1 hPa)

UARS MLS (1991-1993), Aura MLS (2004 onward)

(147-1 hPa)

UARS MLS (1991-1997), ACE-FTS (2004 onward), Aura MLS (2004 onward)

(147-0.5 hPa)

HALOE (1991-2005), ACE-FTS (2004 onward)

(147-0.5 hPa)

ACE-FTS (2004 onward), Aura MLS (2004 onward)

(147-0.1 hPa)

HALOE (1991-2005), ACE-FTS (2004 onward)

(100-10 hPa)

UARS MLS (1991-1993), Aura MLS (2004 onward)

(100-1 hPa)

SAGE II (1984-2005), HALOE (1991-2005), POAM III (1998-2005),
SAGE III (2002-2005), ACE-FTS (2004 onward)

(100-1 hPa)

HALOE (1991-2005), ACE-FTS (2004 onward)

(100-1 hPa)

SAGE II (1984-2005), HALOE (1991-2005), POAM III (1998-2005),
SAGE III (2002-2005), ACE-FTS (2004 onward)

(1000-0.01 hPa)

GMAO MERRA (1979 onward)

The GOZCARDS science data are organized into two main product types:

  • Source products, which contain zonal means and related information, calculated from original (‘Level 2’ type) satellite instruments and products.
  • Merged products, which contain zonal means and related information, calculated as a result of a merging process that ties together the source datasets, after bias removal and averaging.

Note there are no planned merged products for ClO and ClOX due to the large time gap between sensors, nor for temperature which is derived from a single source (MERRA).

The GOZCARDS data are archived in the netCDF4 file format. Access to the GOZCARDS data via the GES DISC MEaSUREs web portal are available at this link.

Principal Investigator Lucien Froidevaux can be contacted at

Additional information on the GOZCARDS data can be found at the PI's website where you may register to receive updates about the GOZCARDS data. Please see the MERRA webpage for additional information on MERRA products.

Questions and comments can be addressed via email to the GES DISC Help Desk:

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Last updated: Jan 09, 2013 04:01 PM ET